Wasteland 3 Full Maps
Revealed and detailed maps for the Wasteland 3 video game
Colorado Wasteland 3 World Map
This is a map of Colorado, with marked all available locations in the Wasteland 3 video game. You will get access to the main map after your first visit to Downtown Colorado Springs. You will travel around the world map with your Kodiak vehicle. New locations on the map appear as you approach them.
Some locations are available only for specific missions or when someone shows you their location.
Ambush Site Map
Ambush Site is the first location available in the game. It has the form of a prologue / tutorial introducing you to the mechanics of the game. You won't be able to return to this location later, so check it carefully.
New Missions Welcome To Colorado, Ranger's Last Hope.
Missions to perform Welcome To Colorado.
Animal Companion Major Tomcat.
Cassette Tape Good Luck.
Possible Achievements Fixer Upper, On Your Own.
Ranger HQ Map
Ranger HQ is a specific location, it is your base, it will change along with your progress in the game. When you visit it for the first time, it is ruined, and during subsequent visits, when you rebuild rooms while completing missions, it will return to normal.
You will bring characters encountered in Colorado to Ranger HQ to become part of its service. Here too, disconnected from the Companions team will be waiting for you.
After visiting each of the other locations, return to Ranger HQ to see what has changed, whether there are new missions and opportunities.
New Missions Home away from home, The Zealot, The Psychopath, The Traitor, Cornered Rats, Full House, Wolfe's Hunt.
Missions to perform Ranger's Last Hope, Home away from home, Slaver's Bounty, Disappeared, The Traitor.
Companions Marshall Kwon, Jodie Bell, Scotchmo.
Followers Poultron, Clone.
Animal Companion Cyborg Chicken, Cat, Dog.
Cassette Tape The Automated Chauffeur, Soldier's Note.
Skill Book The Locksmith's Companion
Creepy Dolls Radical Rachel.
Possible Achievements A New Home, The Hobo, The Marshal, The New Law.
Downtown Colorado Springs Map
Downtown Colorado Springs is first big main story location.
New Missions Top Doc, Big trouble in Little Vegas, Frontier Justice.
Missions to perform Cornered Rats, Wolfe's Hunt, Full House, Don't You be my Neighbor, Unwelcome Guests, Slaver's Bounty.
Companions Lucia Wesson.
Cassette Tapes An Interrogation, New Tour introduction, Version 1.
Skill Books Tool Kit.
Possible Achievements The Gunslinger, Wasteland Reaper.
Garden of the Gods Map
Garden of the Gods is part of Colorado Springs.
Missions to perform Cornered Rats.
Animal Companion Chicken, Cyborg Chicken.
Cassette Tapes Bellamy Test #110.
Skill Books Kumite: A History.
Creepy Dolls Keen Karen.
Sans Luxe Apartments Map
Sans Luxe Apartments is part of Colorado Springs.
Missions to perform Don't You be my Neighbor, Buzzkill, Disappeared.
Animal Companion Cyborg Chicken.
Cassette Tapes Evidence!.
Possible Achievements Restraint.
Little Vegas Map
Little Vegas is part of Colorado Springs
Missions to perform Big trouble in Little Vegas.
Cassette Tapes Workout Tape, The Gangster's Guide to Diction.
Skill Books Tippy Toes
Possible Achievements Back in the Sack.
Machine Shop Map
Machine Shop is part of Colorado Springs
Missions to perform Big trouble in Little Vegas.
Cassette Tapes Private do not play.
Skill Books The Shade Tree Mechanics.
Closed Little Vegas
This is special version of Little Vegas Map for Buzzkill mission.
Missions to perform Buzzkill.
Broadmoor Heights Map
Another larger location is the seat of the Hundred Families faction.
Missions to perform Unwelcome Guests, The Psychopath, Lords of War.
Animal Companion Rabbit, Cyborg Chicken.
Cassette Tapes Percival Wesson Recording, Robots and Rangers fo Real.
Skill Books Negotiated Settlement
Patriarchs Palace Map
Patriarchs Palace is part of Broadmoor Heights and headquarters of Patriarch. Visit the Patriarchs Palace and report what you do to the Patriarch after completing important missions.
Missions to perform The Zealot, The Psychopath.
Skill Books The Legend of Bazooka Jim.
Old Survivalist Bunker Map
Old Survivalist Bunker is part of Broadmoor Heights
Missions to perform Lords of War.
Companions Ironclad Cordite.
Animal Companion Cyborg Chicken.
Skill Books Grey's Anatomy
Creepy Dolls Fuckin' Fred.
Possible Achievements The Warlord.
Bizarre Exterior Map
Bizarre Exterior is another big storyline location
New Missions Knock Knock.
Missions to perform Unwelcome Guests, A very Hostile Takeover.
Animal Companion Polly the Parrot, Waste Wolf.
Cassette Tapes Quotes of Manners, Bizarre Under Assault, Children of the Cabbage.
Creepy Dolls Maneater Maury.
Bizarre Interior Map
Bizarre Interior is a part of Bizarre Location.
New Missions A Nightmare in the Bizarre, My Body Requires This, Thicker Than Water, Cinéma Vérité.
Missions to perform Unwelcome Guests.
Cassette Tapes Noodles Ad, Quarex Tape.
Skill Books The Drill Sergant's Phrase Book.
Possible Achievements Pre-Apocalyptic Tourist.
Warrens Map
Warrens is a part of Bizarre Location.
Missions to perform My Body Requires This, A Nightmare in the Bizarre.
Followers Provost.
Animal Companion Pig.
Cassette Tapes Payasos Mission.
Possible Achievements Quid Agit?!.
Denver Ruins Map
Denver Ruins is another big storyline location
New Missions Reagan Reborn, Let's Go Fry A Kite, Counterintelligence, Build a Better Reagan.
Missions to perform The Zealot.
Cassette Tapes Book of Bonzo, Sysadmin Logs, Reliance's Manifesto, A New Well, Mourning The Music, What Comes After?, What Came Before?.
Creepy Dolls Cruel Corey.
Possible Achievements Stolen Valor, Valor's End, Won One for the Gipper.
Machine Commune Map
Machine Commune is a part of Denver.
Missions to perform Reagan Reborn, Counterintelligence.
Followers Party Pal.
Animal Companion Doe, Stag.
Cassette Tapes Serious Argument With Satisfactory Resolution, Pico's Playtesting.
Skill Books Be The Dog
Creepy Dolls Electric Emmett.
Possible Achievements Body Builder, I Human.
Aspen Map
Aspen is another big storyline location.
New Missions Raising a Little Hell.
Missions to perform The Psychopath.
Animal Companion Growler Cub.
Cassette Tapes Aspen Radio Ad 2, Aspen Radio Ad 1, Opie Survives.
Skill Books Pup Scout Funtime Camping Guide
Creepy Dolls Hearty Henry.
Little Hell Map
Little Hell is a part of Aspen.
Missions to perform Raising a Little Hell, The Psychopath.
Companions Pizepi Joren, Vic Buchanan.
Cassette Tapes Aspen Is Under Attack, Marriage Counseling, Vic & Breathers.
Skill Books Best Boss
Creepy Dolls Ferocious Francesca.
Possible Achievements Caged Psycho, Everyone Live, The Psychopath, The Scientist, Victory Over Victory.
Yuma County Speedway Map
Yuma County Speedway is another big storyline location.
New Missions One of Us, King Cordite, Nobody's Fools, The Gods Have Spoken.
Missions to perform The Traitor, Daddy's Little Secret.
Cassette Tapes Yuma Country Speedway Race, Godfishers Kiting Ritual, Demolition Derby.
Creepy Dolls Hyper Heather.
Possible Achievements Body Builder, Give Me Liberty, Or..., Restraint, Un-Lib-erated.
Scar Collector Mine Map
Scar Collector Mine is a part of Yuma Country.
Missions to perform Nobody's Fools.
Followers Soviet Robot.
Cassette Tapes Cosmonaut Logs.
Godfisher Windfarm Map
Godfisher Windfarm is a part of Yuma Country
Missions to perform The Gods Have Spoken.
Cassette Tapes Risky Briskett's Recipe, Alaska Surprise Jingle, Windfarm Engenering Report.
Skill Books Make My Day
Creepy Dolls Angry Aaron.
Possible Achievements What's In This Thing?.
Other locations in Colorado.
Hoon Homestead Map
Missions to perform Heads or Tails.
Animal Companion Billy & Jean .
Cassette Tapes Recording from Alastair.
Skill Books The Infantrymen's Bible.
Possible Achievements Double the Fun, Hoon Hero.
Arapaho Caravan Map
Missions to perform Heads or Tails.
Animal Companion Fox.
Cassette Tapes Strike Back Pirate Radio with Brad Conway.
Skill Books The Red Wire or the Blue
Possible Achievements No Time For Distractions, The Needs of the Many.
Monster Army Bunker Map
Missions to perform Cinéma Vérité.
Cassette Tapes The Wolf's Mask.
Creepy Dolls Lethal Lance.
Snowed Inn Resort Map
New Missions Daddy's Little Secret.
Missions to perform Frontier Justice.
Animal Companion Chicken.
Skill Books The Bleeding Edge
Creepy Dolls Zen Zoey.
Mysterious Cave Map
Special location for The Provost.
Possible Achievements Illuminati.
Cannibal Jamboree Map
New Missions Head Hunter.
Clown Museum Map
Animal Companion Pig.
Paint Mines Map
Missions to perform Disappeared.
Department of Energy Site Map
Missions to perform Coded Transmissions.
Animal Companion Razorback.
Cassette Tapes Marie Soto Lecture.
Skill Books Neural Net Processor Manual.
Creepy Dolls Nervous Nancy.
Ghost Town Map
Missions to perform Sister's Keeper.
Abandoned Oil Well Map
Creepy Dolls Puristy Patty.
Massacre Site Map
Animal Companion Honey Badger.
Tellurium Mine Map
Missions to perform War of the Worlds?.
Union Station Map
Missions to perform Call to Action.
Companions Fishlips, Morningstar.
Animal Companion Goat.
Cassette Tapes You Wont't Belive Your Eyes!!, egan Vehicle Development.
Skill Books You'll Just Die Tired
Possible Achievements Bunker Buster, Morningstar, The Hard-Head.
Knox Bison Ranch Map
Missions to perform Hard Knox Life.
Animal Companion Bison.
Creepy Dolls Quick Quaid.
Toaster Repair Academy Map
Companions Courageous.
Possible Achievements Toaster Expert.
Wasteland 3 Game Info
- Post Apocalyptic RPG, Party Based, Single / Multi Player
- Release Date: August 28, 2020
- PC, PS4, Xbox One, macOS, Linux
- Developer: inXile Entertainment
- Publisher: Deep Silver
- Official Website: www.inxile-entertainment.com/wasteland3

Wasteland 3 Character Creation Guide
The multitude of parameters when creating a character in Wasteland 3 is quite overwhelming at first, but I can assure you that it is neither very complicated nor especially difficult to understand. And most importantly, potential "mistakes" that can be made while creating a character will not ruin your game and they are easy to fix during gameplay.
Consider character creation as part of the fun and extra game inside game, as is usually the case in RPGs.
You play a team, not a single character
Yes, this is the most important fact. Don't try to create one "best" character who is a master in every field. Skills and functions should be shared among many members of your team.
There are the following types of characters that you can add to your team:
- Pre-made characters at beginning of the game. There are 2 of them, you choose them in pairs, there are several pairs to choose from at the beginning of the game.
- Self-created characters at beginning of the game. There are also 2 of them. At the beginning of the game, you can define two of your characters in detail and precisely.
- Pre-made characters from Ranger HQ. There are many of them. You can access them through the Manage Squad Option in the Main Menu of the game, at any time of the game after reaching Ranger HQ.
- Self-created characters in Ranger HQ. After reaching Ranger HQ, you can create any number of new characters at any time in Ranger HQ. You will be able to create them from scratch, with all possible modifications, just like at the beginning of the game.
- Companions, unique NPCs that you can meet during the game.
As you can see, creating and adding characters is not limited to the beginning of the game. In my opinion, the free ability to change team members, create new ones and add selected NPCs from the game world to the team, at any time is one of the coolest functionalities of Wasteland 3.
Your team (party) in Wasteland 3 can consist of a maximum of 6 characters.
- At least 2 of them must be pre-made or self-created characters.
- At least 2 of them must be NPC Companions.
- You can change your team composition at any time and in any way, after reaching Ranger HQ (first location after the tutorial) via the Manage Squad option in the Main Game Menu.
- Characters you detach from the team will be waiting for you.
- You can create a large number of your own characters or use the heroes available in Ranger HQ.
So when thinking about single Character Creation in Wasteland 3, think about what the possibilities of your entire team will look like.
Character Background
Character Background (character backstory) is not very important, but the first thing you set when creating a new character in Wasteland 3.
You can only have one Character Background, it can only be set once and cannot be changed later.
The Passive Bonus that each Backgrounds provide are not significant, but they are always some kind of additional boost.
My suggestions (but of course choose what you want) for Character Background are:
- Bookworm - Experience Bonus + 5% - it's always nice to get more experience points.
- Mannerite - Kiss Ass +1 - if this character is to be the voice of your team.
- The Boss - Hard Ass +1 - like Mannerite only by force.
Here you will find a description of all Character Backgrounds in Wasteland 3
Character Attributes
Character Attributes are basically the most important parameters to describe your heroes, there are 7 of them.
Each character receives 1 Attribute Point for each new level he gains, starting with level 3. Picking up Attributes always costs 1 Attribute Point.
Each of the Attributes has 10 levels and when you raise it, it increases the specific abilities and skills of the character.
It is not possible to respec attributes in Wasteland 3
There are items in the game that temporarily raise Attributes when you use them.
Coordination Attribute
Coordination is a very important Attribute when it comes to combat because it affects the number of Action Points of a character.
All fights in Wasteland 3 are based on the amount of Action Points your character has.
Coordination is an attribute that is important for characters whose main task is combat.
Luck Attribute
If there is a less important attribute, it is Luck. Overall, it increases your character's chance of success in a given activity in a not very significant way.
In my opinion, the only important function of Luck is to raise the Penetration Stat which allows your character to bypass the enemy's Armor during an attack. However, I am not sure if this justifies assigning more Attribute Point to Luck.
Awareness Attribute
Awareness Attribute is important mainly for ranged characters as it affects the Ranged Damage Bonus.
At least one of your characters should have high Awareness, as it increases Perception, i.e. the ability to detect traps and alarms.
Awareness is Attribute of medium importance.
Strength Attribute
The Strength Attribute affects the amount of HP (hit points) of your characters, so you shouldn't skip it completely from anyone.
The Strength Attribute is an important attribute, especially important for characters who use Melee Combat.
Some parts of the equipment have Strength requirements, you should remember about this for characters that you want to equip, e.g. with advanced armor.
Speed Attribute
Speed Attribute is a less important attribute. The only important use is to use it with characters focused on Melee Combat.
The importance of the Speed Attribute has decreased in relation to the previous parts of the Wasteland series.
Intelligence Attribute
Intelligence Attribute is medium importance.
It gives additional Skill Points during character creation, and affects Critical Chance and Critical Damage, which is important for ranged characters.
Charisma Attribute
The Charisma Attribute is moderately important as you don’t need this attribute to recruit people.
The most important advantage of high Charisma is increasing Experience Bonus and Mission Reward Bonus.
Your Team Leader should have a high Charisma due to the Leadership Range.
My suggestions for the importance of the Character Attributes distribution:
- Coordination - all characters, especially those that are important in combat.
- Strength - Due to the effect on the amount of HP, all characters. Especially important with Melee Combat.
- Charisma - for your "Team Leader"
- Awareness - high for at least one character due to Perception.
Distribute the rest of the Attributes as evenly as you like.
Here you will find a description of all Character Attributes in Wasteland 3
Character Skills
Character Skills are the essence of fun in Wasteland 3. You develop Character Skills with your character using Skill Points along with gaining new experience levels, +3 SP per level.
An additional way to earn Skill Points is by reading Skill Books, which can be found while exploring the land.
Each Skill has 10 ranks, the cost of upgrading a Skill to the next rank increases as it rises and goes from 1 Skill Point per rank to 6 Skill Points per 10th rank.
Character Skills in Wasteland 3 are closely related to unlocking more Character Perks and Abilities.
Subsequent ranks in Skill, apart from increasing the strength of a given Skill, unlock the possibility of learning specific for a given Skill - Character Perk or Ability.
Here you will find a full list of available Character Skills in Wastelande 3and here you will find all Character Perks in Wasteland 3 assigned to specific Skills.
Skills suggested for all characters
All characters that you play actively and who take part in battles should have at least one or two Skills from the Combat Skills group, i.e. Automatic Weapons, Big Guns, Brawling, Melee Combat, Small Arms or Sniper Rifles.
When choosing Combat Skills, remember that there are several types of ammunition and each of them is more or less limited and the more sophisticated the type of weapon, the harder it will be to get ammunition.
So try to split different types of weapons among the different members of your Team, and maybe teach them to fight with weapons that do not require ammunition.
Another Skill that every active character should have at least for 1st rank is First Aid, you will need it to heal and use healing items.
Skills for specialists you play with
You need at least one (and one is enough) active character that you play with one (or more) of the skills below well developed.
Explosives - to disarm mines and traps
First Aid - for more serious treatment
Sneaky Shit - for disarm alarms and spot hidden objects
Lockpicking - to open containers, doors, and other locked objects
Nerd Stuff - to use and hack computers
Mechanics - repair vehicles, generators and other machines
Skills for your Team Leader
Leadership - to inspire your nearby allies and grants you abilities
Kiss Ass - allows you to sweet-talk information
Hard Ass - allows you to intimidate others
Skills you don't need at all times
If you have Skill Points to teach your active characters these skills then do so, but you might as well create separate characters that you don't play all the time, who will be waiting with the necessary skills in Ranger HQ for the moment you want to use them.
These skills are: Barter, Weapon Modding, Toaster Repair, Survival and Armor Modding.
You Companion Skills
Another method of having the necessary skills is to use Companions, some of them have well developed skills that you may need.
Character Perks
Character Perks are closely related to Character Skills, raising specific Skills unlocks the ability to select Perks for a character. Check out the full list of Character Skills in Wasteland 3.
Character Perks provide passive bonuses and abilities.
Starting at level 4, characters gain every level 1 Perk Point.
Non-Skill Perks are not tied to any Skill and can be unlocked anytime you have free Perk Points.
Unlockable Non-Skill Perks also do not require Skill, but require unlocking them during the game.
Here is the complete list of Character Perks in Wasteland 3
Character Quirks
Quirks are optional. Selecting a Quirk gives your Ranger bonus and penalty, changing their playstyle dramatically. Character Creation is the only chance you'll have to assign a Quirk, and once you do you're stuck with it. Choose wisely.
Character Quirk that seems potentially interesting is Poindexter giving "+1 Skill Point bonus every 2 level-ups" while lowering Constitution or HP, quite risky.
Serial Killer can be a good solution for a Sniper firing effectively from a distance.
There are many interesting and tempting Character Quirks, check for yourself but remember the penalty.
The complete list of Character Quirks in Wasteland 3
Choose a planned weapon for your characters
You should plan what weapons your characters will use.
First of all, so that you know what Attributes, Skills and Perks you want to develop, and secondly, because of the need to use a variety of ammunition.
The amount of available ammunition in the game is limited. The more powerful the weapon, the more difficult ammunition to get. So, when choosing the weapons you use, out of their range and the amount of damage they deal, keep in mind the amount of ammunition available.
It is worth considering weapons that do not require ammunition and the even distribution of weapon types between members of your team.
Check types of weapons in Weapons in Wasteland 3