Companions in Wasteland 3
Companions are individual NPCs you can meet in Colorado and join to your team. You can have up to 4 Companions on your team at the same time.
You can control and equip Companions just like your own made teammates.
When you detach Companions from your team, they will be waiting for you in Ranger HQ.
Companions raise their experience levels just like the rest of your party, so the characters you meet later in the game will be matched to your experience level.

Marshall Kwon
You will find him in Ranger HQ at the beginning of the game.
Affiliation: Patriarch's Marshals
Role: Lawkeeper
Starting Weapon Assault Rifle
Initial parameters: Automatic Weapons 5, Sneaky 3, Kiss Ass 3.

Lucia Wesson
You will find her in Downtown Colorado Springs in Marshals' Station after accept Cornered Rats Mission.
Affiliation: Hundred Families
Role: Gunslinger
Starting Weapon Revolver
Initial parameters: Small Arms 5, Weapon Modding 3, Barter 2, Survival 2.

Jodie Bell
You will find her in Ranger HQ after completing Big Trouble in Little Vegas Mission
Affiliation: Desert Rangers
Role: Driver
Starting Weapon Sniper Rifle
Initial parameters: Sniper Rifles 5, Mechanics 4, Animal Whisperer 3, First Aid 3.

You will find him in Ranger HQ after hiring a cook for Ranger HQ
Affiliation: Hobo
Role: Hobo
Starting Weapon Shotgun
Initial parameters: Small Arms 7, Sneaky Shit 4, Lockpicking 4, Melee Combat 2.

Ironclad Cordite
You will find him in Old Survivalist Bunker during Lords of War Mission.
Affiliation: Scar Collectors
Role: Warlord
Starting Weapon Brawling Weapon in near Container
Initial parameters: Brawling 9, Leadership 5, Explosives 4, Mechanics 4.

You will find him in Union Station defeating him in combat.
Affiliation: Hard-Heads
Role: Scrapper
Starting Weapon Bladed Weapon
Initial parameters: Melee Combat 8, Armor Modding 7, Toaster Repair 4.

Pizepi Joren
You will find her in Little Hell after completing Raising a Little Hell Mission
Affiliation: Ranger
Role: Researcher
Starting Weapon SMG
Initial parameters: Automatic Weapons 10, Nerd Stuff 7, Weird Science 7, First Aid 2.

Vic Buchanan
You will find him in Little Hell after completing Raising a Little Hell Mission
Affiliation: none
Role: Psychopath
Starting Weapon Pistol
Initial parameters: Small Arms 10, Big Guns 8, Hard Ass 7.

You will find him in Union Station, he you can put him as AI in Kodiak.
Role: Vehicle AI
Followers in Wasteland 3
Followers in Wasteland 3 are NPCs who join your party but you cannot control or equip them.
There is no limit to how many Followers you can have on your party at the same time.

Mysterious Stranger.
You will find him in Warrens.
You can discover mistery at Mysterious Cave

Robot with melee damage attacks.
You will find him in Ranger HQ during Scar Collectors' attack on Ranger HQ. You have to collect 5 Cyborg Chickens first - Cyborg Chicken Farm

Party Pal
Disco Bot with ranged energy attacks.
You will find him in Machine Commune after completing Reagan Reborn Mission on Machine Commune side.

Humanoid with melee damage attacks
You can create your Clone in Med Bay in Ranger HQ after completing Don't You Be My Neighbor Mission and got Irv in Ranger HQ.

Brave Little Toaster, Toaster with ranged fire attack.
You will find him in Toaster Repair Academy after meeting the requirements.

Soviet Robot (Советский робот)
Eobot with ranged attack.
You will find him in Scar Collector Mine hacking computer.