Creepy Dolls are collectibles that you collect while playing Wasteland 3
They provides different, permanent party-wide buff for rest of the game. They are not in your inventory.
For collecting all 15 Creepy Dolls, in addition to the buffs, you will receive My Pretties Achievement - You amassed a collection that would terrify a toy shop owner.
Maneater Maury Creepy Doll
+15 constitution/HP

Bizarre Exterior - hidden in the ground in Parking Garage.
Cruel Corey Creepy Doll
+5% damage vs. animals

Denver Ruins - in Western White House in locked room.
Fuckin' Fred Creepy Doll
+5% damage vs. animals

Old Survivalist Bunker - in Makeshift Hospital locked room.
Nervous Nancy Creepy Doll
+0.5 seconds detection time

Department of Energy - Breakroom, south in ruins.