All Possible Endings in Wasteland 3

Wasteland 3 Maps & Walkthrough.

As you probably already realized, the storyline of Wasteland 3 can end in several different ways.

The game ends in such a way that, based on the decisions you made in Wasteland 3, an Epilogue is generated that summarizes Colorado's future after your gameplay.

The Epilogue consists of the effects of the main plot lines, side plots, and the fate of the factions and individual heroes.

The most important element of the ending is the fate of Colorado which is the result of your actions in the game, and exactly who and how will rule Colorado in the future.

Breaking Point for Main Endings

The main breaking points for "positive" game endings are as follows:

  • During a conversation with Angela Deth in Hoon Homestead after completing the mission in Denver and Aspen
  • Shows whether or not you agree to Angela Deth's plan to take Ironclad Cordite to Yuma Country.
  • While talking to Liberty in Yuma Country
  • During the conversation with Ironclad Cordite, after dealing with Liberty
  • During a conversation with Angela Deth after the end of Yuma Country

Therefore, until almost to the end of the game, just before your trip to Yuma Country, you can not worry about blocking the choice of game endings.

The exception is if you want to end the game through November Reigns Ending, then you have to proceed in a certain way from the beginning of the game, which is described below.

In short, the main choice in the game is whether you side with the Patriarch or the rebellion organized by Angel Deth.

What will happen to individual factions in the game, and what will happen to individual characters, mainly results directly from the choice of the Main Ending.

This will be explained in detail in the Epilogue you will see at the end of the game.

Possible main story endings in Wasteland 3.

Main "positive" endings

  • Angela Deth Ending - The Patriarch will be removed from power - side with Angela Deth.
  • Patriarch Ending - The Patriarch remains in power over Colorado - side with Patriarch.
  • November Reigns Ending - Team November and the Rangers have taken over Colorado.

Main "negative" endings

  • Liberty Ending Joining Liberty's Army - together with Liberty Buchanan and her gangs you will rule Colorado, breaking with the Rangers tradition.
  • Cordite Gangs Ending - alow Cordite bring gangs to Colorado Springs.
  • Sudden death of the Patriarch Kill Patriarch in Patriarch Palace - by killing the Patriarch before dealing with gangs in Yuma County, you allow Liberty and his army to take over Colorado.

Minor Endings

  • Special Ending for Hackers - Kill Patriarch at the beginning of the game, after Ambush Site in Ranger HQ.
  • No Show Ending - You never made it to Colorado Springs - you die in first fight.
  • Bunker Buster Ending - you set off Morningstar's self-destruct mechanism in Union Station
  • Kill Liberty before Denver - kill her in on road meeting before Denver, its very hard.

Angela Deth Ending

The Patriarch will be removed from power. You won't complete your primary mission to resume shipping supplies to Arizona, but you will be able to invite Arizona Rangers to relocate to Colorado.

To get this ending you have to:

  • Free Ironclad Cordite from Old Survivalist Bunker.
  • At the crucial moment, stop supporting the Patriarch
  • Side with Angela Deth.
  • Make Ironclad Cordite the leader of the gangs.
  • Don't let the gangs attack Colorado Springs, send them under Cordite leadership to Kansas
  • Defeat the Patriarch in the final battle and then arrest, kill or banish him.

This ending gives you the choice of two variants:

  • Invite General Woodson and Rangers to come to Colorado
  • Leave the Rangers in Arizona to die.

Patriarch Ending

The Patriarch remains in power over Colorado. Basically nothing will change, but your mission will be fulfilled as supplies will be sent back to Arizona.

To get this ending you have to:

  • Take the Patriarch's side to the very end.
  • Oppose Angela Deth, arrest or kill her.
  • Arrest or neutralize the three children of the Patriarch, especially Liberty - complete the three main missions as the Patriarch intended.

This ending gives you the choice of two variants:

  • Stay in Colorado - Rangers will rule Colorado after the Patriarch.
  • Return to Arizona - you will help rebuild Arizona, in collaboration with the Patriarch.

November Reigns Ending

Team November and the Rangers have taken over Colorado.

This ending is the most difficult to achieve (and it does not have to be the best), as it requires a specific way of playing throughout the game, as it is not based on the choices we make at the end of the game in Yuma Country, but on the choices made throughout whole game.

To get this ending you have to:

  • You have to achieve Loved Reputation with Marshals.
  • You have to achieve Loved Reputation with Hundred Families.
  • Kill all three childrens of the Patriarch.
  • Join Gideon Reyes to Ranger HQ as a Advisor
  • Sheriff Daisy should support you.
  • Arrested Faran Brygo and kill 186 Mercs in Little Vegas.
  • Kill Cordite and others in Old Survivalist Bunker
  • Defending The Bizarre against Cartel
  • Don't take the side of the Wastelanders under any circumstances.
  • Arrest Mama Cotter
  • Colorado have to get access to oil so blackmail Gippers and kill Machine Commune and Goldfishers
  • Kill Fish-Lips and his gang
  • Oppose Patriarch and side with Angela
  • After final battle "Stay in Colorado"

by Wasteland215

Some of the November Reigns info here is inaccurate, I'm on my 2nd playthrough but I managed to get the November Reigns achievement on my first.

  • I was only "liked" by the Marshalls. Daisy did not join the final fight but said she'd support me if I was the winner
  • I did not kill any of Saul's kids, 2 were arrested and I took Vic on as a companion
  • Were the 186 mercs the ones in the nightclub or the mercs in the Palace basement? Pretty sure I used a dialog skill check on both groups, the only mercs I killed were the ones in the back room guarding Cordite. The other ones ran away when I threatened them.
  • I did not kill Cordite or Fish Lips, I made them both companions and I helped Cordite fulfill his destiny and unite the gangs in Yuma
  • I took the Wastelanders side when I let them stay at Ranger HQ
  • I didn't kill anyone at the Machine Commune. They didn't like that I sent Reagan to Ranger HQ but they weren't hostile and I could still go back to their base afterwards to see the cybernetics doctor. They either liked me a lot or loved me before I stole Reagan so I guess approval factors in towards if they want to fight or not.

Liberty Ending

Joining Liberty's Army - together with Liberty Buchanan and her gangs you will rule Colorado, breaking with the Rangers tradition.

To get this ending you have to:

  • In Yuma County Speedway, when you find Liberty Buchanan, you must convince Liberty to let you join her army.

Cordite Gangs Ending

Alow Cordite bring gangs to Colorado Springs.

To get this ending you have to:

  • Free Ironclad Cordite from Old Survivalist Bunker.
  • Unite the gangs in Yuma Country under the leadership of Cordite.
  • After the deal with Liberty, let Cordite take the gangs to Colorado Springs
  • Kill Patriarch
  • Allow gangs to pillage Colorado Springs

Sudden death of the Patriarch

Kill Patriarch in Patriarch Palace - By killing the Patriarch before dealing with gangs in Yuma County, you allow Liberty and his army to take over Colorado.

To get this ending you have to:

  • Before you meet Liberty Buchanan in Yuma County Speedway, you have to go to Patriarch Palace and kill Patriarch.

Special Ending for Hackers

You kill Patriarch at the beginning of the game, after Ambush Site in Ranger HQ.

This is the ending of Wasteland 3 prepared by InXile Entertainment especially for hackers, the game ends after completing the tutorial.

No Show Ending

You never made it to Colorado Springs - you die in first fight in Ambush Site

The people of Colorado will never know what impact the Desert Rangers might have had on their land - whether you might have changed their lives for the better or the worse, or ended them entirely.

Bunker Buster Ending

You set off Morningstar's self-destruct mechanism in Union Station. You kill your team in an atomic blast.

Kill Liberty before Denver

Kill her in on road meeting before Denver, its very hard.

If you really care about this ending, you can drive to Denver from the east side and stay away from the west driveway until you are ready for a really serious fight.