Star Wars Outlaws Maps and Walkthrough

Uncovered and detailed Maps for Star Wars Outlaws with Walkthroughs and game guide leading you through the game zones, with Quests, Intel Chains, Experts Intels, Treasures, Vaults, Secrets, Datapads, Merchants, Collectibles, Fast Travel Points and more, Star Wars Outlaws Maps and Walkthrough.

Star Wars Outlaws Maps

Star Wars Outlaws Walkthrough

Star Wars Outlaws Videos

Video Star Wars Outlaws in-game Cinematic Intro

Star Wars Outlaws in-game Cinematic Intro

Star Wars Outlaws in-game Cinematic Intro Star Wars Outlaws
Video Beginnings Main Quest Walkthrough

Beginnings Main Quest Walkthrough

Beginnings Main Quest Walkthrough Star Wars Outlaws
Video Outlaws Main Quest Walkthrough

Outlaws Main Quest Walkthrough

Outlaws Main Quest Walkthrough Star Wars Outlaws
Video Crashed Main Quest Walkthrough

Crashed Main Quest Walkthrough

Crashed Main Quest Walkthrough Star Wars Outlaws
Video Underworld Main Quest Walkthrough

Underworld Main Quest Walkthrough

Underworld Main Quest Walkthrough Star Wars Outlaws
Video New Tricks Main Quest Walkthrough

New Tricks Main Quest Walkthrough

New Tricks Main Quest Walkthrough Star Wars Outlaws
Video Ventilation Fans in Mirogana - Secret Location

Ventilation Fans in Mirogana - Secret Location

Ventilation Fans in Mirogana - Secret Location Star Wars Outlaws
Video Maintenance Room Treasure in Mirogana

Maintenance Room Treasure in Mirogana

Maintenance Room Treasure in Mirogana Star Wars Outlaws
Video False Flag Main Quest Walkthrough

False Flag Main Quest Walkthrough

False Flag Main Quest Walkthrough Star Wars Outlaws
Video The Slicer Expert Quest Walkthrough

The Slicer Expert Quest Walkthrough

The Slicer Expert Quest Walkthrough Star Wars Outlaws
Video How to find Crimson Dawn Vault and Jodara's Stash in Mirogana

How to find Crimson Dawn Vault and Jodara's Stash in Mirogana

How to find Crimson Dawn Vault and Jodara's Stash in Mirogana Star Wars Outlaws

Legend for Star Wars Outlaws Map


This is how the locations in the game that you should visit are marked. The order of the numbers is just a suggestion for the order of visiting, you can do it in the order that is more convenient for you.

You will find a description of each of these locations in the walkthrough.

Fast Travel Point

Fast Travel Points work similarly to other games. To make a Fast Travel Point active you have to visit it. Then from the in-game map you can select that point and jump to it, with some restrictions, you can't be in combat and you have to be on the same planet.

It is a free and fast method of transportation. It is worth noting that Landing Pads work the same way as Fast Travel Points.

Landing Pad

Locations where you can land your Trailblazer Spaceship. They can belong to Syndicates. They also serve similarly to Fast Travel Points.


Landmarks mark interesting locations in the game, often containing good loot.

Exit / Entrance

Transitions to other parts of the land, a separate map or location.

Main Quest

Main Quests lead you through the storyline in Star Wars Outlaws. There are 21 Main Quests. Completing them does not interfere with the events in the open world of the game. Completing them all does not end the game and you can explore the open world at will.

Side Quest

Side Quests are additional tasks that you can complete outside of the main game plot. They have their own mini-plot.

Expert Quest

Side Quests given by Experts.

Syndicate Quest

Tasks like Side Quests assigned by Syndicates. Contact Syndicate representatives and talk to them about the opportunities.

Intel Solo

Solo Intels are single clues you can find in Star Wars Outlaws. They can lead you to locations, items, or NPCs.

Intel Chain

Intel Chains are sets of information broken down into individual parts. Each part gives you a clue to find the next part in the chain until you piece the information together and get the location of a place, item, or person.

Intel Chain Step

Single information in Intel Chain, I mark it on the map if the location on the in-game map is not precise.

Expert Intel Chain

A special type of Intel Chain involving Experts (Ability Trainers) that you must seek out in the world of Star Wars Online to advance your character.

Expert Intel Chain Step

Single step in Expert Intel Chain, I mark it on the map if the location on the in-game map is not precise.

Contract Broker

Contract Brokers assign you tasks for a specific syndicate.

Their tasks are a good way to increase your reputation with a given Syndicate.


Vaults are guarded locations containing valuable loot, to open them you need a set of keycards.

Vaults are counted as Treasures on the map.


Each map in the game contains a certain amount of Treasures, the location of which you can discover by exploring the zone.

Treasures contain Collectibles, Cosmetics, Quest Items or random loot.


There are different types of Containers, from an item lying on the ground, through boxes to locked chests.


Datapads are tablets containing information you find as you explore. Some contain information to draw you into the world, some are Lore, and some contain Intels.

Street Food

Visit Galactic Street Food locations, and sample delicious food for reward: Nix Treat.

There is small mini-game Galactic Street Food Challenge, you can tur it off in game settings.

Sabacc Table

Kessel Sabacc Tables. The Kessel Sabacc Card Game is an important activity in Star Wars Outlaws. Some tables are freely available, while others require a certain Syndicate Reputation or Kessel Sabacc skill level.


Canto Bight Fathier Races - Betting Station

The fathier races from Canto Bight have recently reached new audiences, as betting consoles make their way to cantinas and gambling halls out in the Outer Rim. These betting consoles cover live broadcasts and give racing enthusiasts live updates and odds, along with commentary straight from the race track in Canto Bight.


Imperial Terminal or Imperial Officer

Committing crimes near Imperials will lead to becoming Wanted, and continued acts will increase the Wanted level further. When Wanted, you can stay out of sight to lose it and return to normal.

At highest Wanted level, the Empire will unleash its full force to attack Kay. The only way to escape is to slice a bounty terminal in a high-security area or bribe a corrupt Imperial Officer.


Trader who sell and buy variety of items, but especially Consumables.


Tailors are Merchants who sell and buy Equipment, Clothing, Nix Accessory.


Armorers are merchants who buy and sell materials for Blaster upgrades.


Merchant who sell and buy Materials for Speeder and Trailblazer upgrades.


Smugglers are Merchants who sell rare items.

Speeder Mechanic

Speeder Mechanic can upgrade your Speeder if you have correct materials and parts or change the appearance of Speeders.

Ship Mechanic

Ship Mechanic can upgrade your Trailblazer Spaceship if you have correct materials and parts.

Nix Treasures

Nix Treasures are Collectibles, they can be exchanged for Nix Accessories at the Tailor in Mirogana.

ISB Reports

ISB Reports are Collectibles, containing information about characters from the SWO world.

Jet's Journals

Jet's Journals are Collectibles, part of Jet Kordo's Legacy Side Quest, will open vaults on planets.


Transmissions are Collectibles, you can collect them in planet orbits to unlock The Veteran Expert Quest.


Holodramas are Collectibles, audio logs with ntertainment content.

Kessel Sabacc Tokens

Kessel Sabacc Tokens are Collectibles, can be used in Kessel Sabacc card game.

Maps for locations on the planets Toshara, Kijimi, Akiva, Tatooine and Cantonica in the Star Wars Outlaws universe are currently being drawn and will be published systematically after the game's release date.

Star Wars Outlaws Story

The plot in Star Wars Outlaws is fully set in the Star Wars universe known from movies and comics, between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

But SWO does not tell the story of the great galactic struggles of the light and dark sides of the force, the heroes are not Jedi Knights or Sith Lords. This is a story about scoundrels, thieves, members of crime syndicates, the lust for power and wealth, not Galactic Civil War.

It is the manipulation of conflicts between Crime Syndicates and completing Quests for them that will be the player's goal.

The main character Kay is a thief, running away from justice, with a bounty on her head. Searching for a new life, Kay gets entangled in the games between criminal cartels.

The action of SWO takes place mainly on surfaces of 4 planets (Kijimi, Akiva, Tatooine and Cantonica) and 1 moon (Toshara) known from the Star Wars universe. We visit large open worlds, big cities and space surrounding the planets.

Gameplay is largely based on sneaking and hiding from enemies while completing quests, although there is also a fair amount of direct combat, questing, and space combat.

Main Characters in Star Wars Outlaws

Protagonist, controlled by the player in Star Wars Outlaws is Kay Vess, accompanied by two companions, Nix and ND-5, whom the hero can control to a limited extent.

Kay Vess - Star Wars Outlaws

Kay Vess

Kay Vess is the main player-controlled character in Star Wars Outlaws. She is not a great Jedi Knight or a dark Sith, she is an ordinary woman from the Canto Bight Worker's District. Well, maybe not exactly "ordinary", she is an experienced thief, scoundrel and emerging outlaw, and she is excellent at these skills.

The story of SWO begins with Kay on the run from justice, with a bounty placed on her head.

Nix - Star Wars Outlaws


Nix is ​​Kay's loyal companion and best friend, his skills complement Kay's.

Nix is ​​a pet male of the Merqaal species, originating from an unnamed jungle planet. Although he looks inconspicuous, he is a true intelligent predator and has many useful abilities.

ND-5 - Star Wars Outlaws


ND-5 is a Droid, an experienced Commando from the Clone Wars era, Kay's second companion.

His tench coat covering up his battle scars and a big yet mechanical heart towards Kay.

He is motivated by duty, redemption, freedom, search for purpose and he is assigned to watch over Kay.

Reputation and Crime Syndicates

Crime Syndicates play an important role in the gameplay of Star Wars Outlaws. Gaining and losing Faction Reputation with the Syndicates, completing Quests for them, gaining access to their resources, and playing them off against each other are Kay's primary tasks on her path to freedom.

Kay's reputation with a given Syndicate affects:

  • How members of that Syndicate treat you, from shooting on sight to friendly banter.
  • How interesting and profitable Quests the Syndicate will give you.
  • What areas controlled by that Syndicate you will have access to.
  • Whether you will have access to normally closed Syndicate landing sites.
  • Whether you will have access to premium equipment and gear owned by the Syndicate.
  • Whether you will be able to trade with Syndicate vendors and get discounted prices.
  • At very low reputation, the Syndicate will send Syndicate Assassins after Kay.

The plot of Star Wars Outlaws is centered around 4 Syndicates: The Pykes (Pyke Syndicate), Crimson Dawn, Hutts (The Hutt Cartel), and The Ashiga Clan.

There is also a 5th major Zerek Besh Syndicate based in Canto Bight on Cantonica Planet, but they do not participate in the Reputation System and Kay cannot work for them.

Star Wars Outlaws Syndicates - Star Wars Outlaws
Star Wars Outlaws Syndicates
Star Wars Outlaws Star Wars Outlaws Syndicates
Pyke Syndicate - Star Wars Outlaws

The Pykes (Pyke Syndicate)

As preeminent spice dealers, the Pykes value power and esteem. Masters of bribing and smuggling, they hire anyone capable and grease the palms of those willing. In SWO their headquarters is on the planet Toshara.

Crimson Dawn - Star Wars Outlaws

Crimson Dawn

Crimson Dawn is a tight knit, highly organized group led by Lady Qi’ra. Secretive and cunning, the Dawn value information and blackmail above all. It is possible that Akiva is the location of the hidden Crimson Dawn base.

Hutt Cartel - Star Wars Outlaws

Hutts (The Hutt Cartel)

The Hutt Cartel is old and powerful. Amassing riches through illegal businesses in the Outer Rim, they employ anyone who isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty. In SWO their headquarters is on the planet Tatooine.

The Ashiga Clan - Star Wars Outlaws

The Ashiga Clan

Made up entirely of Melitto, the Ashiga are dedicated only to their Queen and Hive. Despite their distrust of outsiders, they have made a fortune in weapons manufacturing. The Ashiga Clan is styled after the traditions of ancient Japan, their base of operations is the planet Kijimi.

Zerek Besh - Star Wars Outlaws

Zerek Besh

Zerek Besh Syndicate is located in Canto Bight on Cantonica Planet.

Kay cannot join Zerek Besh. and Zerek Beshdoes not participate in the Reputation System because they are Kay's main opponent.

The leader of Zerek Besh is Sliro who, thanks to his wealth, provides them with the best possible equipment.

Main Locations in Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws is set in 5 main locations, 4 planets and 1 moon. You can explore the planets' surfaces, admiring the different biomes and Star Wars themes. The game features, large outdor open areas, a number of settlements and one large city, Canto Bight. There are bases and camps for the various syndicates, as well as a significant presence of Imperial forces. Beyond the planets' surfaces, the action takes you into the space areas surrounding the individual planets.

Toshara Moon - Star Wars Outlaws

Toshara Moon

Toshara is a dangerous savanna moon located in Toshaal system, shaped by strong winds and a hotbed for crime and corruption, known as hive of criminal activity.

Here you will first encounter the Pyke Syndicate. The moon is nominally under Imperial control, but in reality it is run by a criminal underworld.

Kijimi Planet - Star Wars Outlaws

Kijimi Planet

Kijimi is a cold, frozen planet with perpetual night and winter.

Here Ashiga Clan crime syndicate have ruled for generations.

Kijimi has no central government

Akiva Planet - Star Wars Outlaws

Akiva Planet

Akiva is hot, jungle planet in the Outer Rim, full of winding jungle roads with thriving black market and a growing rebellion.

Currently under the occupation of the Imperial forces.

It is possible that there is a hidden Crimson Dawn base on Akiva.

Tatooine Planet - Star Wars Outlaws

Tatooine Planet

Tatooine is a barren desert planet, with landscape covered with sand dunes and under heavy influence by the crime Lord Jabba the Hutt.

This is a well-known location from Star Wars stories, homeworld to Jawa and Tusken Raiders.

Cantonica Planet - Star Wars Outlaws

Cantonica Planet

Cantonica is a desert planet in the Corporate Sector and home to the casino city Canto Bight.

Here you can find Zerek Besh Syndicate.

Star Wars Outlaws Game Data

  • Star Wars Outlaws is Single-player, Open World, Action Adventure video game;
  • Release Date: August 30, 2024;
  • Platforms: PC Windows, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5;
  • Star Wars Outlaws is played from third-person perspective;
  • Game Developer: Massive Entertainment in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games;
  • Game Publisher: Ubisoft;
  • Game Official Website: Star Wars Outlaws Official Website;
  • Game Engine: Snowdrop.

Star Wars Outlaws is set in the Star Wars universe between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Explore distinct locations across the galaxy, both iconic and new. Risk it all as Kay Vess, a scoundrel seeking freedom and the means to start a new life, along with her companion Nix. Fight, steal, and outwit your way through the galaxy’s crime syndicates as you join the galaxy’s most wanted.

Star Wars Outlaws Game Box
Star Wars Outlaws Game

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