Mirogana Map for Star Wars Outlaws
Map of Mirogana on planet Toshara in Star Wars Outlaws with Quests, Intel Chains, Experts Intels, Treasures, Vaults, Secrets, Datapads, Merchants, Collectibles, Fast Travel Points and more, Star Wars Outlaws Walkthrough, Game Guide & Maps.
Mirogana Star Wars Outlaws Map

Map of Mirogana City on Planet Toshara in Star Wars Outlaws.


Fast Travel Point

Landing Pad


Exit / Entrance

Main Quest

Side Quest

Expert Quest

Syndicate Quest

Intel Solo

Intel Chain

Intel Chain Step

Expert Intel Chain

Expert Intel Chain Step

Contract Broker





Street Food

Sabacc Table








Speeder Mechanic

Ship Mechanic

Nix Treasures

ISB Reports

Jet's Journals



Kessel Sabacc Tokens
Mirogana Walkthrough for Star Wars Outlaws Map
Mirogana City is part of Planet Toshara Map in Star Wars Outlaws.
You visit Mirogana for the first time when you complete "Crashed Main Quest".

In "Crashed" Main Quest, Kay crashes the Trailblazer spaceship on the surface of Toshara, meets Waka, and uses the Speeder to travel to the city of Mirogan to obtain spare parts.
Mirogana is the capital city of Toshara and the oldest settlement on the moon. The original Tosharan refugees built the settlement as a way to shield themselves from the harsh winds, and over generations it has grown into a vibrant city. These days the city is under siege by both the Empire and the syndicates, with the Empire holding the starport, customs and utilities, and the Pykes spreading out into a major district. Many Tosharans who are old enough to remember dream about a return to Mirogana's former glory.
When you first visit Mirogana City it will look and function slightly different from its intended view, so you'll need to complete the Underworld Main Quest first to explore it in its entirety.
Mirogana Spaceport
You arrive at Mirogana Spaceport on Speeder after completing Crashed Main Quest.
Get off Speeder. In areas where you can move on Speeder you can always summon it using the assigned key ("Y" on PC).
Underworld M04 Main Quest
It is too early to explore Mirogana. Some locations will be inaccessible to you until you finish Underworld Main Quest.
Focus now on completing Underworld Main Quest and go to Makal's Gambling Parlor [03]

In "Underworld" Main Quest, Kay takes on a job from information broker Danka and has to steal information from Pyke Syndicate Stronghold.
Before entering Mirogana City you will find notice boards.

Imperial Checkpoint
Stormtrooper NPC This is a one time event where a Stormtrooper checks Kay's ID.
You will pass by two Fast Travel Point, but it will be inactive until you complete the current Main Quest.
Makal's Gambling Parlor
Makal's is an old Tosharan parlor that used to be a popular meeting place for Tosharans long before the arrival of the syndicates and the Empire. Over the years, the parlor got corrupted into a gambling parlor where gangsters, fugitives and other outlaws collude. While Gorak has a private suite upstairs, the parlor is considered neutral ground.
First complete the Underworld Main Quest.
While performing Underworld Main Quest
Broker NPC - he is offering a false VIP Invitation to Gorak, refuse him and walk away.
Bartender NPC - talk to her without a positive result.
Turbolift - you can't use it now it's only for VIPs.
Technician NPC - talk to her without a positive result.
Bouncer NPC - talk to him without a positive result.
Exit to the balcony, go into the side room and enter the ventilation shaft, jump to Turbolift and reach Gorak's Suite.
Gorak Palas NPC - talk to him.
Danka NPC - talk to her and go to Pykes Checkpoint [04].
After return from Pyke Stronghold:
Danka NPC - talk to her about "Underworld".
Eleera NPC - talk to her about "Underworld".
Gorak NPC - talk to him and finish "Underworld".
Now you can freely explore Mirogana.
After Underworld Main Quest
Danka NPC - talk to her after "Underworld" about "New Tricks".
New Tricks M05 Main Quest

New Tricks
In "New Tricks" Main Quest, Kay wants to upgrade her blaster at Danka's suggestion.
You can finish "New Tricks" Main Quest before you start to explore Mirogana, or you can wait a moment.
Verrick NPC - talk to him about oportunity.
Sabotage Y01 Syndicate Quest - Hutt Cartel Oportunity
Wandering Sylop
Wandering Sylop is an old arcade game that is still popular among cantina. and arcade owners in the Outer Rim. The simple graphics and straightforward gameplay creates a low barrier of entry for those who want to win some quick credits. The goal of the game is to consistently spot the Sylop as it moves between multiple locations, with an increasing challenge.
Pykes Checkpoint
You cannot enter the Pyke Syndicate District through the main entrance at this time because your Reputation is too low.
Use the secret side passage to Pyke Syndicate District (on right side), crawl through the ventilation shafts into the bowels of the Pykes area.
Pyke Syndicate Stronghold
The Pyke Syndicate's main foothold in Mirogana is in a former temple. This building grants the Pykes a lot of security and influence in the city, and they use the building to manage their operations in the sector and to store valuable goods away from the prying eyes of the Empire and their rivals.
Pyke Stronghold location is reserved for Underworld Main Quest.
In addition to the main quest objective, you will find several containers here, including a Chest in the last room of the tower.
After completing quest in Pyke Stronghold, return to Makal's Gambling Parlor [03].
Mirogana Market South
Lower Level
Berek Keehro T01 Tailor (Pyke Syndicate) Equipment, Clothing, Nix Accessory, he is selling also Expert Key Parts. Ironweave Expert Key Part (required for Abilities) you can buy this from Berek Keehro.
Special Tailoring Supplies IS01 Solo Intel you can buy this Intel from Berek Keehro.
Upper Level
Jonkah Rremset M01 Merchant variety of items but especially Consumables, he is selling also Expert Key Parts. Coarseweave Expert Key Part (required for Abilities) you can buy this from Jonkah Rremset.
Stormtroopers NPC they come after you talk to Jonkah Rremset, talk to them, "Use contacts". Then Talk to Jonkah Rremset.
Vendor Extortion IC01 Intel Chain - Talk to Jonkah Rremset after you defend him from Stormtroopers trying to extort tribute from him.
Sit at the bar in the corner of the Market and eavesdrop on the conversation.
Black Market Trader IS02 Solo Intel - Overheard conversation at a bar in Mirogana Market.
Warning! Datapad on the table at a bar in Mirogana Market.
There have been several reports of counterfeit credits being used in Mirogana Market. Be vigilant, trade with vendors you trust, and check your credits. Counterfeits will have variations in consistency, shape, and weight.
Lalini Ledeno - Smuggler
Lalini Ledeno S01 Smuggler from Crimson Dawn located at Mirogana [07]. Sells Rare Items.
When you first come to Lalini Ledeno and don't have "Black Market Trader" IS02 Solo Intel, the smuggler will refuse and you will get "Rejected" IS03 Solo Intel. If you overheard the conversation at a bar in Mirogana Market and have "Black Market Trader" IS02 Solo Intel, you will need to tell him the password "A fiend of Arlo".
Rejected IS03 Solo Intel if you dont get "Black Market Trader" IS02 Solo Intel.
Stolen Imperial Goods IS04 Solo Intel buy from Lalini Ledeno at Mirogana [07].
Anaxes Ruffian Jacket IS05 Solo Intel buy from Lalini Ledeno at Mirogana [07].
Refund Kessel Sabacc Collectibles buy from Lalini Ledeno at Mirogana [07]
Talk to Lalini Ledeno in Mirogana [07] for "On The Run" Chain Intel part "Ticket to Tatooine".
Pyke Syndicate District
After the Pykes carved out a place for themselves in the higher echelons of Toshara's economy, they naturally sought the best real estate that Mirogana had to offer. The Pyke district is set up around an old Tosharan temple, and it's the beating heart of the syndicate's operation on Toshara.
To move freely around the Pyke Syndicate District, as with any Syndicate Area, you need a certain amount of Reputation.
If you chose the Pyke side at the end of the Underworld Main Quest, you now have access to most of the area, except for the heavily guarded rooms.
Pyke Cardroom
Kessel Sabacc Syndycate Table play one round and win, its easy at this point of game.
Pyke Cardroom Treasure Kessel Sabacc Tokens - you have to win Kessel Sabacc round at Pyke Cardroom for reward.
Free Draw Kessel Sabacc Collectibles win Kessel Sabacc round in Pyke Cardroom in Mirogana.
Markdown Kessel Sabacc Collectibles win Kessel Sabacc round in Pyke Cardroom in Mirogana.
General Audit Kessel Sabacc Collectibles win Kessel Sabacc round in Pyke Cardroom in Mirogana.
Jora Margal C01 Scavenger (Pyke Syndicate) Materials for Speeder and Trailblazer upgrades.
Counterfeit Ceredits IC02 Intel Chain - Talk to Pyke at the table near Pyke Cardroom.
Who Is Jinnjo Blorgh? Datapad on the table at a bar near Pyke Cardroom in Mirogana.
Received the following message:
"I would like to request a transfer. I have served Gorak loyally for many years and have repeatedly said I am available for a new challenge. Anything that's not standing outside this rusty door.
Sincerely, Jinnjo Blorgh"
Crooked Merchant IS10 Solo Intel Listen to conversation at the bar near Pyke Cardroom [09]
Mirogana Market North
Belo Roovin A01 Armorer (Crimson Dawn Syndicate) sell materials for Blaster upgrades.
Hen Puon M02 Merchant variety of items but especially Consumables.
Hen Puon is target for "Counterfeit Ceredits" IC02 Intel Chain, part Market Trader, try to sell something to him.
Officer Captain Covell
Impressing Gorak IC03 Intel Chain talk to Captain Covell in Mirogana Market [11].
Corner Cafe
On lower level of Mirogana Market.
Scientific Expedition Report Datapad on the table inside cafe.
Our expedition to the Fallen Mound was a journey into the unknown. This mound, nestled in the heart of the steppes, is a testament to the moon's tumultuous weather. The abandoned weather station, a casualty of the mound's collapse, stands as a stark reminder of the area's inherent dangers.
At its heart, we discovered an artifact of significant interest - an inconspicuous piece of amberine that some believe has health-preserving properties.
Regretfully, we had to abandon the research site after some local predators attacked our encampment.
Doctor Maia Revlin
Mysterious Charm IS06 Solo Intel read Datapad "Scientific Expedition Report" in Corner Cafe [12] in Mirogana.
On upper level of Mirogana Market.
Scavenger's Notes Datapad on the table near bar.
If you're gonna make it as a scavenger here, you need to know the trade:
- Blaster parts - The Empire's hoarding most of it, so unless you can break into an Imperial compound, you're not gonna make it in that business.
- Speeder parts - The syndicates own that market. You're gonna need to make some friends or break into their territories and districts.
- Ship parts - You're never gonna beat the competition in finding a new wreck on Toshara, so either go to a pirate camp and steal it from other scavengers, or head out into space and grab it from the wrecks up there.
And for void's sake, get some new clothes. Your old farm tunic reeks of robuma. You can get tailoring supplies from the city and settlement markets.
Now take care, and don't disappoint me.
Rev Barabo
Market District
Wortless Ship IS07 Solo Intel listen to a conversation at a bar in Mirogana Market District [14].
Che Mosskà
Slow-grilled sweet mosskà on the cob, freshly picked from the steppes of Toshara. Served with mashed deikkò root and jerà peppers.
Che Mosskà Treasure Galactic Street Food, eat at Che Mosskà for reward: Che Mosskà Superior Nix Treat.
With Che Mosskà Superior Nix Treat, Nix will kick grenades away from Kay.
Crimson Dawn Checkpoint
To move freely around the Crimson Dawn District, as with any Syndicate Area, you need a certain amount of Reputation.
Currently your reputation will be too low, we will return here later in the story.
If you absolutely must get in now, there are two secret entrances on the sides.
Miyuki Trader
On Lower Level of Passage or near [04].
Miyuki Trader NPC Black Market Trader
- Trade contraband for components (Forged Identichips);
- Sell materials (Slivian Iron);
- Sell components (Accu-Accelerator).
Miyuki Trader is walking around town.
Arcade Machines
On Lower Level of Passage.
Rider - Arcade Machine
Rider is a popular arcade racing game that can be found in cantinas and arcade halls all over the galaxy. The game's high-resolution graphics and fast- paced racing challenge have led to countless fans competing over the high- score, with some sharing their best results on the HoloNet.
Raven 6 - Arcade Machine
Raven 6 is a popular starfighter simulator game where players pilot an Imperial vessel to hunt down and destroy waves of pirates and smugglers. While the game can often be found around cantinas and arcade halls, it has also become a popular pastime for Imperial pilots. As with many other arcade games, players often compete for high-scores and share their best results on the HoloNet.
Canto Fathier Racing
On Lower Level of Passage.
Betting Station - here you can bet on Canto Bight Fathier Races
Gambler NPC he sits near the Betting Station, you can give him Credits.
If you give him 100 credits, he will return you 250 credits after you visit him after some time. 500 credits will give you 650 credits.
Kessel Sabacc Table you can play here.
Jinnjo NPC for "Worthless Ship" Intel [IS07].
Ventilation Fans Secret
Pick some loot.

Jet's Journal 26
Makal's Gambling Parlor Jet's Journal Collectibles on the table in Mirogana [21].
Exit Stairs Upper Level
Corrupt Imperial Officer NPC you can bribe him to lower high Wanted Level
Rumors... Datapad on the table in Exit Stairs Upper Level
I heard from a friend, who heard from her brother, who is an agent for Crimson Dawn, that there is a guarded room in their district.
Whatever they're hiding, it must be valuable. My friend's brother will sneak us in through a vent. We're gonna split whatever we can grab. You in?
Crimson Dawn Vault IS08 Solo Intel from "Rumors..." Datapad on the table in Exit Stairs Upper Level
Exit Stairs Middle Level
There is nothing important on this level, go down the stairs.
Exit Stairs Ground Level
Look at the bar.
Thorden's Intinerary IS09 Solo Intel Listen to conversation at the bar in Exit Stairs Ground Level
Squeeze between the stacks and open vent to [25]
Maintenance Room
Sweet Robot Disco
Maintenance Room Treasure open vent and enter room for Sweeper Droid Trophy.

Makal's Gambling Parlor Balcony
Trader NPC He is standing on the Balcony and looking into the distance through binoculars, talk to him.
Keeping Watch IC04 Intel Chain - Talk to Trader on Makal's Gambling Parlor Balcony.
Home Unit D26
This Location is for "Crooked Merchant" IS10 Solo Intel.
Home Unit D26 Treasure search merchant home, for "Crooked Merchant" IS10 Solo Intel.
Kerro's Speakeasy
Open Vent in side alley to enter.
Inside is a room protected by an energy barrier, you will need a Slicing Kit to get inside.
Kerro's Speakeasy Treasure Requires: Slicing Kit to Unlock - Bandit Mask Trophy
Return here with Slicing Kit.
Pyke Syndicate Vault
Sneak up, turn off the security camera, open vent, and go inside.
You come here during the New Tricks Main Quest, but aside from the quest item you'll also find many interesting things here.
Access Computer
Pyke Syndicate Vault IC05 Intel Chain Access Computer inside Pyke Syndicate Vault.
About The Next Race Datapad on the desk inside Pyke Syndicate Vault.
The Canto Bight races are definitely rigged. Bialia Kesyk is on our payroll and he's definitely winning next race.
When you got all 3 Keycards:
Pyke Syndicate Vault Vault with three keycards you can open the Vault to get Imperial Paint Job (Speeder Paint Job).
MG Rescue Service Datapad
Dear Customer,
We have received your distress call and are sending a breakdown recovery service to the coordinates provided. Please note that it's unlikely we will be able to retrieve your speeder from the well.
If you'd like to upgrade to our premium plan, we can provide a replacement vehicle and complimentary driving lessons.
Crashed Speeder IS11 Solo Intel read Datapad in Workshops [30].
Energy Barrier
Energy Barrier is impassable at the moment.
Speeder Mechanic
Valith Nuulvys SM01 Speeder Mechanic can upgrade your Speeder if you have correct materials and parts or change the appearance of Speeders.
Kay's Speeder
Kay's Speeder is parked here, but you can always call him ("Y" on PC) in places where you can move on Speeders.
Ship Mechanic
Ava Wobin TM01 Ship Mechanic can upgrade Trailblazer if you have correct materials.
You have to land your spaceship for the first time to use Ship Mechanic's services
Mirogana Landing Zone
Crimson Dawn District
Crimson Dawn are light and lean on Toshara, operating from a small district in Mirogana. Unlike the Pykes, who are brash and provocative with their territories on the moon, Crimson Dawn emphasize versatility and leverage. The district itself is of little value, but it's a good location to organize their operations.
The easiest way to enter the Crimson Dawn District is to have a certain reputation.
After False Flag Main Quest, if you "Frame the Pykes" you should get Good Reputation with Crimson Dawn.
Ruen Nam S02 Smuggler from Crimson Dawn located at Mirogana [36]. Sells Rare Items.
Listen to the conversation
Listen to the conversation
Eavesdropping IC08 Intel Chain - Listen to the conversation in Mirogana [37].
I'm Here Datapad
What a climb! I almost got blown off the mountain three times!
I was starting to think Cordra was playing a joke on us, but she was right, this seems like a good place to stash some loot.
Head south-west of Typhon's Rock. Look for the flyers. Come and join me when you can.
Smuggler's Hideout IS15 Solo Intel - Datapad in Mirogana [37].
Thug for The Slicer Quest
Thug NPC talk to him for "The Slicer" Intel Chain part "Aila's Contact".
Aila Expert talk to you in the radio.
Aila Bren is a slicer and computer expert who has made a living freelancing for the syndicates on Toshara. She became well-known around Mirogana for being fast, efficient and most of all discrete. But seeing Toshara fall victim to the Empire and the rival syndicates has made Aila want to start fresh off-world, seeking new opportunities in the greater galaxy.
The Slicer EQ01 Expert Quest this is important quest becouse as reward you will get Advanced Slicing Kit.

Jodara's Stash
Jodara's Stash Treasure - Commando Helmet (Speeder Trophy) on a high shelf in Crimson Dawn District in Mirogana [39].
Check video below.

Crimson Dawn Vault
Check Video above for Walkthroug.
Crimson Dawn Vault Vault with three keycards you can open the Vault.
Crimson Dawn Vault IC09 Intel Chain - slice computer close to Crimson Dawn Vault in Mirogana [40].
Investigate Chest for "Counterfeit Ceredits" IC02 Intel Chain.
Renpalli Station Keycard (Quest Item) on the table.
Side Door with Guard in Makal's Gambling Parlor
In Makal's Gambling Parlor there is a side door with a guard. After completing the False Flag Main Quest, behind the door is a gaming room related to the Shadows of Deceit Side Quest.
Shadows of Deceit S01 Side Sabacc Quest by Danka after False Flag Main Quest.
Eleera - Contract Broker
Contracts for Crimson Dawn in Crimson Dawn District in Mirogana
After False Flag Main Quest
Roba Barev - Contract Broker
Contracts for Pyke Syndicate in Pyke Syndicate District in Mirogana
After False Flag Main Quest
Danka - Contract Broker
Contracts for all Syndycates in Makal's Gambling Parlor in Mirogana
After False Flag Main Quest
Cook NPC - Talk to Cook in Mirogana [45] for "On The Run" Chain Intel part "Paddy Frog".
Quests in Mirogana
List of Main Quests, Side Quests, Syndicate Quests, Intels, Intel Chains and Expert Intels starting in Mirogana on planet Toshara.
Underworld Main Quest
Starting location: Mirogana [01] Space Port immediately after arriving in Toshara after completing Crashed Main Quest, Quest Giver: Story after "Crashed".
Having crashed on Toshara, Kay has teamed up with a mechanic named Waka who will help repair the Trailblazer. Waka suggests going to Mirogana to pick up a job from the Pyke Syndicate in order to get credits for the repairs.
After failing to get work from Gorak and the Pyke Syndicate, an information broker named Danka has set Kay up with a job. Kay must break into Gorak's base and steal some data for an unknown client.

In "Underworld" Main Quest, Kay takes on a job from information broker Danka and has to steal information from Pyke Syndicate Stronghold.
New Tricks Main Quest
Starting location: Mirogana [03] Makal's Gambling Parlor after "Underworld" Main Quest. Quest Giver: Danka.
Kay has just gotten familiar with the underworld on Toshara but can probably get some more good advice from a veteran like Danka.
Speaking to Danka, Kay has realized that she needs to upgrade her tools to stay effective in the underworld. Danka has a lead on a merchant who can provide parts for Kay to upgrade her blaster.

New Tricks
In "New Tricks" Main Quest, Kay wants to upgrade her blaster at Danka's suggestion.
Sabotage Syndicate Quest
Starting location: Mirogana [03] Makal's Gambling Parlor, Quest Giver: Verrick, Hutt Cartel Opportunity.
After discovering the Pyke Syndicate intruding on Jabba's creature smuggling business, a Hutt Cartel enforcer named Verrick hires Kay to steal their client list and sabotage their factory farm.
The Slicer Expert Quest
Talk to Thug in Mirogana [38] in Crimson Dawn District. This is important quest becouse as reward you will get Advanced Slicing Kit

Shadows of Deceit Side Sabacc Quest
Automatic by Danka after False Flag Main Quest. Look for Side Door with Guard in Makal's Gambling Parlor in Mirogana [41].
Merchants in Mirogana
List of Merchants, Tailors, Armorers, Scavengers, Smuggler and Mechanics in Mirogana on planet Toshara.
Berek Keehro Tailor
Tailor from Pyke Syndicate located in Lower Level of Mirogana Market.
Special Tailoring Supplies IS01 Solo Intel you can buy this Intel from Berek Keehro.
Ironweave Expert Key Part required for Abilities.
Jonkah Rremset Merchant
Merchant located in Upper Level of Mirogana Market.
Coarseweave Expert Key Part (required for Abilities).
Vendor Extortion IC01 Intel Chain - Talk to Jonkah Rremset after you defend him from Stormtroopers trying to extort tribute from him.
Lalini Ledeno Smuggler
Smuggler from Crimson Dawn located at Mirogana [07]. Sells Rare Items.
Refund Kessel Sabacc Collectibles buy from Lalini Ledeno at Mirogana [07].
Rejected IS03 Solo Intel if you dont get "Black Market Trader" IS02 Solo Intel, just talk to him.
Stolen Imperial Goods IS04 Solo Intel buy from Lalini Ledeno at Mirogana [07].
Anaxes Ruffian Jacket IS05 Solo Intel buy from Lalini Ledeno at Mirogana [07].
Ruen Nam Smuggler
Smuggler from Crimson Dawn located at Mirogana [36]. Sells Rare Items.
Jora Margal Scavenger
Scavenger from Pyke Syndicate located near Pyke Cardroom in Mirogana, sells Materials for Speeder and Trailblazer upgrades.
Belo Roovin Armorer
Armorer from Crimson Dawn Syndicate located in Mirogana Market sell materials for Blaster upgrades.
Valith Nuulvys Speeder Mechanic
At Mirogana Spaceport [32]
Speeder Mechanics can upgrade your Speeder if you have correct materials or change the appearance of Speeders.
Ava Wobin Ship Mechanic
At Mirogana Spaceport [34]
Ship Mechanics can upgrade Trailblazer if you have correct materials.
Intels in Mirogana
List of Intels, Intel Chains and Expert Intel Chains in Mirogana on planet Toshara.
Special Tailoring Supplies Solo Intel
You can buy this Intel from Tailor Berek Keehro [T01] in Mirogana Market [06]
Black Market Trader Solo Intel
Overheard conversation at a bar in Mirogana Market.
Rejected Solo Intel
If you dont get "Black Market Trader" IS02 Solo Intel first, just talk to Lalini Ledeno at Mirogana [07].
Stolen Imperial Goods Solo Intel
Buy from Lalini Ledeno Smuggler at Mirogana [07].
Anaxes Ruffian Jacket Solo Intel
Buy from Lalini Ledeno Smuggler at Mirogana [07].
Mysterious Charm Solo Intel
Read Datapad "Scientific Expedition Report" in Corner Cafe [12] in Mirogana.
Worthless Ship Solo Intel
Listen to a conversation at a bar in Mirogana Market District [14]
You can find Jinnjo in Mirogana [19]
Crimson Dawn Vault Solo Intel
From "Rumors..." Datapad on the table in Exit Stairs Upper Level
Thorden's Intinerary Solo Intel
Listen to conversation at the bar in Exit Stairs Ground Level [24]
Crooked Merchant Solo Intel
Listen to conversation at the bar near Pyke Cardroom [09]
Location is in Home Unit D26 [27] in Pyke Syndicate District in Mirogana
Crashed Speeder Solo Intel
Read Datapad in Workshops [30]
Smuggler's Hideout Solo Intel
Datapad in Mirogana [37]
Intel Chains in Mirogana
Vendor Extortion Intel Chain
Talk to Jonkah Rremset [M01] in Upper Level of Mirogana Market after you defend him from Stormtroopers trying to extort tribute from him.
- Missing Delivery
- Customs Officer - Renpalli Station
Counterfeit Ceredits Intel Chain
Talk to Pyke at the table near Pyke Cardroom in Mirogana.
- Market Trader - try to sell something to Hen Puon Merchant in Mirogana Market [10]
- Soup Kitchen
Impressing Gorak Intel Chain
Talk to Captain Covell in Mirogana Market [11]
- Covell's Secrets
Keeping Watch Intel Chain
Talk to Trader on Makal's Gambling Parlor Balcony [26]
- Stolen Charms
Pyke Syndicate Vault Intel Chain
Access Computer inside Pyke Syndicate Vault [29]
The Pykes keep their most valuable goods in a secured safe inside their Mirogana district. Three keycards are needed to open it.
- Mirogana Pyke Syndicate Vault
- Tizlak's Vault Keycard
- Gorak's Vault Keycard
- Jinnjo's Vault Keycard
Eavesdropping Intel Chain
Listen to the conversation in Mirogana [37].
- Makal's Parlor
Crimson Dawn Vault Intel Chain
Slice computer close to Crimson Dawn Vault in Mirogana [40].
- Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault
- Eleera's Vault Keycard
- Zafi's Vault Keycard
- Odana's Vault Keycard
Star Wars Outlaws Map Legend

This is how the locations in the game that you should visit are marked. The order of the numbers is just a suggestion for the order of visiting, you can do it in the order that is more convenient for you.
You will find a description of each of these locations in the walkthrough.

Fast Travel Point
Fast Travel Points work similarly to other games. To make a Fast Travel Point active you have to visit it. Then from the in-game map you can select that point and jump to it, with some restrictions, you can't be in combat and you have to be on the same planet.
It is a free and fast method of transportation. It is worth noting that Landing Pads work the same way as Fast Travel Points.

Landing Pad
Locations where you can land your Trailblazer Spaceship. They can belong to Syndicates. They also serve similarly to Fast Travel Points.

Landmarks mark interesting locations in the game, often containing good loot.

Exit / Entrance
Transitions to other parts of the land, a separate map or location.

Main Quest
Main Quests lead you through the storyline in Star Wars Outlaws. There are 21 Main Quests. Completing them does not interfere with the events in the open world of the game. Completing them all does not end the game and you can explore the open world at will.

Side Quest
Side Quests are additional tasks that you can complete outside of the main game plot. They have their own mini-plot.

Expert Quest
Side Quests given by Experts.

Syndicate Quest
Tasks like Side Quests assigned by Syndicates. Contact Syndicate representatives and talk to them about the opportunities.

Intel Solo
Solo Intels are single clues you can find in Star Wars Outlaws. They can lead you to locations, items, or NPCs.

Intel Chain
Intel Chains are sets of information broken down into individual parts. Each part gives you a clue to find the next part in the chain until you piece the information together and get the location of a place, item, or person.

Intel Chain Step
Single information in Intel Chain, I mark it on the map if the location on the in-game map is not precise.

Expert Intel Chain
A special type of Intel Chain involving Experts (Ability Trainers) that you must seek out in the world of Star Wars Online to advance your character.

Expert Intel Chain Step
Single step in Expert Intel Chain, I mark it on the map if the location on the in-game map is not precise.

Contract Broker
Contract Brokers assign you tasks for a specific syndicate.
Their tasks are a good way to increase your reputation with a given Syndicate.

Vaults are guarded locations containing valuable loot, to open them you need a set of keycards.
Vaults are counted as Treasures on the map.

Each map in the game contains a certain amount of Treasures, the location of which you can discover by exploring the zone.
Treasures contain Collectibles, Cosmetics, Quest Items or random loot.

There are different types of Containers, from an item lying on the ground, through boxes to locked chests.

Datapads are tablets containing information you find as you explore. Some contain information to draw you into the world, some are Lore, and some contain Intels.

Street Food
Visit Galactic Street Food locations, and sample delicious food for reward: Nix Treat.
There is small mini-game Galactic Street Food Challenge, you can tur it off in game settings.

Sabacc Table
Kessel Sabacc Tables. The Kessel Sabacc Card Game is an important activity in Star Wars Outlaws. Some tables are freely available, while others require a certain Syndicate Reputation or Kessel Sabacc skill level.

Canto Bight Fathier Races - Betting Station
The fathier races from Canto Bight have recently reached new audiences, as betting consoles make their way to cantinas and gambling halls out in the Outer Rim. These betting consoles cover live broadcasts and give racing enthusiasts live updates and odds, along with commentary straight from the race track in Canto Bight.
Imperial Terminal or Imperial Officer
Committing crimes near Imperials will lead to becoming Wanted, and continued acts will increase the Wanted level further. When Wanted, you can stay out of sight to lose it and return to normal.
At highest Wanted level, the Empire will unleash its full force to attack Kay. The only way to escape is to slice a bounty terminal in a high-security area or bribe a corrupt Imperial Officer.

Trader who sell and buy variety of items, but especially Consumables.

Tailors are Merchants who sell and buy Equipment, Clothing, Nix Accessory.

Armorers are merchants who buy and sell materials for Blaster upgrades.

Merchant who sell and buy Materials for Speeder and Trailblazer upgrades.

Smugglers are Merchants who sell rare items.

Speeder Mechanic
Speeder Mechanic can upgrade your Speeder if you have correct materials and parts or change the appearance of Speeders.

Ship Mechanic
Ship Mechanic can upgrade your Trailblazer Spaceship if you have correct materials and parts.

Nix Treasures
Nix Treasures are Collectibles, they can be exchanged for Nix Accessories at the Tailor in Mirogana.

ISB Reports
ISB Reports are Collectibles, containing information about characters from the SWO world.

Jet's Journals
Jet's Journals are Collectibles, part of Jet Kordo's Legacy Side Quest, will open vaults on planets.

Transmissions are Collectibles, you can collect them in planet orbits to unlock The Veteran Expert Quest.

Holodramas are Collectibles, audio logs with ntertainment content.

Kessel Sabacc Tokens
Kessel Sabacc Tokens are Collectibles, can be used in Kessel Sabacc card game.