Jaunta's Hope Map for Star Wars Outlaws
Map of Jaunta's Hope on planet Toshara in Star Wars Outlaws with Quests, Intel Chains, Experts Intels, Treasures, Vaults, Secrets, Datapads, Merchants, Collectibles, Fast Travel Points and more, Star Wars Outlaws Walkthrough, Game Guide & Maps.
Jaunta's Hope Star Wars Outlaws Map

Map of Jaunta's Hope on Planet Toshara in Star Wars Outlaws.


Fast Travel Point

Landing Pad


Exit / Entrance

Main Quest

Side Quest

Expert Quest

Syndicate Quest

Intel Solo

Intel Chain

Intel Chain Step

Expert Intel Chain

Expert Intel Chain Step

Contract Broker





Street Food

Sabacc Table








Speeder Mechanic

Ship Mechanic

Nix Treasures

ISB Reports

Jet's Journals



Kessel Sabacc Tokens
Jaunta's Hope Walkthrough for Star Wars Outlaws Map
Jaunta's Hope is part of Planet Toshara Map in Star Wars Outlaws.
You first visit Jaunta's Hope during the "New Tricks Main Quest".

New Tricks
In "New Tricks" Main Quest, Kay wants to upgrade her blaster at Danka's suggestion.
Jaunta's Hope is a small Tosharan settlement outside of Mirogana that was founded as a hub for mechanics and engineers to trade goods and repair ships. After the construction of the landing pads, the settlement has amassed numerous shops and homesteads, as well as a popular diner.
Daruda Diner
Aside of the landing pad and the mechanical shops, Daruda Diner is the main attraction of Jaunta's Hope. The diner was originally run by a retired mechanic, but it has become a hotbed for criminal activity away from the peering eyes of the Pykes in Mirogana. The basement has been refurbished into a speakeasy where Imperials and criminals alike collude, making some of the most profitable deals on Toshara.
After "New Tricks":
Danka NPC Right after you finish New Tricks Main Quest.
The Slicer EIC01 Expert Intel Chain - Danka after New Tricks Main Quest.
The Speeder Mechanic EIC02 Expert Intel Chain - Danka after New Tricks Main Quest.
False Flag M06 Main Quest

False Flag
In "False Flag" Main Quest, Crimson Dawn agent Eleera has hired Kay to infiltrate an Imperial fueling station and wipe some data.
Bartender NPC Talk to him on "Boosting the speeder".
Jaunta's Hope Landing Pad
You are here for the first time in connection with New Tricks Main Quest.
During "New Tricks" this is where your ship Trailblazer stands.
After "New Tricks" on Trailblazer:
Waka NPC for False Flag Main Quest.
Trailblazer - Kay's Spaceship, stays there until you do False Flag.
Delivery Crate - The Trailblazer Chest where you'll find all your rewards.
The Importance Of Gear Datapad on Trailblazer.
Some say skill is what makes a successful smuggler but let me tell you: it's not. Having the right equipment is.
Sure, gambling is fun, but spending your credits on the right gear can be the difference between life and death.
Decent gear is available at city tailors, but syndicates hold the premium stuff. If you've earned their respect, they might sell to you. For the rest, they keep it heavily guarded in compounds. From what I hear, the best gear is hidden in stashes across the galaxy. I've even sourced a few places nearby.
Jet Kordo
Begamor Ruffian Pants IS12 Solo Intel on Trailblazer after "New Tricks".
Around Landin Pad:
Heren Gallack C02 Scavenger sells Materials for Speeder and Trailblazer upgrades.
Speeder Mechanic
Trellem Hobarchi SM02 Speeder Mechanic can upgrade your Speeder if you have correct materials or change the appearance of Speeders.
Listen to the conversation
Sit on the bench and eavesdrop on the conversation.
Rooftop Stash IS13 Solo Intel Sit on the bench and eavesdrop on the conversation in Jaunta's Hope [05].
Zorma's Stash
Zorma's Stash Treasure - on the roof in Jaunta's Hope [06].
Listen to the conversation
Missing Farmer IC06 Intel Chain - Sit on the bench and eavesdrop on the conversation in Jaunta's Hope [07]
Damaged Astromech
Damaged Astromech NPC try to talk to him.
Mechanic NPC will translate Binary.
Motivation Actuator IS14 Solo Intel talk to Damaged Astromech in Jaunta's Hope [08].
Go to Scavenger Heren Gallack in Jaunta's Hope [03] and buy Motivation Actuator, then return to Astromech, give it to him, now you can enter Saya's Stash [09]
Saya's Stash
Saya's Stash Treasure - Datapad Trinket (Vehicle Trincet)- inside house in Jaunta's Hope [09], you can enter after you give Motivation Actuator to Damaged Astromech [08].
Family of the Frontier Worlds Episode 15 Holodrama Collectibles inside house in Jaunta's Hope [09], you can enter after you give Motivation Actuator to Damaged Astromech [08].
Jaunta's Hope Jet's Journal Collectibles inside house in Jaunta's Hope [09], you can enter after you give Motivation Actuator to Damaged Astromech [08].
Jaunta's Hope - Many smugglers who pass through Toshara make the mistake that Mirogana is the center of commerce. Stay on Toshara long enough, you will realize that the diner in Jaunta's Hope is a much more interesting venue. The speakeasy downstairs has Imperials and criminals alike doing business, far away from the Pykes in Mirogana.
Jinnjo NPC talk to him.
On The Run IC07 Intel Chain - talk to Jinnjo in Jaunta's Hope [10]
Ship Mechanic
Doni Laro TM02 Ship Mechanic can upgrade Trailblazer if you have correct materials.
Arcade Machine
Rimona's Stash - under Landing Pad
Rimona's Stash Treasure - under Landing Pad in Jaunta's Hope [12].
Lo'no's Stash - on the roof
You need Slicing Kit to lower ladder.
Lo'no's Stash Treasure Amberwoven Carpet Trophy - on the roof in Jaunta's Hope [13].
Whaluta Skanni - Contract Broker
Contracts for all Syndycates in front of Daruda Diner in Jaunta's Hope [14]
After False Flag Main Quest
Explorer NPC - Talk to him.
Typhon's Rock IS16 Solo Intel talk to Explorer in Jaunta's Hope [15].
Quests in Jaunta's Hope
List of Main Quests, Side Quests, Syndicate Quests, Intels, Intel Chains and Expert Intels starting in Jaunta's Hope on planet Toshara.
False Flag Main Quest
Starting Location is: Daruda Diner in Jaunta's Hope after New Tricks Main Quest.
Kay has secured the fuel injectors needed for the Trailblazer and must go to Waka in Jaunta's Hope to finalize the ship's repairs. Having a functional starship will open up new opportunities for jobs.
The Crimson Dawn agent Eleera has hired Kay to infiltrate an Imperial fueling station and wipe some data. The data wipe will alert the Empire that the Pykes are going behind their back.

False Flag
In "False Flag" Main Quest, Crimson Dawn agent Eleera has hired Kay to infiltrate an Imperial fueling station and wipe some data.
Merchants in Jaunta's Hope
List of Merchants, Tailors, Armorers, Scavengers, Smuggler and Mechanics in Jaunta's Hope on planet Toshara.
Heren Gallack Scavenger
Jaunta's Hope [03], sells Materials for Speeder and Trailblazer upgrades.
Trellem Hobarchi Speeder Mechanic
Jaunta's Hope [04], can upgrade your Speeder if you have correct materials or change the appearance of Speeders.
Doni Laro Ship Mechanic
Jaunta's Hope [11], Ship Mechanics can upgrade Trailblazer if you have correct materials.
Intels in Jaunta's Hope
List of Intels, Intel Chains and Expert Intel Chains in Jaunta's Hope on planet Toshara.
Begamor Ruffian Pants Solo Intel
Datapad "The Importance Of Gear" on Trailblazer in Jaunta's Hope after "New Tricks"
Rooftop Stash Solo Intel
Sit on the bench and eavesdrop on the conversation in Jaunta's Hope [05].
Motivation Actuator Solo Intel
Talk to Damaged Astromech in Jaunta's Hope [08].
Go to Scavenger Heren Gallack in Jaunta's Hope [03] and buy Motivation Actuator, then return to Astromech.
Typhon's Rock Solo Intel
Talk to Explorer in Jaunta's Hope [15].
Intel Chains in Jaunta's Hope
List of Intel Chains in Jaunta's Hope:
Missing Farmer Intel Chain
Sit on the bench and eavesdrop on the conversation in Jaunta's Hope [07]
- Family Fortune
- Farmer's Credit Stash
On The Run Intel Chain
Talk to Jinnjo in Jaunta's Hope [10]
- Jinnjo's Getaway Pack
- Ticket to Tatooine Talk to Lalini Ledeno in Mirogana [07]
- Paddy Frog - Talk to Cook in Mirogana [45]
- Jinnjo's Ready
Expert Intel Chains in Jaunta's Hope
List of Expert Intel Chains in Jaunta's Hope:
The Slicer Intel Chain
Talk to Danka after New Tricks Main Quest.
- Underworld Rumors - Makal's Gambling Parlor in Mirogana
- Aila's Contact - Crimson Dawn District in Mirogana, on landing pad.
The Speeder Mechanic Intel Chain
Talk to Danka after New Tricks Main Quest.
- Boosting the speeder - Daruda Diner Bartender in Jaunta's Hope.
- Selo's People
Star Wars Outlaws Map Legend

This is how the locations in the game that you should visit are marked. The order of the numbers is just a suggestion for the order of visiting, you can do it in the order that is more convenient for you.
You will find a description of each of these locations in the walkthrough.

Fast Travel Point
Fast Travel Points work similarly to other games. To make a Fast Travel Point active you have to visit it. Then from the in-game map you can select that point and jump to it, with some restrictions, you can't be in combat and you have to be on the same planet.
It is a free and fast method of transportation. It is worth noting that Landing Pads work the same way as Fast Travel Points.

Landing Pad
Locations where you can land your Trailblazer Spaceship. They can belong to Syndicates. They also serve similarly to Fast Travel Points.

Landmarks mark interesting locations in the game, often containing good loot.

Exit / Entrance
Transitions to other parts of the land, a separate map or location.

Main Quest
Main Quests lead you through the storyline in Star Wars Outlaws. There are 21 Main Quests. Completing them does not interfere with the events in the open world of the game. Completing them all does not end the game and you can explore the open world at will.

Side Quest
Side Quests are additional tasks that you can complete outside of the main game plot. They have their own mini-plot.

Expert Quest
Side Quests given by Experts.

Syndicate Quest
Tasks like Side Quests assigned by Syndicates. Contact Syndicate representatives and talk to them about the opportunities.

Intel Solo
Solo Intels are single clues you can find in Star Wars Outlaws. They can lead you to locations, items, or NPCs.

Intel Chain
Intel Chains are sets of information broken down into individual parts. Each part gives you a clue to find the next part in the chain until you piece the information together and get the location of a place, item, or person.

Intel Chain Step
Single information in Intel Chain, I mark it on the map if the location on the in-game map is not precise.

Expert Intel Chain
A special type of Intel Chain involving Experts (Ability Trainers) that you must seek out in the world of Star Wars Online to advance your character.

Expert Intel Chain Step
Single step in Expert Intel Chain, I mark it on the map if the location on the in-game map is not precise.

Contract Broker
Contract Brokers assign you tasks for a specific syndicate.
Their tasks are a good way to increase your reputation with a given Syndicate.

Vaults are guarded locations containing valuable loot, to open them you need a set of keycards.
Vaults are counted as Treasures on the map.

Each map in the game contains a certain amount of Treasures, the location of which you can discover by exploring the zone.
Treasures contain Collectibles, Cosmetics, Quest Items or random loot.

There are different types of Containers, from an item lying on the ground, through boxes to locked chests.

Datapads are tablets containing information you find as you explore. Some contain information to draw you into the world, some are Lore, and some contain Intels.

Street Food
Visit Galactic Street Food locations, and sample delicious food for reward: Nix Treat.
There is small mini-game Galactic Street Food Challenge, you can tur it off in game settings.

Sabacc Table
Kessel Sabacc Tables. The Kessel Sabacc Card Game is an important activity in Star Wars Outlaws. Some tables are freely available, while others require a certain Syndicate Reputation or Kessel Sabacc skill level.

Canto Bight Fathier Races - Betting Station
The fathier races from Canto Bight have recently reached new audiences, as betting consoles make their way to cantinas and gambling halls out in the Outer Rim. These betting consoles cover live broadcasts and give racing enthusiasts live updates and odds, along with commentary straight from the race track in Canto Bight.
Imperial Terminal or Imperial Officer
Committing crimes near Imperials will lead to becoming Wanted, and continued acts will increase the Wanted level further. When Wanted, you can stay out of sight to lose it and return to normal.
At highest Wanted level, the Empire will unleash its full force to attack Kay. The only way to escape is to slice a bounty terminal in a high-security area or bribe a corrupt Imperial Officer.

Trader who sell and buy variety of items, but especially Consumables.

Tailors are Merchants who sell and buy Equipment, Clothing, Nix Accessory.

Armorers are merchants who buy and sell materials for Blaster upgrades.

Merchant who sell and buy Materials for Speeder and Trailblazer upgrades.

Smugglers are Merchants who sell rare items.

Speeder Mechanic
Speeder Mechanic can upgrade your Speeder if you have correct materials and parts or change the appearance of Speeders.

Ship Mechanic
Ship Mechanic can upgrade your Trailblazer Spaceship if you have correct materials and parts.

Nix Treasures
Nix Treasures are Collectibles, they can be exchanged for Nix Accessories at the Tailor in Mirogana.

ISB Reports
ISB Reports are Collectibles, containing information about characters from the SWO world.

Jet's Journals
Jet's Journals are Collectibles, part of Jet Kordo's Legacy Side Quest, will open vaults on planets.

Transmissions are Collectibles, you can collect them in planet orbits to unlock The Veteran Expert Quest.

Holodramas are Collectibles, audio logs with ntertainment content.

Kessel Sabacc Tokens
Kessel Sabacc Tokens are Collectibles, can be used in Kessel Sabacc card game.