Collection of maps with walkthrough and videos for Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
Detailed and revealed maps of zones and locations in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, with guide and video walkthroughs.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Maps, main regions:
The locations in Veilguard change as the story progresses, which is why the maps have subsequent versions described by Chapter numbers.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Maps contain a description of the game's plot and locations visited, Quest starting points, Chests and Timelost Hoard locations, Codex Entries and Mementos, Companions, NPCs and Merchants, fast travel Beacons, hidden secrets, puzzle solutions, and equipment, weapons and armor locations.
The Fade, Anderfels, Tevinter, Minrathous, Arlathan, Rivain, Antiva, Nevarra
Chapter 1: Tevinter
"The End Of The Beginning" Story Quest - Find Neve Gallus, Find Solas.
Chapter 1: Arlathan Forest
"The End Of The Beginning" Story Quest - Stop the ritual.
Chapter 1: Fade
"Shadows Of Ancient Arlathan" Story Quest - Explore the Lighthouse.
Chapter 2: Arlathan Forest
"In Entropy's Grasp" Story Quest - Help Bellara deactivate the artifact.
Chapter 2: Arlathan Forest
"Shadows Crossing" Story Quest - Find the missing Veil Jumpers
Chapter 2: Arlathan Forest
"Shadows Crossing" Story Quest - Find the missing Veil Jumpers
Chapter 3: Arlathan Forest
"The Singing Blade" Story Quest - Find the lyrium dagger
Chapter 4: Fade
"The Enemy of my Enemy" Story Quest - Find a place to reach out to Solas.
Chapter 4: Fade
"Into the Crossroads" Story Quest - Get to Treviso or Dock Town.
Chapter 4: Antiva
"Sea of Blood" Story Quest - Find Lucanis.
Exploration Level: Antiva
"A Slow Poison" Antivan Crows Quest - Help the Crow scout.
Chests, Puzzles and Secrets
Chapter 4: Tevinter
"The Smuggled Relic Case" Story Quest - Find Relic.
Chapter 5: Fade
"Friends In Hidden Places" Story Quest - Talk to Neve.
Chapter 5: Tevinter
"Shadows of Minrathous" Story Quest - Talk to Neve.
Chapter 6: Tevinter
"In Peace, Vigilance" Story Quest - Meet the First Warden at the Cobbled Swan.
Chapter 6: Fade
"In Peace, Vigilance" Story Quest - Talk to Varric.
Chapter 6: Tevinter
"In Memoriam Quest" Region Quest - Investigate demonic murders.
Chapter 6: Fade
Chapter 6: Fade
Chapter 6: Fade
"Winding Ways" and "The Wolf’s Call" Quests
Chapter 6: Arlathan Forest
"An Unfamiliar Sense" - Harding Companion Quest
Chapter 6: Arlathan Forest
"Echoes of the Past" - Bellara Companion Quest
Chapter 6: Arlathan Forest
"Spirits of the Dalish" - Arlathan Forest Region Quest
Chapter 6: Arlathan Forest
"The Magic of the Ancients" - Arlathan Forest Region Quest
Chapter 6: Fade
"Disrupt and Conquer" Quest
Chapter 6: Anderfels
"A Warden's Best Friend" Story Quest
Chapter 6: Tevinter
"On Blighted Wings" Story Quest
Chapter 7: Fade
"Completing The Veilguard" Story Quest
Chapter 7: Rivain
"The Dragon Slayer" Story Quest, recruit Taash
Chapter 7: Nevarra
"Where the Dead Must Go" Story Quest, recruit Emmrich
Chapter 8: Nevarra
"Restless Spirits" Quest
Chapter 8: Rivain
"For Gold And Glory" Region Quest, recover the supplies.
Chapter 8: Arlathan
"How to Train a Griffon" Quest, explore the forest.
Chapter 8: Fade
Elvhenan's Haven
Chapter 8: Rivain
"Fire on the Sands" for Taash Companion Quest
Chapter 8: Rivain
Lords of Fortune Arena
Chapter 8: Antiva
"A City Blighted" and other Region Quests
Chapter 8: Anderfels
"Something Wrong" Story Quest
Chapter 8: Fade
Heights of Athim
Chapter 8: Fade
Elvhenan's Haven
Chapter 8: Fade
Beacon Island
Chapter 8: Tevinter
Catacombs - "Shades of The Blight" Story Quest
Chapter 8: Fade
"Regrets of The Dread Wolf" Crossroads Region Quest
Chapter 8: Nevarra
"Pinnacle of its Kind" Region Quest
Chapter 8: Nevarra
"Walking The Graves" Emmrich Companion Quest
Chapter 8: Anderfels
"The Waiting Stone" Harding Companion Quest
Chapter 8: Anderfels
"The Siege Of Weisshaupt" Story Quest
Chapter 9: Anderfels
"The Cabin In The Blight" Grey Wardens Quest
Chapter 9: Anderfels
"The Cauldron" Story Quest
Chapter 9: Arlathan Forest
"The Demon's Bargain" Bellara Companion Quest
Chapter 9: Nevarra
"House Of The Dead" Emmrich Companion Quest
Chapter 9: Tevinter (Dock Town)
"The Cobbled Swan Case" Neve Companion Quest
Chapter 9: Tevinter (Dock Town)
Region Quests and 2 Timelost Hoard
Chapter 9: Antiva (Treviso)
"Bloodbath" Story Quest
Chapter 9: Hossberg Wetlands
"Fire and Ice" Story Quest
Chapter 10: Fade
Watchtower and The Wolf's Den
Main Story of Dragon Age: The Veilguard divided into Acts and Chapters:
Check full Main Story in Dragon Age: The Veilguard and All Quests List.
Unite the Veilguards, your seven companions and defy the gods in Dragon Age.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard (Dragon Age 4) is the fourth main video game in the series set in the Dragon Age universe, and is the sequel to 2014's Dragon Age: Inquisition.
The Veilguard is a Single-player Action Role-playing video game with a High Fantasy setting.
DA: Veilguard is set 10 years after DA: Inquisition in the same world of Thedas, but in new, previously unknown locations such as Minrathous (capital of the Tevinter Imperium), Rivain Coast, Arlathan Forest (Eastern Tevinter), Treviso or Hossberg Wetlands.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts on October 31, 2024 for PlayStation 5, PC / Windows and Xbox Series X/S, DA:V Official Page.