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News for Subscribers and Contributors

Plans for the second half of 2024.

June 25, 2024

The West Weald Zone Map in Gold Road ESO 2024 Storyline is basically finished. I'll play it again and see if I missed anything. I see that you like it and it is useful, which makes me very happy.

The game that I will definitely be working on, and thoroughly, is Dragon Age: The Veilguard, scheduled for fall this year. The next part of the Dragon Age series seems to promise very well, as a solid, story-driven, single-player RPG game. I swear that unless something very serious (e.g. technical problems) gets in my way, I will make all the maps for this game.

The next game I'm going to play is Star Wars: Outlaws from Ubisoft. From what I've seen, it will also be a fun and enjoyable game. The world promises to be interesting, so I will certainly not miss it.

Throne and Liberty is an MMO RPG from Amazon Games that could potentially be interesting. The premiere will be in September 2024. We'll see, if it plays well, I'll play this game as well.

Of course, I will focus on the Autumn Story DLC for ESO with new Companions and a new land.

Is there anything more? Perhaps, that's it for this year.

Subscription on

June 10, 2024

Hello, dear users of The introduction of subscriptions and contributions basically does not change anything important on the website. Access to the vast majority of content remains open, unchanged, to all readers, at all times.

What are Subscription and Contribution for?

This Website is not aimed at financial profit, but its maintenance involves costs. For the last 10 years, advertising revenues have more than covered all expenses related to running the website. Unfortunately, this is not currently the case. All advertising revenues, already modest, have dropped significantly over the last two years. The purpose of the subscription is to enable you to help run and participate in the development of the website.

I also admit that the extra money helps me justify working on new maps at the expense of my real professional work. Your help really makes everything easier and is very useful to me.

Does your Donation help?

Yes, of course yes. The small donations you make are very important to me, firstly, they confirm that what I do is of some value to you and that gives me great satisfaction, secondly, the small amounts you pay are large compared to the potential revenues from advertising.

Corporations versus small websites.

Big companies have bags full of money to develop and create new content for their websites. The distance between corporate and private websites is growing every year. AI entering our lives is flooding us with machine-generated content, driving independent authors out of business. By subscribing to you support "handmade" independent content.

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The entire subscription, contribution and payment process is based on a system operated by Google. I do not collect, store or even have access to any of your data, everything is stored by Google systems. Nobody has access to your data. The only thing I can do is write each of you an e-mail thanking you for your help, which I will not do because you will never receive any e-mail from me. I would like to thank you very much, but I value your anonymity and I will not spam you with emails. All your data is safe on Google servers.

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Yes, you can stop your subscription at any time in accordance with Google's policies.

What's next?

Subscriptions seem to be working, so I see a bright future for I will try to come up with something extras for the most loyal readers like you.

Thank you again.

Your positive response during these few days of subscriptions has strengthened my belief that has the best users in the world. Thanks to all of you.