Hossberg Wetlands Map - Something Wrong - Dragon Age Veilguard
Hossberg Wetlands Map in Dragon Age: The Veilguard in Anderfels for Something Wrong quest in Chapter 8 with walkthrough.
Hossberg Wetlands Map - Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Hossberg Wetlands Map for Something Wrong quest with walkthrough, secrets and puzzles, location of Grey Hold, Blighted Tunnel, Old Crossroads, Flooded Farmlands, Lavendel Barricade, Cavernous Tunnels, Gaspin Manor, Solitude's Edge, Blighted Grove and Sheltered Glade.





Not Available





Major Choices



Codex Entry













Walkthrough for Hossberg Wetlands Map
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Story Chapter 8, walkthrough for Hossberg Wetlands Map located in Anderfels Region.
You first arrive in Hossberg Wetlands in Chapter 8 to complete the "Something Wrong" Story Quest. Complete it first before exploring the rest of the location to open up additional options.
During your first visit to Hossberg Wetlands you will have the opportunity to explore the northern part of the location, the southern part is dedicated to later Side Quests.
In Chapter 8 in Hossberg Wetlands you can:
- Complete "Something Wrong" Story Quest
- Receive and complete "Only an Echo" Region Quest
- Receive and complete "An Academic Interest" Region Quest
- Start "Fit for a Warden" Companion Quest
- Discover Fen'Harel Altar
- Discover Evanuris Altar
- Discover Timelost Hoard Chest
- Find 10 Big Chests
- Several Small Chests
- Solve Statues Puzzle to open Shortcut
- Obtain Champion Essence from The Disciple-in-Ichor for "Gate of Parched Hopes" Quest
- Obtain Champion Essence from Amarell the Unwoven for "Pale Reflections Gate" Quest
- Kill The Formless One for "Pinnacle of its Kind" Quest
Hossberg Wetlands - Investigate the blight - Destroy blight boils.
Wardens Evka and Antoine believe the blight has changed, but they need more proof to show the First Warden.
Blight has surged through the Hossberg Wetlands. Strange new growths, almost like boils, have taken root through the area. Antoine thinks they're worth further study, and the team heads into a bleak> wilderness to retrieve them.
Evka and Antoine
Talk to Evka NPC and Antoine NPC for "Something Wrong" Story Quest.
First, focus on completing "Something Wrong" Story Quest, then we'll explore Hossberg Wetlands
Blighted Tunnel
Destroy blight boils for "Something Wrong" Story Quest, Investigate and collect blight sample.
Blight Sample
Collect sample for "Something Wrong" Story Quest.
Old Crossroads
Blight Sample
Collect sample for "Something Wrong" Story Quest.
Flooded Farmlands
Blight Sample
Collect sample for "Something Wrong" Story Quest.
Kill him for for "Something Wrong" Story Quest.
Urtemiel's Ash Elemental Org in the chest after you kill Darkspawn.
Blight Sample
Collect sample for "Something Wrong" Story Quest.
Use Beacon and return to Evka and Antoine [02]
Evka and Antoine
Talk to Evka NPC and Antoine NPC for "Something Wrong" Story Quest.
First Warden NPC will join conversation.
Antoine and Evka tried to convince the First Warden that the blight was changed and the gods were responsible, but he refused to listen. It wasn't the outcome they wanted, but they weren't giving up there. Though ordered back to Weisshaupt, Antoine and Evka promised to keep investigating the blight and send word if they learned anything.
Reinforced Regiment Leathers Medium Armor after the quest.
We have completed the Story Quest in Hossberg Wetlands, now it's time to explore the rest of the location.
Exploring Flooded Farmlands in Hossberg Wetlands
In Flooded Farmlands in Chapter 8, you will find:
- "Only an Echo" Region Quest solution
- Fen'Harel Altar
- 3 Big Chests

Ida - Only an Echo
Ida NPC talk to her.
Hossberg Wetlands - Investigate a family's disappearance.
A family never made it to Lavendel Village. Many perished in the blight surge-but was their fate that simple?
Did the Voss family in the Hossberg Wetlands know about the blight surge before it happened? And if so, what happened to them? Unanswered questions leave friends with uncertainty, but learning the truth would involve a trip to now- dangerous farmlands.
- Investigate the missing family's home.
- Find notes from missing family.
Check Video Walkthrough for Only an Echo Quest
Use new opened gate in Lavendel Barricade and go to Flooded Farmlands
Lavendel Barricade
Warden Improvisation Memento
Missing family's home
For "Only an Echo" Region Quest.
Check Video Walkthrough for Missing family's home.
Note 1 (downstairs) and Note 2 (upstairs)
Big Chest
Pursuant's Implements Medium Armor in the chest.
Note 3
For "Only an Echo" Region Quest.
Check Video Walkthrough for Note 3.
Note 4
For "Only an Echo" Region Quest.
Check Video Walkthrough for Note 4.
Seal the well
Return to Ida [12] to finish quest.
A family never made it to Lavendel Village. Many perished in the blight surge-but was their fate that simple?
A dangerous entity living in the bottom of a well manipulated a local farm family, slowly taking over their minds. Though the family was lost, the well has been sealed, preventing the entity from harming anyone else. At least for now.
Big Chest
Check Video Walkthrough for Big Chest.
Depending on the class Weapon in the chest.
Small Chest
Tincture Kit Belt in the chest.
Fen'Harel Altar
Check Video Walkthrough for Fen'Harel Altar.
Big Chest
Check Video Walkthrough for Big Chest.
Recruit's Simple Tunic lIGHT aRMOR in the chest.
The Disciple-in-Ichor
Kill The Disciple-in-Ichor Named Enemy and collect Champion Essence for "Gate of Parched Hopes" Quest.
The Iron Cast Belt in the chest after you kill The Disciple-in-Ichor.
Small Chest
All-Mother's Copse Amulet in the chest.
Exploring Gaspin Manor in Hossberg Wetlands
In Gaspin Manor you will find:
- "An Academic Interest" Region Quest solution
- 4 Big Chests
- 2 Small Chests
- Consuming Obsession Enemy Boss with chest
- Evanuris Altar
- Statues Puzzle that opens a shortcut to the Solitude's Edge area

Bastian - An Academic Interest
Bastian NPC talk to him.
Hossberg Wetlands - Investigate strange occurrences at Gaspin Manor - Get to Gaspin Manor.
Gaspin Manor is full of secrets—and some find that interesting.
Gaspin Manor has been abandoned for generations. Many in Lavendel believe the place is cursed. But such places draw interest. Is there something valuable hidden within the manor's walls?
Check Video Walkthrough for An Academic Interest
Go to Old Crossroads [06] and use new opened passage.
Cavernous Tunnels
Check Video Walkthrough for Cavernous Tunnels.
Small Chest
Unburnable Band Ring in the chest.
Big Chest
Check Video Walkthrough for Big Chest.
Depending on the class Arcane Orb in the chest.
Hessarian, Sword of Mercy Memento
Gaspin Manor
Clear the courtyard of Gaspin Manor of crystals.
Check Video Walkthrough for Gaspin Manor Crystals.
Finishing "An Academic Interest"
Check Video Walkthrough for Finishing An Academic Interest.
Kill Consuming Obsession Named Enemy for "An Academic Interest" Quest.
Viridian Tusk Axe (Taash) in the chest after fight.
Big Chest
Griffon Talon Weapon (Davrin) in the chest.
Return to Bastian [25] and finish "An Academic Interest" Quest, then trturn to [32].
Gaspin Manor is full of secrets-and some find that interesting.
Hoping to find a powerful treasure and impress Elgar'nan, Venatori have combed Gaspin Manor for its secrets. When a hidden room was revealed-along with the demon sealed inside- a fight ensued. Luckily for those in the Wetlands, the demon won't be leaving the mansion. Nor will the Venatori.
Big Chest
Check Video Walkthrough for Big Chest.
The Griffon's Tail Heavy Armor (Davrin) in the chest.
Ring of the Warden Royal Memento
Statues Puzzle to open Shortcut
Check Video Walkthrough for Statues Puzzle to open Shortcut.
Small Chest and Wisp
Set 3 Statues in proper direction to open.
Jumper's Binding Belt in the chest.
Take Wisp with you and put it in [33]
Pass Energy Barrier
Check Video Walkthrough for Pass Energy Barrier.
Big Chest
Battlehorn Axe (Taash) in the chest.
Lost Sketchbook: Dragons Memento
Evanuris Altar
Exploring Solitude's Edge in Hossberg Wetlands
In Solitude's Edge you will find:
- Blight Abscess Puzzle
- Timelost Hoard Chest
- Big Chest
- Small Chest
- Amarell the Unwoven for "Pale Reflections Gate" Quest
- The Formless One for "Pinnacle of its Kind" Quest

Solitude's Edge
Check Video Walkthrough for Entering Solitude's Edge via the Shortcut.
Blight Abscess Puzzle
Check Video Walkthrough for Blight Abscess Puzzle.
Big Chest
Check Video Walkthrough for Big Chest.
The Echo Codex Entry
Winged Wall Heater (Davrin) in the chest.
Small Chest
Check Video Walkthrough for Small Chest.
Warden's Key Amulet in the chest.
Amarell the Unwoven
Kill Amarell the Unwoven Named Enemy and take Champion Essence for "Pale Reflections Gate" Quest.
Check Video Walkthrough for Amarell the Unwoven.
Timelost Hoard Chest
Light of Starkhaven (Mage Only) Unique Amulet in the chest.
Green Brazier
Light Green Brazier for "Pinnacle of its Kind" Quest and kill The Formless One.
Check Video Walkthrough for The Formless One.
The Formless One
Kill The Formless One Named Enemy for "Pinnacle of its Kind" Quest.
Dalish Wraps (Mage) Light Armor in the chest after you kill The Formless One.
Returning to Lavendel
Blighted Grove
Maferath, the Betrayer Memento
Blighted Grove Puzzle

Big Chest
Tevinter Longcloak Light Armor (Neve) in the chest.
Sheltered Glade
Travelers in the Glade Codex Entry
"Bones Beneath the Creek," Verse 3 Memento
Sheltered Glade Puzzle

Big Chest
Monster Leathers Heavy Armor (Davrin) in the chest.
Small Chest
Reinforced Binding Belt in the chest.
Small Chest
Crow's Bandolier Belt in the chest.
Small Chest
Depending on the class Weapon in the chest.
The Book of Ashes Memento
Return to starting location [01]
Grey Hold
Ring of the Warden Survivor Memento
Adal (Merchant)
Buy Display on Ancient Griffons.
Fit for a Warden Quest
Buy Display on Ancient Griffons (Gift) from Adal to start "Fit for a Warden" Davrin Companion Quest.
Lighthouse - Offer a gift.
A gift for Davrin brightens his day.
The team carries the weight of the world on their shoulders. Davrin could use a pleasant surprise. Perhaps a gift for his quarters in the Lighthouse.
You can return for a moment to The Lighthouse to finish this quest, then return back to Hossberg Wetlands.
Clara (Merchant)
Brona's Bloom Codex Entry
Andreas (Merchant)
That's all you can do in Hossberg Wetlands in Chapter 8 for now

Next Location
Crossroads: Gate of Pale Reflections Map
Next location you should visit is Pale Reflections Gate in Crossroads: Heights of Athim to complete the "Pale Reflections Gate" Quest and explore Pale Reflections Gate.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Map Legend

Point of interest, location, numbered reference on the map to the description below. The order of the numbers is the suggested order of visiting.

Quest Starter, location where the some Quest begins. Story Quests, Region Quests.

In the merchants you can buy and sell, equipment and among other things, items that are Mementos.

Entering or exiting another map, area or zone.

Not Available
This location is unavailable in this Chapter, you will gain access here later in the Story.

There is Video Walkthrough for this location.

Friendly NPC or Companion, able to interact.

Group or a single aggressive enemy.

Boss or strong enemy.

Major Choices
There are many choices with consequences you have to make in Dragon Age Veilguard, some of them are simply more important then other.

Fast Travel points in Veilguard. To unlock a Beacon you must first visit it, once you unlock it you can Fast Travel to that location from the in-game map. Beacons in Veilguard are also used to organize Companions in your party.

Important magic collectible items, you can find them or buy from merchants in Veilguard. Mementos are used for upgrading Caretaker's Workshop in Lighthouse. There are 182 Mementos in Veilguard.

Codex Entry
Library Update

Notes, plaques.

Interaction is possible here.

Small loot, a bags of currency, small chests, to be picked up, box of raw materials.

Large Chests with contain weapons, armor and equipment

Healing Potion leczy cię lub zostanie dodana do ekwipunku.

You can slide down the zipline.

The Eluvian Gate, when properly positioned, allows for long-distance travel.

Locked and can be unlocked. Some locations or doors open over time as the story progresses, some must be opened by solving puzzles or using a key.

Elven Device - Bellara can activate or deactivate it, Resonance Amplifier.

Elven Power Crystals - you can insert it into Socket

Socket for Elven Power Crystals

Magical Beam is an Elven Device that sends a beam of energy to the Receiver, energizing it and turning it on.

Magical Beam Receiver is an Elven Device that can be activated by a Magical Beam when an energy beam hits it.