Ranger HQ Wasteland 3
Map of Ranger HQ in Wasteland 3

Detailed, revealed and described Map with Walkthrough for Ranger HQ Location in Wasteland 3 Video Game with Missons Starters and Quest Steps, NPCs, Skill Use, Skill Books, Cassette Tapes, Creepy Dolls, Animal Companion, Weapons, Armours, items, Secrets and Companions, Wasteland 3 Maps & Walkthrough.
Map of Ranger HQ in Wasteland 3
The Ranger HQ will be your base for your Colorado adventures in Wasteland 3. The first time you come to it, it is ruined. You will systematically rebuild it during the game, filling it with new equipment and staff.
On your first visit to Ranger HQ after escaping the Ambush Site, the base looks different than it will in the future. Therefore, before you leave this location for the first time, go around it carefully, check everything and open all containers.
When you come back here, some of the containers and items will disappear.
You arrive here after escaping the Ambush Site under the Ranger's Last Hope Mission.
Diligent Joe greets you.
The Patriarch talk to him.
Ranger's Last Hope
2 do not let Patriarch to kill Dorsey.
Do not use First Aid:2 on him or you -1 Rep.
Thank him and +1 Rep.
Home away from home Home away from home Mission
The Patriarch gave us an old, prewar air base to serve as our headquarters in Colorado. He told us to get the base up and running with the help of Marshal Kwon and Sergei Greatski.
Talk to Marshal Kwon and Sergei Greatski inside the Base.
The Patriarch directed us to two of his people, Marshal Darius Kwon and Sergei Greatski, who are waiting for us in our new HQ. They'll help us get started.
Pvt. Jodie Bell Now she is tired, you will be able to talk to her later in the game. You can join her as Companion in the future, she will be waiting in [01].
Marshal Kwon He is your future companion, but at the moment it is too early for that.
Sergei Greatski
Talk to them.
Enter the War Room and wake the Base's Main Systems
The war room is just north of the entrance hall. Now that the door is unlocked, we can go inside and use the mainframe computer to awaken the main systems.
They are activated because someone previously turned on the alarm, you have to deactivate them 1 or 1
Mainframe Computer in the center, use it: "Install yourself as Commander" (All members of your team must stand at the terminal.)
The Patriarch Talk to him carefully using all dialogue options.
This is the Mission you should do first.
Cornered Rats Cornered Rats Mission
Shortly before we arrived at Peterson Airforce Base, a large group of Dorseys attacked Colorado Springs. The attack failed, and most of the holdouts are holed up the Garden of the Gods. The Patriarch asked us to help his Marshals deal with them. [Reward: Ranger HQ brig warden, Merc Armor, Merc Helmet, Merc Leggings]
Talk to Sheriff Daisy in Downtown Colorado Springs.
The Patriarch said we can start earning some goodwill by helping his Marshals deal with the remainder of the Dorsey forces. We should talk to Sheriff Daisy at the Marshal Headquarters in Colorado Springs.
Save these three missions for later.
The Zealot The Zealot Mission
Valor Buchanan, the Patriarch's younger son, has allied himself with the Gippers in Denver. The Reagan fanatics have cut off the oil supply for Colorado Springs, and the Patriarch wants both his son and the oil back.
Travel to Denver.
Travel to the ruins of Denver and locate Valor Buchanan.
The PsychopathThe Psychopath Mission
Vic Buchanan, the Patriarch's son, recently reemerged from exile with an army of drugged-addled freaks at his back and has taken the mountain town of Aspen. The Patriarch wants him returned to Colorado Springs alive.
Travel to Aspen and arrest Vic Buchanan.
Victory Buchanan, the Patriarch's eldest son, has invaded the town of Aspen. It sounds like anyone who was there when he arrived is dead or about to be.
The Patriarch told us he's heard that Vic has some Rangers held hostage.
The Traitor The Traitor Mission
Locate Liberty Buchanan, the Patriarch's daughter, and bring her back home to Colorado Springs.
Discover the whereabouts of Liberty Buchanan.
Liberty Buchanan has disappeared. We need to figure out where she is, but without any leads we can't make forward progress on this mission.
Continue to chat with The Patriarch
Say: "Sir, yes sir!" and get +1 Rep.
Home away from home
The base will change with your next visits.
If you find snowballs lying on the ground, pick them up, equip your character with them and throw one of them at a member of your party to get Heads Up! Achievement
Mainframe Computer Examine the Security Systems 2
check for Weapon Mod.
check for Armor Parts.
Later in game
Sergei Greatski he can also be in [01]
Speak to Sgt. Greatski to hire new Rangers for your squad. Your squad can have up to six members. No more than four can be Rangers. The other two slots may be filled by Companions, such as Marshal Kwon. Companions are unique NPCs who aren't officially Rangers, but want to help out all the same. You'll find plenty of Companions on your journey throughout Colorado.
Full House Full House Mission
Our new headquarters will only be as useful as the people we can recruit. We should also focus on getting our critical infrastructure up and running.
Recruit personnel for Ranger HQ: A Brig Jailor, A Medbay Doctor, An Armory Quartermaster, And Garage Mechanics.
Greatski suggested we build up the base before pursuing The Patriarch's children. At minimum, we should staff the Brig, Medbay, Armory, and Garage, as well as fill out our squad.
Greatski suggested we speak to Sheriff Daisy, head of the Colorado Marshals, who can be found in Downtown Colorado Springs. He thinks she might be able to help us find some recruits.
Marshal Kwon now you can recruit him to your Team.
Corporal Marcelo Gonzales talk to him.
Original state.
if you fix it, you have to fight it 3 Slicer Dicer Self Assempler Pulse Gun
near stairs The Automated Chauffeur
Once you leave Ranger HQ and come back here, the Garage will be cleaned up.
Later in game
You will have a fully functional Garage when completing the Unwelcome Guests Mission.
Mama Cotter or Gideon Reyes will send you Mechanics
Customizing Kodiak
After Thicker than Water Mission
Randy Gett Nita Gett
If you talk to Randy Gett in Garage, after successful completion of the Thicker than Water Mission, you will get Vehicular Combat Perk - Bonus damage to vehicles +5%.
There is one Cyborg Chicken in the pen and there is nothing you can do about it yet. But if you meet another Cyborg Chicken in Colorado, tame them and bring them here. You will need 3-5 to tame them. You have to bring them all and lose none of them, and a surprise awaits you.
After you Visit Denver and Aspen, during Scar Collectors attack on Ranger HQ is the awakening of your Cyborg Chickens.
If you had Cyborg Chickens five in your pen, they would merge into one in the "Poultron".
Poultron is an AI-driven companion that will now be part of your party, without taking the place of other companions.
Bawk! Achievement - You assembled Poultron
Dog Combat Speed +0.1 You can add him to your party, but you can only have one Animal Companion at a time.
Toster 3 Tarjan Token Toaster Repairman's Badge Toaster Repair +1
Later in game
You will have a fully functional Mess Hall when you find the real Chief Masato completing the My Body Requires This Mission in The Bizarre.
Here later in game you will be able to recruit Scotchmo - The Hobo Achievement
Del Hackett talk to her.
Alow Refugees to stay in Ranger HQ +5 Rep.
Later tell her you found missing Andy +1 Rep.
Customizing Apperance Machine
1 Soldier's Note
Original state.
Brig Master Key Use this key to open the cell door.
The Prisoner Talk to him in depth, he has a lot to say.
Free the prisoner from the cell with Brig Master Key.
check it for exp. if you got skill 2-3 3
You will have a fully functional Brig when you find the real Brig Jailor when completing the Full House Mission. Hope Emerson will join you, recomended by Sheriff Daisy in Downtown Colorado Springs after you finish Cornered Rats Mission.
After Rebuilding
Hope Emerson
Here you will find people to arrest during your adventures in Colorado.
near Hope Emerson The Locksmith's Companion Permanently Lockpicking +1 for one character
Original state.
Check all of them for exp. 1-4 take Subdermal Plating
Stairs lead down to an enclosed space. You'll come back here later in the game.
You will have a fully functional Med Bay when you find the real Medbay Doctor when completing the Full House Mission. Doc Parker is located in Downtown Colorado Springs in the Iron Thunder Arapaho Garage. Before he joins you, you will have to complete the Top Doc Mission he gives you.
After Rebuilding
Doc Parker he can heal you, he is merchant.
Later ...
Irv can Clone your character, he will come after Don't You be my Neighbor Mission
After Denver
V.I.C.I. will give you Investigative Eye Perk
Original state.
Some traps and chests.
You will have a fully functional Armory when you find the real Armorer when completing the Full House Mission.
Inspector Delgado will join you after finishing Big trouble in Little Vegas Mission.
After Rebuilding
Inspector Delgado
Original state.
Radical Rachel Explosive Damage Bonus +5.0% for all Team.
Creepy Dolls are dolls that are creepy, but they also grant powerful party-wide bonuses. Simply collecting them will benefit you for the rest of the game.
You will have a fully functional Museum when you recruit Curator, Junko Murayama she is located in Downtown Colorado Springs in Market Square near Museum entrance. Just go and ask her after you visit Garden of the Gods.
After Rebuilding
Junko Murayama Curator
Here you will find trophies that you have earned during your adventures in Colorado.
Another person for Museum is Quarex in Bizarre Interior, when you will be able ot finish his Quarex's Hellacious Journey Mission
Later in game
Mercenaries will appear in this place after some time in the game. And they'll stay here as long as you get along with them.
They will give you missions, when you complete them they will be with you, if you do them not according to their plan they will leave.
Gary "Nacl" Wolfe
Wolfe's Hunt Wolfe's Hunt Mission
Gary "NaCl" Wolfe, a merc who's had dealings with the Rangers In Arizona, has shown up at Ranger HQ and offered to pay us if we bring him the head of synth that's hiding in Downtown Colorado Springs. [Reward: $150]
Find and destroy the Synth hiding in Downtown Colorado Springs.
Wolfe shot up Colorado Springs trying to kill a synth, but it gave him the slip. These cowboy antics pissed off Sheriff Daisy, and she kicked out Wolfe out. He knows the synth is still somewhere downtown, and wants us to find it, kill it, and bring him its head.
Synth October-11 is in Museum in Downtown Colorado Springs
When you return with Head of October-11
Wolfe was happy to take the synth head from us. He and his crew have joined the Rangers, and are offering to pay bounties for any additional synths we bring him.
Wolfe's Hunt
Any action against Synths (killing first 3 Synths) in Colorado will have a negative impact on your relationship with Machine Commune in Denver. This is not significant, it does not block the path in the main story, and we will be able to avoid the consequences of our actions quite easily when assessing what we will face from the Machine Intelligence Tower (in Machine Commune in Denver).
The only significant problem we will have with completing Wolfe's Hunt Mission. While for killing the 3 remaining Synths (for the mission) we will be only negatively assessed, then killing the fourth (necessary to complete the mission) Tinker in Machine Commune will meet with hostility of robots in Machine Commune, which will make you have to kill them all.
After Bizarre Interior
Give Long John's Head to Gary for reward. Long John is not on Gary list, but he will pay you.
After Department of Energy Site
Give Dos-Teh-Seh's Head to Gary for reward.
After Tellurium Mine
Give Earl's Head to Gary for reward.
Later in the game, Tom Reed and Isabelle Redd will visit your Ranger HQ base.
Tom Redd
Isabelle Redd
They stand at a distance from each other and tell a tangled story about someone having explosives on them and when they get close, the charges will explode. They ask for help.
You have to split your party and approach both of them at the same time.
This is obviously a trick and as soon as you approach them they start attacking you. Kill them both, your base team will help you.
Hope Emerson
Del Hackett
Later in game, Hope Emerson and Del Hackett will be arguing over the issue of the conflict between the Rangers and the Refugees.
Be on the side of Del Hacket ... when we make deal, we stick to it ... +10 Rep.
Ananda Rabindranath will join you after finishing The Bizarre.
La Perla
Slaver's Bounty Slaver's Bounty Mission
A slaver named La Perla has asked us to find an escaped slave in exchange for acess to pre-war tech locked away in our base. [Reward: Access to vaults in Ranger HQ basement]
Find the escaped slave, Hallie and trick her back into La Perla's hands.
La Perla said she tracked Hallie, an escaped slave, back to this area. She's given us a description: female, early 20s, dirty blonde hair, probably trying to conceal her identity.
Hallie was last seen heading towards Colorado Springs. We should start Downtown.
Mission Slave Hunters will give you access codes for Vaults in Ranger HQ.
The mission has no real negative consequences, but is morally debatable.
To get to Vaults in Ranger HQ you need two codes.
There is no way to save Hallie and get both codes at the same time. Do as you see fit, none of the decisions will be meaningful to the plot as a whole.
Go open First Vault Door
Find the escaped slave, Hallie and trick her back into La Perla's hands.
We were able to open the vault with La Perla's code, but there's still another locked door.
Downtown Colorado Springs for Hallie
After you lie to Hallie
Slaver Trapper
Get second code as reward. -10 Rep.
Slaver's Bounty
La Perla left with the slave before we arrived, but one of her men stayed to fulfill her promise and gave us the code.
Finish Slave Hunters Mission for access codes.
PDA Nerd Stuff +1, Tank Armor Armor +9 Tank Helmet Armor +6, Tank Helmet Armor +6
Commandant's Helmet Critical Chance +15%, Armor: +6, Initiative +101%, Power Armor Legs Armor +11, Incinerator 103-151 Damage, Nuclear Knight's Helmet Armor +6, Resistances, Power Armor Helmet Armor +11, Laser Turrets x2,
Proton Axe, Power Gauntlet and some others.
Disappeared Disappeared Mission
A group of mothers, wives, and siblings of convicts who were sentenced to hard labor at the Patriarch's work camp want us to find out where their loved ones are being held. [Reward: $400, Nitro-Ray]
Find Frank Pappas in Downtown Colorado Springs.
Frank Pappas was the marshal who delivered the women's loved ones to the work camp. He lives somewhere in downtown Colorado Springs. If anyone can give us the location of the work camp, it's him.
Frank Pappas If you invite him to Sans Luxe Apartments, he will train new recruits here.
He will give you Marshal Training Perk Leadership Range +2m
After completing the mission in Aspen, you get a radio message that someone is waiting for you in Ranger HQ with information from Angela Deth. He is at Connie Zeng in the War Room.
Connie Zeng Angela Deth Agent.
Immediately after you finish the conversation with Connie, an Scar Collestors attack on Ranger HQ takes place.
Defeat the Scar Collectors attacking Ranger HQ.
Go outside the building and defend yourself, although the Ranger HQ team is doing very well on their own.
What's interesting and accompanying the Scar Collectors attack is the awakening of your Cyborg Chickens.
If you had Cyborg Chickens five in your pen, they would merge into one in the "Poultron".
Poultron is an AI-driven companion that will now be part of your party, without taking the place of other companions.
After the fight, go to Hoon Homestead to meet Angela Deth.
When you return to Ranger HQ from Yuma Country, no matter what version of the story you've chosen, some of the Rangers will be dissatisfied. You need to talk to your teammates and defeat those Rangers who oppose you.
You have the opportunity to re-form your Team before the showdown.
Retake control of Ranger HQ and find a way into Downtown.
Find the tunnel access point in Downtown.
We can't get our car into Colorado Springs via the streets. The war room terminal said the other end of the vehicle tunnel is located somewhere in Downtown. We'll need to find the terminal that opens it.
Go now on foot to Colorado Springs Downtown to the Museum.