One of Us Mission Description
You will receive "One of Us" Mission in zone: Yuma County Speedway from Ironclad Cordite.
This is Secondary Mission with recommended Level 20.
The story of this mission takes place in: Yuma County Speedway Map.
Mission Steps:
Prove to Steel-trap that the Rangers are crazy enough to work with the gangs.
Enter the Gang Camp at Yuma County Speedway and talk To Steel-Trap.
Cordite says he needs to challenge Steel-Trap, current leader of the Scar Collectors, to a duel to win back control. First step is heading into the camp.
The guards let us in once they recognized Cordite. Now we need to talk to Steel-Trap.
Execute a "Rebellious" Slave or Accept a Permanent Bio Mod in The Scar Collector Garage at Yuma County Speedway.
Steel-Trap demanded that we make a tough choice: either we execute an uncooperative slave or we let a squad member get a permanent bio mod installed - the consequences of which are murky.
Talk to Cordite outside the Scar Collector Garage.
Now that we have free movement in the camp, Cordite wants to talk to us outside SteelTrap's earshot. We'll need to plan our next move.
Out poor squad-mate will never be the same with that bio-mod installed, but Steel-Trap has given us freedom of movement within the compound.
Map of starting location for One of Us

One of Us Walkthrough
This mission is active only when you come to Yuma Country with Ironclad Cordite and side with Angel Deth.
- You will get that mission after you kill The Mechanic in Yuma Country Speedway
- Go to Gang Camp at Yuma County Speedway and talk to Steel-Trap
- You'll get a choice:
- Kill a Slave - do not do it.
- Accept a Permanent Bio Mod (Recomended)
- Go to Suture-Self Surgery Kiosk and use it.
- Exit Gang Camp and talk to Cordite again
Choices and Consequences
- Accept a Permanent Bio Mod is not really a punishment but a reward becouse it gives your character (any character) Cyborg Tech Perk