Big trouble in Little Vegas Mission Description
You will receive "Big trouble in Little Vegas" Mission in zone: Downtown Colorado Springs from Sheriff Daisy.
This is Secondary Mission with recommended Level 3.
The story of this mission takes place in: Little Vegas Map, Machine Shop Map.
Mission Steps:
Faran Brygo - or someone in his organization - may have helped the Dorseys slip into Colorado Springs. Sheriff Daisy sent her best inspector to investigate, but she hasn't heard back from him. She asked us to check on her agent and take down Brygo. [Reward: Ranger HQ armory officer]
Look for Delgado at The Little Vegas Nightclub.
Sheriff Daisy sent Inspector Delgado to Brygo's nightclub, Little Vegas. We should talk to Brygo, his lieutenants, and the patrons to find leads.
Find a way into The Back Rooms of The Little Vegas.
Delgado was last seen getting pulled into the back rooms of the Little Vegas nightclub. We need to find a way back there.
Confront MacTavish at the Machine Shop in Downtown.
According to Charley Knowes, the real traitor is one of Brygo's thugs, a guy named MacTavish. If we can get MacTavish to admit that he acted alone, that will clear Brygo, and we can resolve this whole thing peacefully. We'll find MacTavish at the machine shop near Pillory Square.
Negotiate with Faran Brygo.
MacTavish admitted to helping the Dorseys. We can use this information to convince Faran Brygo to release Delgado.
Free Delgado from the Back Rooms of Little Vegas.
Brygo agreed to release Delgado after we took control of his ventilation system. We should now be able to access the back rooms to free Delgado.
Return to Sheriff Daisy.
We should return to the Marshal station and tell Daisy what happened at the Little Vegas.
Map of starting location for Big trouble in Little Vegas

Big trouble in Little Vegas Walkthrough
You will get this mission after finishing Cornered Rats
While completing the Big trouble in Little Vegas mission, you need to achieve two goals:
- Free Inspector Delgado
- Solve the problem of Faran Brygo
There are several ways to solve this mission:
- You can kill all inside and you don't need my guide for that.
- Get along with Faran Brygo and go to the dark side of the force
- Fight your way and force surrender Faran Brygo after the fight
- Avoid the fight and arrest Faran Brygo and this is the way to complete this mission described below.
You should:
- Enter Little Vegas
- To know where Delgado is you can:
- Talk to Boulder in Private Party if you got Kiss Ass 3 or Hard Ass 4
- or talk to Ken Doll in Nightclub Brothel
- In Ace of Hearts Room get Code to the Computer from Benjie Braddock - ... some chemical help, Give 1 Liquid Time or Give 1 Focus (or other) you should have them with you, ask about leverage of Faran Brygo and get Code to the Computer.
- Talk about MacTavish to Charley Knowes in Main Hall
- Go to Machine Shop in Downtown Colorado Springs
- Kill thugs in Mashine Shop
- Use the intercom and convince MacTavish to let you in.
- Talk to MacTavish
- Tell him you have information about his cooperation with Dorseys.
- Tell him that Faran Brygo doesn't care what happens to him.
- Then do not cooperate with him, just scare him.
- [Arrest] MacTavish and send him to Ranger HQ.
- Return to Little Vegas
- Talk to Charley Knowes in Main Hall
- Gain access to the Computer [08]
- Use Kiss Ass 3 on Nightclub Patrons to encourage them to fight (Marshal Kwon can do it)
- The security guard will walk away from the Computer
- Use password "Kestrel" you got from Benjie Braddock (Code to the Computer) or NERF STUFF 4 to log in to machine.
- Reprogram a Climate Routine
- Enter Faran Brygo's Office
- Do not talk with Faran Brygo just [Arrest] "We hacked your ventilation system ..." and send him to Ranger HQ
- Enter Back Room and go straight to Cells
- Free Inspector Delgado
- Return to Sheriff Daisy in Marshals' Station to finish mission
Choices and Consequences
- Any solution to this mission other than the one listed above will lead to a loss of reputation.
- If you kill Charley Knowes, you won't get another mission from him in the future
- If you don’t arrest Faran Brygo, Marshal Lupinski and Marshals will attack you.
- If you make a deal with Faran Brygo you will have a different Armorer than Delgado.
- If Sheriff Daisy is happy with you she sent Inspector Delgado to manage our Armory at Ranger HQ