King Cordite Mission Description
You will receive "King Cordite" Mission in zone: Yuma County Speedway from Ironclad Cordite.
This is Secondary Mission with recommended Level 20.
The story of this mission takes place in: Yuma County Speedway Map.
Mission Steps:
Help Cordite retake control of the Scar Collectors.
Prepare for a Demolition Derby against Steel-Trap.
Cordite can win back leadership of the Scar Collectors by killing Steel-trap in a destruction derby. But the gangs don't play fair, so we'll need to get Los Payasos on our side and convince the Godfishers to leave.
Tell Steel-Trap we're ready to duel at his Garage at Yuma County Speedway.
With Los Payasos on our side and the Godfishers long gone, we can face Steel-trap in a fair fight. We should tell Steel-Trap we're ready.
Defeat Steel-Trap.
The only rule in the destruction derby is that the last man standing takes control of the Scar Collectors. We need to kill Steel-Trap and his lackeys.
We won the Derby. Cordite is king again.
Map of starting location for King Cordite

King Cordite Walkthrough
This mission is active only when you come to Yuma Country with Ironclad Cordite and side with Angel Deth.
To complete the King Cordite mission, you need to complete two secondary missions: Nobody's Fools and The Gods Have Spoken
And then Defeat Steel-Trap on Arena.
Choices and Consequences
- Completing this mission directly affects the ending in Wasteland 3. Check: All Possible Endings in Wasteland 3.