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- Stroud-Eklund Staryard
Stroud-Eklund Staryard Starfield
Stroud-Eklund Staryard location description in Starfield Galaxy, Missions, Activities, NPC and Vendor, Stroud-Eklund Staryard is level 50 Freestar Collective controlled Space Staryard orbiting Dalvik in Narion System in Starfield,
You come to Stroud-Eklund Staryard for "Overdesigned" Misc Mission by Walter Stroud in The Lodge after you finish "All That Money Can Buy" Main Mission.
Walter Stroud wants me to help his R&D team with their next shipbuilding project. Development has stalled, and he believes I can get it back on track.
NPCs & Missions in Stroud-Eklund Staryard
HavershawShip Vendor he can sell you starship.
Drydock Blues: Stroud-Eklund Staryard Misc Mission by Havershaw.
You have an invoice to deliver some Aluminum to Stroud-Eklund Staryard. The Aluminum needs to be in my ship's cargo hold.
Mission BoardTerminal

Stroud-Eklund Staryard in Starfield
Space Staryard orbiting Dalvik in Narion System
Overdesigned Misc Mission
"Overdesigned" Misc Mission is a very interesting mission because as a reward for completing it you will receive one of 2 good spaceships Kepler S or Kepler R, both of them are good designs.
- Kepler S is a Class B Starship - it has no weapons, but is more expensive (if you want to sell it), fast engines, good grav drive for long range jumps, requires Rank 3 in Piloting Skill.
- Kepler R is a Class C Starship - it is better overall, is cheaper (if you want to sell it) but bigger, it requires Rank 4 in Piloting Skill.
"Overdesigned" Misc Mission starts with a conversation with Walter Stroud in The Lodge after you finish "All That Money Can Buy" Main Mission.
Regardless of how you manage the mission plot, you will get a good ship, one or the other. If you want to receive a specific ship model, you need to design it differently.
Save you game here, before you talk to Jules Degante, so that you can reload the game if the ship turns out to be not the one you wanted.
Talk to Jules Degante NPC
To get Kepler S you have to:
- Select smaller budget
- Make compromises with the design team
To get Kepler R you have to:
- Maximize budget
- Convince Jules to ask for a bigger budget select "Kitchen Sink"
- Use [Persuade]
- Speak with design team members and give positive feedback
- Run a Guided Meditation session

Kepler S Class B Starship by Stroud-Eklund in Starfield
Possible reward for Overdesigned Misc Mission

Kepler R Class C Starship by Stroud-Eklund in Starfield
Possible reward for Overdesigned Misc Mission
Examples of Stroud-Eklund production spaceships
The range and kind of spaceships for sale in Stroud-Eklund Staryard changes as the story progresses and your character develops.

Privateer Class B Starship by Stroud-Eklund in Starfield
You can buy it at Stroud-Eklund Staryard orbiting Dalvik in Narion System

Vindicator Class C Starship by Stroud-Eklund in Starfield
You can buy it at Stroud-Eklund Staryard orbiting Dalvik in Narion System

Trebuchet Class A Starship by Stroud-Eklund in Starfield
You can buy it at Stroud-Eklund Staryard orbiting Dalvik in Narion System

Narcissus Class A Starship by Stroud-Eklund in Starfield
You can buy it at Stroud-Eklund Staryard orbiting Dalvik in Narion System

Galileo Class A Starship by Stroud-Eklund in Starfield
You can buy it at Stroud-Eklund Staryard orbiting Dalvik in Narion System

Warwolf Class A Starship by Stroud-Eklund in Starfield
You can buy it at Stroud-Eklund Staryard orbiting Dalvik in Narion System
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