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- Starfield
- Sahar's Farm
Sahar's Farm Starfield
Sahar's Farm is small location for "Last Will and Testament" Misc Mission by Elias Cartwright in Cartwright Manor in Akila City, Sahar's Farm is small abandoned location on Akila Planet in Cheyenne System in Starfield,
Elias Cartwright has hired me to go to old Sahar's Farm located elsewhere on Akila. Sahar died over 40 years ago when Ashta attacked the farm, and there most certainly will be Ashta there now.
In this location, you can hunt animals native to Akila and collect the contents of chests, but the only purpose you come here is to collect Sahar Hasanov's Will which you will find inside the house in a chest.
I found Sahar Hasanov's Last Will and Testament and it revealed there was one Hasanov left: Blake Aldwell. I was hired to deliver this to Elias Cartwright, but Frank Langston may be interested in this Will, as well.
Return Sahar Hasanov's Will to Elias Cartwright in Akila City.

Sahar's Farm in Starfield
Small farm Akila Planet in Cheyenne System
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