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- MAST Building
MAST Building in New Atlantis Map Starfield
MAST Building Map in Starfield

Starfield Map of MAST Building in New Atlantis City. MAST Building in New Atlantis City is located on Jemison Planet in Alpha Centauri System and it is capital of the United Colonies faction.
MAST in Starfield Galaxy is Military, Administrative and Scientific Triumvirate, the council of the United Colonies, MAST Building is big tower in center of New Atlantis.
The MAST Building Map is part of New Atlantis Map.
Check UC Vanguard Faction Missions for full list of UC Vanguard Faction Missions in Starfield.
MAST Building in New Atlantis Map
Starfield Map of MAST (Military, Administrative and Scientific Triumvirate) Building in New Atlantis City, with Missions, Activities, NPC and Vendor locations, Starfield Maps & Guide.
You first come to MAST in New Atlantis with Sarah Morgan to continue "The Old Neighborhood" Main Mission.
Levels in MAST building:
- Level 3: Cabinet Chambers / Interstellar Affairs;
- Level 2: Defense Research / Health and Human Services / Aegis;
- Level 1: Central Command / Office of the President / Systems Defense;
- Level 0: Lobby / Commander Tuala's Office;
- Level -1: NAT Station;
- Level -2: Vanguard Orientation Hall;
- Level -3: Vanguard Pilot Simulator (will open after passing the Vanguard exam).
- Level -4: Subsection Seven (will open after "Friends Like These" UC Vanguard Faction Mission).
There are two ways to get to the MAST building, the first is the main entrance in the Lobby where the elevator is located, the second is the elevator at MASS District NAT Station, Elevator to MAST Building (12). It took me a while to understand that the entrance is really one, the main entrance, and the elevator is one, the same.
We take the main entrance.
Lobby / Commander Tuala's Office (Level 0)
Before we start "The Old Neighborhood" Main Mission, let's do other tasks in MAST, i.e. "Speak to Commander Tuala about joining the Vanguards" Activity.
Commander John Tuala NPC we'll find him in Commander Tuala's Office to the left of the Lobby, talk to him.
Supra et UltraUC Vanguard Faction by Commander John Tuala.
Step one of joining the Vanguard - register at one of the terminals in the Orientation Hall inside MAST.
"Supra et Ultra" UC Vanguard Faction is the first mission in the UC Vanguard missions story series. You must complete this mission to join the UC Vanguard Faction. During the mission, you must view the United Colonies Orientation displays and pass the Vanguard Piloting Exam.
You can run and complete all Faction Missions for each of the 4 main factions, UC Vanguard, Freestar Rangers, Ryujin Industries and Crimson Fleet at the same time and with Main Story Missions and it does not cause any conflict.
Return to the Lobby and talk to the MAST Resource Officer.
MAST Resource Officer NPC tell her you came for Vanguard examination, she will direct you to the elevator.
Use Elevator and go to Vanguard Orientation Hall (Level -2).
After Vanguard Piloting Exam
After finishing "Vanguard Piloting Exam" United Colonies Mission return to Commander John Tuala to finish Supra et Ultra" United Colonies Mission.
Commander John Tuala NPC
Talk to Commander John Tuala about "The Old Neighborhood" Main Mission.
Grunt WorkUC Vanguard Faction by Commander John Tuala.
Commander Tuala directed me to speak to Crew Chief Herath at the New Atlantis spaceport in order to collect the materials I'll be delivering to Tau Ceti II.
"Grunt Work" UC Vanguard Faction Mission is second of UC Vanguard Faction Missions (next after "Supra Et Ultra"), it will direct you to Tau Ceti II to Tau Gourment Production Center where you meet Hadrian Sanon and have to kill Terrormorph.
Deep Cover Crimson Fleet Faction by Commander John Tuala After you finish "Grunt Work" UC Vanguard Faction.
Commander Tuala of the UC Vanguard has provided me with an assignment. I am to report to the UC Vigilance and speak to Commander Kibwe Ikande for the details.
"Deep Cover" Crimson Fleet Faction Mission is the first starting mission in the Crimson Fleet missions story series.
Delivering Devils UC Vanguard Faction by Commander John Tuala (after you finish "Grunt Work").
Hadrian has asked me to find her colleague, Percival Walker, on Mars. Percival was recently working with the Trade Authority there, so that seems like a natural place to check first.
In "Delivering Devils" You have to take Terrormorph samples to Dr. Percival Walker, you will visit Trade Authority and The Sixth Circle Bar in Cydonia on Mars, then you discover Red Devils HQ.
Vanguard Orientation Hall (Level -2)
You come to Vanguard Orientation Hall for "Supra et Ultra" United Colonies Mission.
MAST Elevator
Vanguard Registration Terminal use it to complete the registration form.
Orientation Hall
Orientation Hall is like a museum, an interesting source of Lore, see the entire exhibition, seeing the entire exhibition is an optional mission objective.
You can also optionally use the hand scanner on mannequins to improve your Surveying Skill.
Parts of Orientation Hall exhibition to activate:
- The End of Earth;
- New Factions Rise;
- House Va'Ruun;
- The Freestar Collective;
- The Narion War;
- The Serpent's Crusade;
- Conflict Among the Stars;
- The Battle of Niira;
- The Terror of Londinion;
- The Armistice;
- The Vanguard is Born;
- The United Colonies Citizen.
Richer in knowledge, use the elevator to get to Piloting Simulator.
Elevator to Piloting Simulator
Vanguard Pilot Simulator (Level -3)
Vanguard Space Tactics 01Skill Magazine in the room with simulator, up the stairs on the right, on the cabinet.
You have to fight a simulated space battle. To pass the exam, you must defeat three waves of enemies. If you have a problem with this, lower the difficulty level before the fight in the game options.
Exam Proctor Samuelson NPC will explain the exam.
Vanguard Piloting Exam United Colonies Mission by Exam Proctor Samuelson.
Flight Simulator Terminal use it.
To pass the exam, you need to destroy three waves of enemies, this is enough to complete the mission.
The exam can be repeated until successful.
After completing the exam, you will see an new option in the elevator menu: Vanguard Pilot Simulator
Use the elevator and return to Commander John Tuala to complete the mission or ...
You can keep fighting next waves.
If you manage to defeat three waves, you can keep fighting to defeat more opponents. The whole exam has 6 Tiers, the last fight is really hard.
But completing Tier 6 will give you a much bigger reward after completing the mission.
How to pass the Vanguard Piloting Exam in Starfield by hacking Simulation Controls inside ship.
You can hack into the ship's console, after you start exam don't fight just get up from the pilot's seat and walk to the simulation exit. On the left you will find Simulation Controls which will allow you to turn on the simulators options.
If you are able to hack additional options you will get more bonuses.
See Video below.

Youtube: How to pass the Vanguard Piloting Exam in Starfield by hacking Simulation Controls inside ship.
Despite hacking the terminal, I didn't manage to complete last Tier 6, but after all, I'm a scribe, not a pilot :), you will surely succeed.
YouTube: How to pass the Vanguard Piloting Exam in Starfield by hacking Simulation Controls inside ship.Defense Research / Health and Human Services / Aegis (Level 2)
Now we will complete "Keeping the Peace" United Colonies Mission, to do this, enter the elevator and go to Level 2 Defense Research / Health and Human Services / Aegis and look for Agent Plato.
MAST Elevator
AEGIS Intelligence Network
Agent Plato NPC you come to him on "Keeping the Peace" United Colonies Mission, talk to him about Retrieve The Package.
Defense Research & Initiatives Program
Ricardo Bosch NPC you may have met him earlier in Starport, talk to him again.
Retrieve Ricardo Bosch's slate Activity
Chief Engineer Upsana Kulkarni NPC.
In the two rooms for testing weapons, you will find several Cases with Weapons and Ammo.
You can steal them, of course with all the consequences of stealing them. You must be Hidden, none of the staff can see you. Honestly, I don't really steal items in games, but it's an easy way to get an item. It seems to me that it's not worth stealing cheap and simple items, but if you find something interesting, sometimes it's worth trying.
Radioactive Coachman Epic Shotgun
Colonial Health & Human Resources
Administrator Rookes NPC
Central Command / Office of the President / Systems Defense (Level 1)
MAST Elevator
Office of The United Colonies President
President Alexandra Abello NPC
Snow Globe Location Book
Our Lost HeritageSNOW GLOBE LOCATION on the President's desk, you have to wait until late until the colleagues leave and the President is left alone. Then [Stealth] and steal the book
Our Lost Heritage
When it became widely accepted that the Earth would have to be evacuated, a group of prominent architects teamed together to produce this book. It contains a bonanza of high definition pictures, detailed floor plans, and behind-the-scenes information about the architectural wonders of some of the great cities of Earth. New York, London, Washington DC, Paris, and Tokyo are the central focus.
In this reprinting, one of the primary architects of New Atlantis acknowledges how inspirational she found these pages and how it influenced the design of the city she was building. This book is considered to be one of the most important tomes of architectural history.
Visit the New York Landmark on Earth Activity
Central Command
Commander Mitchell NPC
Security Chief Jeremiah Sarkin NPC
General Xiao NPC
Admiral Pascual Logan NPC
Kibwe Ikande NPC
Jillian Toft NPC
Cabinet Chambers / Interstellar Affairs (Level 3)
MAST Elevator
Elevator to the roof
For "Friends Like These" UC Vanguard Faction Mission
Time to speak to Deputy MacIntyre about becoming a UC citizen! Though it sounds like there might be something else we need to discuss as well.
Talk to Zora at Aphelion Reality Office Activity
Deputy Elisabeth Macintyre NPC
The Devils You Know UC Vanguard Faction by Deputy Elisabeth Macintyre after "Friends Like These".
Someone's requested to speak with me, but Deputy MacIntyre won't tell me who. She said I can find them down in Subsection Seven.
Use main elevator and go to Subsection Seven.
Cabinet Chambers
For "Eyewitness" UC Vanguard Faction.
We've been summoned by the Cabinet to present our findings. Looks like we're heading to the Cabinet Chambers on the top floor of MAST.
President Alexandra Abello NPC
The Cabinet was about to make their ruling on the Archives when there was some sort of explosion outside. I should listen in to hear what's going on.
The President wants Hadrian and I down at the spaceport on the double! We need to take the elevator down to the NAT station now!
After you kill Terrormorphs report to President Abello in the MAST Cabinet Chambers.
Friends Like These UC Vanguard Faction by President Alexandra Abello.
President Abello has directed me to speak to Deputy MacIntyre over in Interstellar Affairs. It sounds like she's going to help me get access to the Archives.
Office of Interstellar Affairs
For "Friends Like These" UC Vanguard Faction Mission
Deputy Elisabeth Macintyre NPC
Elisabeth Macintyre will give you FC Embassy Security , Freestar Diplomatic Access Card and Va'ruun Embassy Entrance Override
I've gotten the run down from Deputy MacIntyre on both ambassadors. She's suggested I start by trying to negotiate with Ambassador Radcliff of the Freestar Collective - and dig up some dirt on her if she doesn't agree.
Once you have obtained the codes from both Ambassadors, Elisabeth Macintyre will give you the third code. Go to Armistice Archives in New Atlantis(18)
After Return from Armistice Archives: Sounds like Deputy MacIntyre has a couple things she wants to discuss - including becoming a citizen. She's asked me to follow her.
Nova Galactic Manual 03Skill Magazine on small table in last office
For "A Legacy Forged" UC Vanguard Faction Mission:
Talk to Hadrian and Address the Cabinet.
This is the end of UC Vanguard Faction Storyline Missions.
Go to Commander John Tuala for rewards and additional UC Vanguard Missions.
You can also return to Red Devils HQ and join Major Hadrian Sanon as your Companion.
Chief Diplomat Soliman Yasin NPC
Functionary Gershon's ComputerTerminal
Subsection Seven
You will gain access to Subsection Seven after completing "Friends Like These" UC Vanguard Faction Mission, this location is for "The Devils You Know" UC Vanguard Faction Mission
Vae Victis NPC use Intercom to speak with him.
I just spoke to Vae Victis, a former UC admiral and a man who's supposed to be dead. He asked me to track down - and "deal with" - a rogue weapons scientist named Reginald Orlase. He believes Orlase is hiding near the planet of Etherea in the Wolf system, and that I should speak to the local head of the Vanguard - Captain Marquez - to get specifics.
Now go to The Den Space Station over Chthonia Planet in Wolf System.
After you find Reginald Orlase talk to Vae Victis and go to Hadrian Sanon in Red Devils HQ.
After "Hostile Intelligence" UC Vanguard Faction for "A Legacy Forged" UC Vanguard Faction Mission:
Talk to Vae Victis
I confronted Vae Victis and he confessed. He organized the attacks on New Atlantis and Tau Ceti as part of a plot to undo the damage done to the Sanon family name. But now, I have a choice: share the truth that Vae Victis is responsible or pin the blame on Reginald Orlase.
Go to Office of Interstellar Affairs and talk to Hadrian
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