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- Combat Skills
Starfield Combat Skills
Combat Skills in Starfield describing your abilities in combat and in the use of various types of weapons while outside your spaceship, damage, firepower, accuracy and the strength of weapons, there are 17 Combat Skills out of 82 all Skills in Starfield.
Combat Skills in Starfield
17 Combat Skills in Starfield are divided into 4 Tiers. Each Skill has up to 4 Ranks.
- Ballistics - Tier 1 - Novice Combat Skill
- Dueling - Tier 1 - Novice Combat Skill
- Lasers - Tier 1 - Novice Combat Skill
- Pistol Certification - Tier 1 - Novice Combat Skill
- Shotgun Certification - Tier 1 - Novice Combat Skill
- Demolitions - Tier 2 - Advanced Combat Skill
- Heavy Weapon Certification - Tier 2 - Advanced Combat Skill
- Incapacitation - Tier 2 - Advanced Combat Skill
- Particle Beams - Tier 2 - Advanced Combat Skill
- Rifle Certification - Tier 2 - Advanced Combat Skill
- Marksmanship - Tier 3 - Expert Combat Skill
- Rapid Reloading - Tier 3 - Expert Combat Skill
- Sniper Certification - Tier 3 - Expert Combat Skill
- Targeting - Tier 3 - Expert Combat Skill
- Armor Penetration - Tier 4 - Master Combat Skill
- Crippling - Tier 4 - Master Combat Skill
- Sharpshooting - Tier 4 - Master Combat Skill
Ballistics Starfield Skill
Tier 1 - Novice Combat Skill.
Increases damage dealt and range with Ballistic Weapons.
Centuries of conflict have proven that when it comes to threat elimination, few things stack up to the reliable power of high-speed projectiles
- Rank 1: Ballistic weapons do 10% more damage.
- Rank 2: Ballistic weapons do 20% more damage.
- Rank 3: Ballistic weapons do 30% more damage.
- Rank 4: Ballistic weapons range is increased by 30%.

Dueling Starfield Skill
Tier 1 - Novice Combat Skill.
Increases damage dealt with Melee Weapons with upgrades for taken damage and auto heals.
Considered by many to be a lost art, close attacks with a melee weapon can often be deadlier than ranged combat when carried out by a skilled practitioner.
- Rank 1: Melee weapons do 25% more damage. Take 10% less damage while wielding a melee weapon.
- Rank 2: Melee kills make you run 20% faster for 10 seconds.
- Rank 3: Melee weapons do 50% more damage. Take 15% less damage while wielding melee weapon.
- Rank 4: Melee kills heal you for 10% of your health.

Lasers Starfield Skill
Tier 1 - Novice Combat Skill.
Increases damage dealt and range with Laser Weapons and set a target on fire.
Personal laser weapons are in widespread use across the Settled Systems, and specialized training can greatly increase their effectiveness.
- Rank 1: Laser weapons do 10% more damage.
- Rank 2: Laser weapons do 20% more damage.
- Rank 3: Laser weapons do 30% more damage.
- Rank 4: Laser weapons have a 5% chance to set a target on fire.

Pistol Certification Starfield Skill
Tier 1 - Novice Combat Skill.
Increases damage dealt with Pistols and critical hit chance.
Considering the popularity of the personal sidearm in the Settled Systems, familiarity with such weapons is often considered essential.
- Rank 1: Pistols do 10% more damage.
- Rank 2: Pistols do 25% more damage.
- Rank 3: Pistols do 50% more damage.
- Rank 4: Pistol kills grant +25% critical hit chance for 5 seconds.

Shotgun Certification Starfield Skill
Tier 1 - Novice Combat Skill.
Increases damage dealt with Shotguns and chance to stun.
The cornerstone of close quarters combat or COC, the shotgun has proven a simple, deadly weapon for hundreds of years.
- Rank 1: Shotguns do 10% more damage.
- Rank 2: Shotguns do 20% more damage.
- Rank 3: Shotguns do 30% more damage.
- Rank 4: Shotgun kills grant a small chance to stun additional targets with shotguns for a limited time.

Demolitions Starfield Skill
Tier 2 - Advanced Combat Skill.
Increases damage dealt and radius with Explosives.
With the proper adjustment of chemical mixtures, coupled with modifications to the detonation mechanism, explosives can produce an even greater destructive yield.
- Rank 1: Throwing grenades now shows a trajectory arc. Explosions have a 25% larger radius.
- Rank 2: Explosives do 25% more damage.
- Rank 3: Reduce damage taken from explosives by 25%.
- Rank 4: All previous bonuses are doubled.

Heavy Weapon Certification Starfield Skill
Tier 2 - Advanced Combat Skill.
Increases damage dealt with Heavy Weapons.
Oversized weapons may prove cumbersome to wield, but their excessive damage output can't be ignored, especially in the hands of a trained combatant.
- Rank 1: Heavy weapons do 10% more damage.
- Rank 2: Heavy weapons do 20% more damage.
- Rank 3: Heavy weapons do 30% more damage.
- Rank 4: Gain 25% Physical resistance while aiming down sights with a heavy weapon.

Incapacitation Starfield Skill
Tier 2 - Advanced Combat Skill.
Increases damage dealt with EM Weapons.
EM weapons are generally employed to damage robots, but can also be used to render human beings unconscious
- Rank 1: EM weapons do 5% more damage.
- Rank 2: EM weapons do 10% more damage
- Rank 3: EM weapons do 15% more damage.
- Rank 4: EM weapons have a 15% chance to do 300% EM damage.

Particle Beams Starfield Skill
Tier 2 - Advanced Combat Skill.
Increases damage dealt with Particle Beams and crit chance.
While considered by some to be exotic, particle weapons can be a devastating combat option, subjecting a target to multiple forms of damage.
- Rank 1: Particle beam weapons do 10% more damage.
- Rank 2: Particle beam weapons do 20% more damage.
- Rank 3: Particle beam weapons do 30% more damage.
- Rank 4: Particle beam weapons have +5% crit chance.

Rifle Certification Starfield Skill
Tier 2 - Advanced Combat Skill.
Increases damage dealt with Rifles and faster reload.
Whether used for combat, hunting, or some other deadly purpose, the rifle has become a mainstay of Settled Systems weaponry.
- Rank 1: Rifles do 10% more damage.
- Rank 2: Rifles do 20% more damage.
- Rank 3: Rifles do 30% more damage.
- Rank 4: Reload rifles 30% faster while you're standing still.

Marksmanship Starfield Skill
Tier 3 - Expert Combat Skill.
Increases critical chance with non-automatic ranged weapons.
Perhaps no combat scenario is more frightening, or lethal, as a single-shot weapon wielded by someone skilled in critical shot placement.
- Rank 1: Increase critical hit chance with non-automatic ranged weapons by 3%.
- Rank 2: Increase critical hit chance with non-automatic ranged weapons by 8%.
- Rank 3: Increase critical hit chance with non-automatic ranged weapons by 15%.
- Rank 4: Critical hits using a non-automatic ranged weapon without a scope do double damage and those with scopes knock down enemies on the next shot.

Rapid Reloading Starfield Skill
Tier 3 - Expert Combat Skill.
Faster and more effective weapons reload.
In the chaos of combat, the seconds needed to reload your weapon could be the difference between life and death.
- Rank 1: Reload Ballistic weapons 30% faster.
- Rank 2: Reload Energy and EM weapons 30% faster.
- Rank 3: Reload Particle Beam weapons 30% faster. 50% chance to avoid getting interrupted while reloading.
- Rank 4: Chance on hitting enemies to increase reload speed for all weapons by 50% for 15 seconds.

Sniper Certification Starfield Skill
Tier 3 - Expert Combat Skill.
More effective shooting with Scoped weapons.
Only a trained sniper truly understands all of the elements necessary to patiently and effectively neutralize a target at excessive range.
- Rank 1: Scoped weapons are steadier and have less sway.
- Rank 2: You can hold your breath longer with scoped weapons.
- Rank 3: Headshots while aiming with a scoped weapon have a +25% critical hit chance.
- Rank 4: Scoped weapons do 50% more damage while using the scope.

Targeting Starfield Skill
Tier 3 - Expert Combat Skill.
Increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming.
While careful aiming is generally preferred in combat, 'shooting from the hip' can prove a fast and deadly alternative with sufficient training
- Rank 1: Increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming. Marks up to one enemy within 25m that damages you.
- Rank 2: Notably increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming. Marks up to two enemies within 50m that damage you.
- Rank 3: Greatly increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming. Marks up to three enemies within 75m that damage you.
- Rank 4: 10% chance to disarm targets hit when shooting without aiming. Marks up to four enemies within 100m that damage you.

Armor Penetration Starfield Skill
Tier 4 - Master Combat Skill.
Attacks ignore part of a target's armor.
By identifying gaps or weak points in body armor, an attacker can often gain a tactical advantage in combat
- Rank 1: Attacks ignore 15% of a target's armor.
- Rank 2: Attacks ignore 30% of a target's armor.
- Rank 3: Attacks Ignore 50% of a target's armor.
- Rank 4: Enemy armor is decreased by 25% for 6 seconds after a critical hit.

Crippling Starfield Skill
Tier 4 - Master Combat Skill.
Enemies have increased chance to enter a downed state.
Specifically targeting the pressure points and nerves of various limbs can disable an opponent, limiting their combat effectiveness.
- Rank 1: Human enemies have a 30% increased chance to enter a downed state after taking enough damage.
- Rank 2: Humanoid enemies have a 50% increased chance to not naturally recover from a downed state.
- Rank 3: Human enemies now can enter a downed state earlier.
- Rank 4: Previous ranks now apply to all enemy types. You now do 100% more damage to downed enemies.

Sharpshooting Starfield Skill
Tier 4 - Master Combat Skill.
Increase critical damage with ranged weapons.
For those who specialize in precise targeting that maximizes damage, combat is often a quickly efficient affair.
- Rank 1: Increase headshot critical damage by 50% with ranged weapons.
- Rank 2: Increase critical damage to enemy legs by 50% with ranged weapons.
- Rank 3: Increase all critical damage to enemies by 50% with ranged weapons.
- Rank 4: Ranged critical hit kills increase your critical hit chance with all ranged weapons by 25% for 20 seconds.

Combat Skills List Starfield
There are 17 Combat Skills in Starfield describing your abilities in combat and in the use of various types of weapons while outside your spaceship.
Starfield Combat Skills

Tier 1 Novice
Increases damage dealt and range with Ballistic Weapons.
Ballistics Skill Starfield
Tier 1 Novice
Increases damage dealt with Melee Weapons with upgrades for taken damage and auto heals.
Dueling Skill Starfield
Tier 1 Novice
Increases damage dealt and range with Laser Weapons and set a target on fire.
Lasers Skill Starfield
Pistol Certification
Tier 1 Novice
Increases damage dealt with Pistols and critical hit chance.
Pistol Certification Skill Starfield
Shotgun Certification
Tier 1 Novice
Increases damage dealt with Shotguns and chance to stun.
Shotgun Certification Skill Starfield
Tier 2 Advanced
Increases damage dealt and radius with Explosives.
Demolitions Skill Starfield
Heavy Weapon Certification
Tier 2 Advanced
Increases damage dealt with Heavy Weapons.
Heavy Weapon Certification Skill Starfield
Tier 2 Advanced
Increases damage dealt with EM Weapons.
Incapacitation Skill Starfield
Particle Beams
Tier 2 Advanced
Increases damage dealt with Particle Beams and crit chance.
Particle Beams Skill Starfield
Rifle Certification
Tier 2 Advanced
Increases damage dealt with Rifles and faster reload.
Rifle Certification Skill Starfield
Tier 3 Expert
Increases critical chance with non-automatic ranged weapons.
Marksmanship Skill Starfield
Rapid Reloading
Tier 3 Expert
Faster and more effective weapons reload.
Rapid Reloading Skill Starfield
Sniper Certification
Tier 3 Expert
More effective shooting with Scoped weapons.
Sniper Certification Skill Starfield
Tier 3 Expert
Increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming.
Targeting Skill Starfield
Armor Penetration
Tier 4 Master
Attacks ignore part of a target's armor.
Armor Penetration Skill Starfield
Tier 4 Master
Enemies have increased chance to enter a downed state.
Crippling Skill Starfield
Tier 4 Master
Increase critical damage with ranged weapons.
Sharpshooting Skill Starfield
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