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- Neon City
Neon City Map Starfield
Neon City Map

Map of Neon City City in Starfield. Neon City City is located on Volii Alpha Planet in Volii System and it is capital of the United Colonies faction.
Neon City is an old fishing platform located in the middle of the sea, turned into a city dedicated to entertainment, tourism and commerce.
There are two maps for Neon City:
Main districts of Neon City are:
- Neon Core (Upper Platform) with Bayu Plaza, Ikuchi Market and two skyscrapers Trade Tower and Ryujin Tower, this is the commercial and business part.
- Ebbside surrounding Neon Core, a notorious neighborhood with some clubs.
- Underbelly below Eddside, working class's domain with some industry.
- Spaceport is located on the lowest level.
- Rooftops are located under the roof at the very top. It's a kind of "attic", seemingly empty, but you can also find some secrets there.
There are several missions that take you to Neon City:
- "All That Money Can Buy" Main Mission by Walter Stroud in The Lodge.
- "Runaway" Misc Mission by Rivkah Ovadia in Cydonia.
- "Back to the Grind" Ryujin Industries Mission by Ryujin Industries Kiosk in New Atlantis.
In Neon City talk to Neon Security for new Activities
Check Neon City Side Missions for full side mission list for Neon City location.
Check Ryujin Industries Faction Missions for full list of Ryujin Industries Faction Missions in Starfield.
Neon City Map
Starfield Map of Neon City located on Volii Alpha Planet in Volii System with Missions, Activities, NPC and Vendor locations, Starfield Maps, Walkthrough & Guide.
Landing Zone
Walter Stroud NPC is waiting for you in Landing Zone for "All That Money Can Buy" Main Mission.
"All That Money Can Buy" Main Mission
You can complete this mission now or explore all Neon City first, it doesn't matter. I visited Neon City first and then I started "All That Money Can Buy". Either way Walter Stroud will be waiting for you in the Landing zone until you talk to him.
"All That Money Can Buy" Main Mission does not mix with the stories you will encounter in Neon City.
- Talk to Walter Stroud in Landing Zone of Neon City Starport.
- Go to Stroud-Eklund Corporate HQ in Neon Core (25), talk to Oscar Trinidad and Issa Eklund. Walter and Issa want me to investigate the seller and case the Astral Lounge. The seller was connected to us by James Newill. The Astral Lounge is in the Trade Tower.
- Go to Newill's Goods in Neon Core (18) and talk to James Newill and [Persuade] him for location of seller.
- Go to Seller's Sleepcrate in Ebbside (23) and search it. Take GalBank Statement and check Computer.
- Go to Astral Lounge in Trade Tower (30) in Neon Core, talk to Bone Moran about security, [Persuade] him, [Pay 1000 Credits] for VIP. Check Door Control in Booth 3, use Computer.
- Return to Walter Stroud and talk to him, next meet him inside Astral Lounge.
- Find Musgrove inside Astral Lounge and identify him.
- Inside Booth 3 in Astral Lounge negotiate with Musgrove and Walter Stroud, Stop bluffing ..., [Remote trigger the door to close], You're not going anywhere and take Artifact Nu.
- Go to Exit and [Persuade] Slayton Agent, do not attack him.
- Head to exit and talk to Issa Eklund
- Go to Slayton Aerospace HQ (27) in Trade Tower, don't shoot anyone, [Persuade] Ryleight and go to Elevator to Executive Level.
- Exit elevator and go to Vent on fight side, use vents to go up.
- Follow mission arrow on the floor - when you turn on Scanner.
- Exit to Rooftops of Neon and climb the Trade Tower.
- Confront Nicolaus Slayton, do not attack, just talk to him.
- Talk to Musgrove in next room, do not kill Musgrove, just call security to get him.
- Go to the ship, talk to Walter Stroud and take off from Neon.
- Run from Starborn and return to the Lodge
As a reward you will get Fiscal Quarter Rare Rifle
Ship Services
Ship Services Technician NPC
Trade Authority Kiosk Terminal
Neon Security Checkpoint
Talk to Frank Renick Activity
Sophie Jex NPC talk with her about Aurora and Ebbside.
Neshar Omani NPC
Loose Ends Misc Mission by Neshar Omani.
After landing on Neon, I encountered a man named Neshar Omani being apprehended by security for possessing Aurora. It might be worth talking to him in Neon Security.
Elevator to Neon Core
From Staceport to Neon Core
Bayu Plaza
Elevator to Spaceport
From Neon Core to Staceport.
Ryujin Industrial Kiosk Terminal
Talk to "Doc" Manning Activity
Reliant Medical - Doctor and Medical Supplies
Doctor Joseph Manning NPC
Relief Run Misc Mission by Doctor Joseph Manning.
I offered to go get medical supplies for Joseph Manning. I need to go pick them up from Abbie Edding at the Clinic.
The Volii Hotel
Self Service Bounty ClearanceTerminal
Mission BoardTerminal
Miguel Rivas NPC he's sitting in the hotel lobby, you can't help him with his social problems but you can talk to him about Neon City and the nightlife.
Minerva Clement NPC talk to her.
- You can rent a room from Minerva at The Volii Hotel and do it.
- For "Runaway" Misc Mission by Rivkah Ovadia in Cydonia. Talk to Minerva about Nathan Ovadia I have a delivery ... and she will show you room on 3nd Floor.
- Minerva has her own little secret about the Volii Hotel, she will tell you it when you rent a room and return to her after more than 24 hours.
- Talk to Minerva about Neon City
Talk to Your Rented Room Activity
2nd Floor - your rented room
Cyber Runner's Cipher 04Skill Magazine on small table.
3nd Floor
Nathan Ovadia NPC for "Runaway" Misc Mission by Rivkah Ovadia in Cydonia, talk to him, give him a gift from his daughter, [Persuade] him to reconcile with his daughter, then return to Rivkah on Cydonia.
Exit (B) to Ebbside
Bayu Plaza - Ebbside Right, don't go there now
Enhance! - Genetic Salon
Here you can change your appearance for 500 Credits, you can change Body, Face and Name.
Paige Overton NPC talk to her about past.
Neon Security HQ
Talk to Katherine Luzion Activity in front of the entrance.
Stolen Items Locker Key on the desk.
Stolen Items Locker
Black Market Antiquities
Contraband Cache
Inaccessible Door just try to enter to start conversation with the prisoner Neshar Omani inside.
Neshar Omani NPC for "Loose Ends" Misc Mission by Neshar Omani, you witnessed his arrest during your first visit to Neon City at the exit of the Starport, talk to him through the door and he will ask you for help.
Neshar Omani was smuggling chems while working with Yannick Legrande. He was supposed to deliver a package, and he's worried what will come of him if he doesn't deliver. He asked me to get the package from his Sleepcrate. He gave me his passcode so the Sleepcrate manager will let me in.
Bayu Monument
The monument is Benjamin Bayu, administrator of Neon City.
SSNN receiver nearby, you can listen to the news.
GalBank ATMTerminal
TerraBrew Coffee - Bar
TerraBrew Employee Merchant - selling Aid.
Tracker Alliance Agent NPC outside.
For "Back to the Grind" Ryujin Industries Missions when picking up coffee for Imogene you confront Tomo, handle it peacefully through [Persuade] and don't forget to grab the coffee on your way back to Imogene.
Exit (D) to Ebbside
Bayu Plaza - Ebbside Left, don't go there now
The Emporium - Souvenir Vendor
Tevin Anastas Souvenir Seller - talk to him about The Seokguh Syndicate, and get mission.
Mob Mentality Misc Mission by Tevin Anastas.
I've agreed to help Tevin deal with Headlock, a Seokguh thug that's been terrorizing his shop. I should go to Frankie's Grab & Go and ask about him.
Tevin Anastas can sell you Solomon's Calculations, buy it.
Return Solomon's Calculations to Leah CaslerActivity
For "Unjustified" Misc Mission by Katherine Luzion, talk to Tevin Anastas about death of Thomas Luzion, [Persuade] him. Tevin told me that Katherine's husband was killed by a man named Rusty. I need to find him.
Stroud Eklund Showroom - Ships
You can buy or modify Ships here.
Stroud-Eklund Ship KioskTerminal
Emiko Shinsato NPC
Talk to Saburo Okadigbo Activity talking inside to Security
Sieghart's Outfitters -Vendor
Dietrich Sieghart Vendor lot of Resources, Apparels and Aids.
Talk to Clover Activity Security outside
For "All for One" Misc Mission by James Newill, talk to Dietrich Sieghart James Newill objects to you paying Neon Security ...m use [Diplomacy] or [Persuade].
Ikuchi Market
Trade Authority
Kolman Lang Vendor various goods, lots of Aids
For "Dirty Laundry" Misc Mission by Manaia Adams, talk to Kolman Lang I was wondering if you'd be interested in this Sidestar, sell him Discarted Sidestar and return to Manaia.
Exit (C) to Ebbside
Ikuchi Market - Ebbside Left
Neon Tactica - Weapon Vendor
Karolina Gortat NPC she is sitting outside the store, you can meet her in various locations, you can talk to her about Neon City.
Styx NPC a combat mech used as a security guard in the store, you can talk to him but it won't be a complicated conversation, he is painted in gang graffiti.
Frank Renick Vendor he has a lot of weapons and ammo for sale, talk to him about why Styx is painted. I could track the person who defaced Styx ...
Bare Metal Misc Mission by Frank Renick.
Frank Renick at Neon Tactical has asked me to find a gang member named Warlord, who vandalized his security robot. I should speak to Warlord at Euphorika.
Ryujin Apartments
Talk to BorealUS Activity before entering the building.
Elevator to the 3rd floor to apartment 305, the apartment is currently unavailable.
Legrandes Liquors - Aids Vendor
Yannick Legrande Vendor selling Aids, talk with him about Blend.
For "Loose Ends" Misc Mission by Neshar Omani, give Neshar's Package to Yannick Legrande. He tell you to find Felix Sadler, you will find him in Warehouse 01 in Ebbside (04), go there.
After you finish "Loose Ends" Yannick will offer you further cooperation.
Fishy Business Misc Mission by Yannick Legrande.
Yannick Legrande needs Aurora to brew his drink, "Blend." I have a forged ID for Reilly Chernyshevsky and I need to use it to get a job at Xenofresh Fisheries so I can find Neshar's contact.
For "Fishy Business" Misc Mission by Yannick Legrande, after you return from Xenofresh Fisheries.
Benjamin Bayu NPC talk to him and with Yannick Legrande for "Fishy Business" and next mission.
Supply Line Misc Mission by Benjamin Bayu.
After a tense meeting with Benjamin Bayu, Yannick and I were spared - but Yannick's Aurora smuggling operation is under Bayu's control now. I should see how Yannick is doing.
Return to Xenofresh Fisheries in Underbelly (21)
After Xenofresh Fisheries when you return with Package for "Supply Line".
You finished "Supply Line" Misc Mission by Benjamin Bayu and now you can manufacture Aurora alone.
Supply Line is a mission that you can repeat every time you get Activity: Ask Yannick about another shift at Xenofresh.
Sign Control Node 2
For "Display of Power" Misc Mission by Briggs, you can turn it on without any consequences.
Newill's Goods
James Newill Vendor rich assortment, talk to him about Sieghart to get mission.
All for One Misc Mission by James Newill.
James Newill has asked me to dissuade Dietrich Sieghart from making payments to Neon Security.
Rosa Newill Vendor talk to him about Sieghart for "All for One" Misc Mission.
Talk to James Newill for "The Showdown" Misc Mission by Briggs. Buy some armor for Ebbside Strikers, you can [Persuade] price.
For "All That Money Can Buy" Main Mission talk to James Newill and [Persuade] him for location of seller.
Freestar Rangers Outpost
Gunslinger's Guide 04Skill Magazine on upper floor, near bed.
For "Shadows in Neon" Freestar Collective:
Jaylen Pryce NPC for "Shadows in Neon" Freestar Collective talk to him, and follow him to to meet his informant to Ebbside, near Frankie's Grab + Go (05).
My investigation into the activities of the First continues. Ranger Pryce is taking me to meet Billy Clayton, an informant who might have seen the stolen HopeTech ship and its pilot.
Mining League - Resources Vendor
Saburo Okadigbo Vendor Resources Vendor, talk to him, Is there anything I can do to help ... to get mission.
Saburo's Solution Misc Mission by Saburo Okadigbo.
Saburo gave me some flyers to hand out to the other businesspeople of Neon. I should ask around and see if any of them are interested.
You have to distribute 5 Flyers to near Vendors, its easy do it now.
Talk to Saburo Okadigbo for "Hard Luck" Misc Mission after you meet Clover Mackenna in (24).
Exit (A) to Ebbside
Ikuchi Market - Ebbside Right
Trade Tower
Trade Tower Lobby
Trade Tower Elevator
- Sky Suite ( RESTRICTED) (28)
- Slayton Aerospace (27)
- Xenofresh Corporate HQ (26)
- Stroud-Eklund Corporate HQ (25)
- CeltCorp (24)
- Generdyne Industries (23)
- Kore Kinetics (22)
- Lobby (21)
Kore Kinetics - Arms Dealer
Matias Durant Weapon Vendor sells powerful magnetic rifles and pistols.
Computer Terminal
Generdyne Industries
Ji Nashida NPC
There is a room with Computer and Safe [Master] but there is nothing special about them, to be hidden when you open Safe you can Switch to close the blinds.
Clover Mackenna NPC talk to her about mission.
Hard Luck Misc Mission by Clover Mackenna.
Clover MacKenna has asked that I help one of her clients, Saburo Okadigbo get out of debt. She is willing to pay off his remaining balance, provided he gives her permission.
Clover Mackenna's Diary on the desk for "Hard Luck" Misc Mission.
Neon Nights 03Skill Magazine on the couch in the office.
For "One Step Ahead" Ryujin Industries, you have to find free computer in CeltCorp, hide, unlock it [Novice] and upload program from Imogene.
Stroud-Eklund Corporate HQ
This location is for "All That Money Can Buy" Main Mission
Oscar Trinidad NPC talk to him.
Issa Eklund NPC talk to her.
For "Liquid Assets" Misc Mission by Nyssa Marcano, I convinced Walter to invest in a business venture.
Xenofresh Corporate HQ
This location is for "Fishy Business" Misc Mission by Yannick Legrande.
Amanda Oxendine NPC talk to her about work for "Fishy Business", you pretend to be Reilly Chernyshevsky.
Job Application Computer Terminal apply for job as Production Line Chemist for "Fishy Business", in general, it does not matter how you fill out the job application.
Talk to Amanda Oxendine again, she will direct you to Xenofresh Fisheries in Underbelly (21).
Neon Nights 05Skill Magazine on the table.
Libby Grath NPC
Computer Terminal
Slayton Aerospace HQ
This location is for "All That Money Can Buy" Main Mission.
Cyber Runner's Cipher 01Skill Magazine on the table.
Ryleight NPC [Persuade] Her and go to Elevator to Executive Level.
Exit elevator and go to Vent on fight side, use vents to go up. Follow mission arrow on the floor - when you turn on Scanner
Exit to Rooftops of Neon and climb the Trade Tower.
Confront Nicolaus Slayton, do not attack, just talk to him.
Talk to Musgrove in next room, do not kill Musgrove, just call security to get him.
Go to your ship.
Slayton Utility Key in the side corridor in chest if you need it.
Slayton's Slate in Slayton's Office.
Sky Suite Apartment
You can purchase the Sky Suite from Boone Morgan for 235 000 Credit, he is in the Astral Lounge or access it from the Neon City Rooftops. If you don't buy an apartment, you will have to enter it through the balcony every time, but otherwise you will be able to live there normally and arrange it as if it were your property.

Youtube: How to break into a Sky Suite apartment in Neon City or just buy it.
YouTube: How to break into a Sky Suite apartment in Neon City or just buy it.Elevator to Penthouse
Benjamin Bayu's Penthouse
To get to Benjamin Bayu's Penthouse, you must steal Bayu's Penthouse Key from Benjamin Bayu, who can be found in Astral Lounge Booth 4.
The Price of DestinySNOW GLOBE LOCATION book on Bayu's desk. Provides the location of St. Louis Landmark on Earth.
Visit the St. Louis Landmark on Earth Activity
If you steal the key to Benjamin Bayu's Penthouse, you will be able to go up in the elevator but you will not be able to go down elevator. Then select Map and Fast Travel to the entrance to Neon City.

Youtube: How to break into Benjamin Bayu's Penthouse in Neon City.
YouTube: How to break into Benjamin Bayu's Penthouse in Neon City.Astral Lounge
Astral Lounge in Trade Tower is the most famous and most popular nightclub in Neon City, it is the only place where you can legally buy and take Aurora.
Self Service Bounty ClearanceTerminal The Trackers Alliance Self-Service Bounty Clearance Kiosk, If you have bounty with anyone in the Settled Systems for a small convenience fee, we can clear that up for you.
Mission BoardTerminal At Mission Board Terminals, you can accept a mission to complete as a reward.
Mickey Caviar Companion You can recruit him for 16500 Credits (price varies depending on discounts), Wellness (2), Gastronomy (1), Incapacitation (1).
Outpost Security Chief Crew Member (not Companion) crew member spawn locations are fixed, but different crew member can spawn, you can recruit him.
Outpost Engineering Specialist Crew Member (not Companion) crew member spawn locations are fixed, but different crew member can spawn, you can recruit him.
Outpost Management Specialist Crew Member (not Companion) crew member spawn locations are fixed, but different crew member can spawn, you can recruit him.
Missile Weapons Specialist Crew Member (not Companion) crew member spawn locations are fixed, but different crew member can spawn, you can recruit him.
Particle Weapons Specialist Crew Member (not Companion) crew member spawn locations are fixed, but different crew member can spawn, you can recruit him.
Boone Morgan Aid Vendor barman at Astral Lounge, he can sell you legally Aurora.
Boone Morgan can sell you Sky Suite penthouse for 235 000 Credits.
For "All That Money Can Buy" Main Mission talk to Boone Morgan about security, [Persuade] him, [Pay 1000 Credits] for VIP.
Manaia Adams NPC will appear when you receive the "Talk to Manaia Adams" Activity inside Neon City, talk to her.
Dirty LaundryMisc Mission by Manaia Adams.
A patron at the Astral Lounge, Manaia Adams, has asked me to pick up a piece of merchandise and sell it to a vendor. I should head to the warehouse behind Neon Tactical and find the item.
Zola Adisa NPC for "Sowing Discord" Ryujin Industries, [Persuade] her against Infinity LTD.
VIP Balcony
Take VIP elevator to the higher level.
Staff Only
BorealUS NPC famous music creator, talk to her I could help you find your slate and you will receive a mission.
Superfan Misc Mission by BorealUS.
Music star BorealUS claims a slate of hers was stolen. She isn't sure by whom, and has asked me to speak to Myka over at Euphorika in hopes of tracking down the suspect.
Booth 1
Neon Nights 02Skill Magazine on the table.
Arthur Cruz NPC for "Sowing Discord" Ryujin Industries, [Persuade] him against Infinity LTD.
Booth 3
For "All That Money Can Buy" Main Mission.
ComputerTerminal check Door Control in Booth 3
Inside Booth 3 in Astral Lounge negotiate with Musgrove and Walter Stroud, Stop bluffing ..., [Remote trigger the door to close], You're not going anywhere and take Artifact.
Go to Exit and [Persuade] Slayton Agent, do not attack him.
Booth 4
Benjamin Bayu NPC Administrator of Neon
Bayu's Penthouse Key you can steal it from Benjamin Bayu.
For "Guilty Parties" Ryujin Industries Mission ask Benjamin Bayu for permission to enter Syndicate's territory, [Persuade] him.
I got Benjamin Bayu's approval to enter the Seokguh Syndicate hideout. I can head to Frankie's Grab & Go now and speak to Frankie herself about getting inside to finally find Imogene.
VIP Booth
Swap Nina's Presentation for "Sowing Discord" Ryujin Industries it is on the table.
I did my best to sway Zola Adisa and Arthur Cruz away from the deal with Infinity LTD, and I swapped out Nina Hart's presentation. I need to return to Imogene at Ryujin Tower and let her know it's done.
Ryujin Tower
Ryujin Tower Lobby
Jupiter Elliot NPC you can talk to her about Ryujin Industries.
Talk to Hamza Activity Security near entrance to Ryujin Tower, Hamza is in Operations (37)
Tranquilitea - Bar
Deliah Stuart Aid Vendor
Ryujin Industries Store - Neuroamps Apparels
Aito Suzuki Neuroamps Vendor sells Neuroamp Apparels.
Arboron - Electromagnetic Guns Shop
Ken Bright Arms Dealer sells Electromagnetic Rifles and Pistols.
Ryujin Tower Elevator
Taiyo Astroneering - Manufacturer and Seller of Spaceships
Taiyo Sales Computer Terminal
Vern Sobakin NPC talk to him about delivery jobs.
Drydock Blues: Taiyo Astroneering Store Misc Mission by Vern Sobakin.
You have an invoice to deliver some Aluminum to Taiyo Astroneering Store. The Aluminum needs to be in my ship's cargo hold.
Dara Ultrecht NPC
Note From Jun Carter
Veronica Young NPC she can sell you spaceship.
The New Dolphin
Tranquilitea / DRONE
Robert Frye NPC
Lendel GreenNPC
Christine Quince NPC
Nancy Ellicott NPC
Operations, Research and Development and Executive Office are locations devoted mainly to Ryujin Industries Faction Missions.
For "Back to the Grind" Ryujin Industries Faction Missions.
Lane Garza NPC receptionist at Ryujin Industries, talk to her before the Work Interview.
Imogene Salzo NPC senior operations specialist at Ryujin Industries, she will be the one you apply for a job with and she will supervise you.
Once you're hired, your first task will be to bring coffee from TerraBrew. Coffee is just an excuse to test how you can deal with Tomo, your predecessor. If you solve Tomo's problem without conflict, Imogene will be happy.
Next step in "Back to the Grind" will be to meet 4 executives in conference room:
Linden Calderi NPC Chief Financial Officer
Geneview Monohan NPC head of marketing and public relations
Alexis Pryce NPC head of legal department
Camden Cho NPC supply chain manager
Next mission from Imogene will be:
One Step Ahead Ryujin Industries by Imogene Salzo.
I need to get into CeltCorp at Neon's Trade Tower and upload the program on the slate that Imogene gave me. Ideally, I need to do this without getting caught.
First assignment after joining Ryujin Industries. You need to get into CeltCorp at Neon's Trade Tower and upload the program on the slate that Imogene gave me. Ideally, you need to do this without getting caught. Then return to Imogene Salzo.
A New Narrative Ryujin Industries by Imogene Salzo.
I need to head to Akila City so I can plant confidential files in Laredo Firearms to expose their own corruption and thwart a deal. Ideally, I need to do this without getting caught. Akila City is on Akila in the Cheyenne system.
You have to go to Akila City in Cheyenne System and plant confidential files in Laredo Firearms. In Laredo Firearms go there upstairs, hide, open locked door, open Chest (pointed with quest mark) and put inside Confidential Files, then return to Imogene.
Access is Key Ryujin Industries by Imogene Salzo.
I need to travel to HopeTech on Polvo in the Valo System to obtain a Security Keycard. If I want the Security Chief to speak to me, I should wear a suit or security uniform. I can buy a suit from Aito in the Ryujin Tower lobby.
Sowing Discord Ryujin Industries by Imogene Salzo.
My latest assignment is to sabotage a deal between Quantum Synergies and Infinity LTD. First, I need to sway the Quantum reps, Zola Adisa and Arthur Cruz against the deal. I should reference the dossiers Imogene gave me for talking points.
"Sowing Discord" takes place in the Astral Lounge Bar in Trade Tower in Neon City. Your task is to sabotage a deal between Quantum Synergies and Infinity LTD. To do this, you need to convince Arthur Cruz and Zola Adisa against Infinity LTD. And then replace Nina Hart's presentation. At the end you must return to Imogene Salzo.
Accidents Happen Ryujin Industries by Imogene Salzo.
I need to travel to HopeTech on Polvo in the Valo system to plant ARC device.
You have to travel to HopeTech in Hopetown located on Polvo Planet in Valo System. Enter HopeTech Workshop, find the spaceship under construction marked with the mission marker, go inside the hull, hide and plant an ARC device. Watch out for the workers working inside the hull. Return to Imogene.
Maintaining the Edge Ryujin Industries by Imogene Salzo.
I need to travel to Trident Luxury Liners Staryard orbiting Akila in the Cheyenne System in order to obtain the prototype schematic.
The Prototype Schematic you need to obtain is located on the lower level of the shipyard. You can get to it through the ventilation shaft from the main level, or simply approach the room, get inside, close the door, close the window blinds and take the Prototype Schematic. At the end, return to Imogene.
Top Secrets Ryujin Industries by Imogene Salzo.
Imogene said her boss, Ularu Chen, would like to see me about my next assignment. I need to report to her office on the Executive Floor of Ryujin Tower and find out the details.
You gain access to the Executive Floor, go there and talk to Ularu Chen.
Other in Operations
Imogene's Computer Terminal
April Sweeny NPC senior operative
Camden's Computer Terminal
Rafio Hamza NPC
Balancing the Books Misc Mission by Rafio Hamza.
A Ryujin technician, Rafiq Hamza, has asked me to recover a slate with some classified intel. He suggested I speak to a panhandler in Neon who he's interacted with on several occasions.
Neon Nights 01Skill Magazine in Alexis Price office in Executive Floor after "Maintaining the Edge" 7th Ryujin Industries Faction Mission.
Executive Office / Research and Development
Executive Office and Research and Development are locations for Ryujin Industries Faction Missions, you will gain access after "Maintaining the Edge" Ryujin Industries Mission.
Ularu Chen NPC for "Top Secrets" Ryujin Industries, talk to her.
I need to travel to Cydonia on Mars in the Sol system. From there, I need to find one of Ularu's contacts, Simon Ryczek, and negotiate a deal for the information he has.
- Go to Cydonia on Mars in the Sol system and talk to Simon Ryczek he will offer you a side job in exchange for the information.
- Go to Saturn in Sol System, find The Datura Ship, board it and talk to Malai Liskova. You do not need to kill her, you just need her gun so [Persuade] her, she will give you Ember, return it to Simon Ryczek in exchange for information.
- Go to Deimos Staryards Corporate office at Cydonia hack Stanley's Computer and download files about Project Dominion and return to Ularu Chen in Ryujin Tower in Neon City.
Masako Imada NPC for "Top Secrets" Ryujin Industries and you will get next mission.
Background Checks Ryujin Industries by Masako Imada.
I need to find Dalton Fiennes in his office on the Executive Floor and see what I can do to help find the mole at Ryujin Industries.
Dalton Fiennes NPC for "Background Checks" Ryujin Industries talk to him.
"Background Checks" is a relatively difficult mission in which you must infiltrate your own company, Ryujin Industries, undercover.
- Find Dalton Fiennes in his office on the Executive Floor and talk to him.
- Get Electromagnetix Rifle from Dalton, you will need it not to kill the guards but to stun them.
- Meet Nyx at Madame Sauvage's Place in Ebbside in Neon.
- Go to Neon Rooftops, follow missions marker and find Button to move container on a crane, then go to Ryujin Industries Roof Entrance and enter there.
- Equip the Arboron Novablast Disrupter, not to kill the guards, but to stun them.
- Run Nyx's program on Ularu's Computer
- Run Nyx's program on Camden Cho's Computer
- Visit Nyx's Apartment in Ebbside Right and talk to Nyx.
- Return to Ryujin Tower and talk to Dalton.
Guilty Parties Ryujin Industries by Dalton Fiennes.
Dalton wants me to find Imogene and bring her to his office for questioning. I should go to Imogene's office on the Operations floor and see if she's there.
Try to find Imogene and take her to the Executive Floor for questioning.
Guilty Parties Mission
The "Guilty Parties" mission is one of the most interesting missions in Starfield. It has several possible plots.
First of all, you have nothing to fear, because whatever decisions you do not make, the history of Ryujin Industries Faction Missions will move forward and you will not suffer any serious consequences. If it will make you feel better, save your game before performing this mission.
- You can side with Ularu, Ularu wins, Imogene is lost, Masako Imada stops being CEO of Ryujin and Ularu becomes CEO.
- You can side with Imogene, skip Ularu, go to Dalton asap with evidences, then Ularu will be thrown out of Ryujin.
- You can side with Imogene, confront Ularu, get her confession but pretend to cover Ularu. Then at the end of the Ryujin Industries storyline you will be able to get rid of Ularu, Imogene is saved, Masako remains CEO (this is the best solution in my opinion)
- There are also a few intermediate solutions, including killing Ular or killing Imogene, but in my opinion they are less interesting.
Either way, you can enjoy different gameplay solutions during this mission, or just play through it any way you want if you're not into it.
- Look for Imogene in her office but she's not there.
- Talk to Yuko Serrano, who will tell you that Imogene was last seen in Frankie's Grab + Go
- Talk to Dalton Fiennes about Syndicate, he will direct you to Benjamin Bayu.
- Talk to Benjamin Bayu in Astral Lounge for permission to enter Syndicate's territory [Persuade] him.
- Talk to Franchesca Moore in Frankie's Grab + Go for access to Seokguch Syndicate Hideout (06)
- Enter Seokguch Syndicate Hideout, if you talk to Benjamin Bayu and Franchesca Moore you don't have to fight the Syndicate members, then enter Syndicate Backroom.
- Talk to Imogene
- Confront Ularu (or not)
- Talk to Yuko
- Return to Dalton
The Key Ingredient Ryujin Industries by Dalton Fiennes.
Dalton told me Masako wanted to see me in Veena's office on the Research and Development floor. I should go speak with her.
You have to recover Rothicite Shipment. Travel to CM Station RC-1 on Carinae III-a Moon in the Carinae System. Kill all Ecliptic and recover Contract Orders.
Fly to The Clinic Medical Star Station orbiting Deepala in Narion System, pass Freestar Guard [Persuade] and enter Secured Wing to talk to personnel and get Refined Rothicite Shipment. Then return to Veena Kalra in Research and Development in Ryujin Tower.
You was able to recover a lost rothicite shipment so Veena can complete the Internal Neuroamp and its shielding mod. While on assignment, you also discovered Infinity LTD hired Ecliptic to kill innocent people at CM Station RC-1 and was also conducting illegal human trials at the Clinic, resulting in multiple deaths.
Veena Kalra NPC
Sabotage Ryujin Industries by Veena Kalra.
Dalton and Masako want me to attend the meeting where they discuss the mole and their plans for Infinity LTD
"Sabotage" Ryujin Industries Faction Missions is one of the most extensive and perhaps one of the most difficult missions in Starfield. Don't be discouraged, you should complete it without killing enemies and in stealth, but if you fail, the mission will also be completed.
You can enter through the main entrance and rely on your persuasion or enter through Roof Access and sneak (which is probably easier).
- Attend the meeting
- Go to Research and Development, meet Veena, implant Internal Neuroamp.
- Go to Observation Deck, test and learn how to use Internal Neuroamp.
- Talk to Masako about Infinity LTD assignment, you will receive an outfit that will make sneaking easier and needed access keys.
- Talk to Dalton
- Go to New Atlantis, and use Roof Access to Infinity LTD (36)
- Use Stealth, Vents, footbridges under the ceiling and Internal Neuroamp
- Sabotage the Heating System it will make Stealth much easier.
- Run program on Lucas' Computer
- Run program on Faye's Computer
- Take Neuroamp Prototype
- Deliver slate to David Baron at SSNN in New Atlantis
- Return to Masako at Ryujin Tower

Infinity LTD Map
For 'Sabotage' Ryujin Industries Mission
Executive Level Ryujin Industries by Masako Imada.
It's time to lobby the board members. Masako wants Infinity LTD and Ularu wants Masako out. I'll need at least half of the votes on any issue to secure success. If I have strong feelings against the Internal Neuroamp, this would be my opportunity to get further research shut down.
"Executive Level" is the last mission in the Ryujin Industries Faction Missions series. It is a pleasant and easy mission in which by convincing the Board Members you can decide about the future of the takeover of Infinity LTD and the production of Internal Neuroamp.
This is also the moment when you finally choose the future of Ularu Chen and Imogene Salzo. You can also choose your favorite endings.
Talk to Imogene Salzo
Examine the Mission Board Activity
Ryujin Industries Mission Board Terminal you have to be Senior Operative to access this mission terminal.
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