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- Starfield
- Main Story
Starfield Main Story
The story in Starfield consists of Main Missions:
- One Small Step
- The Old Neighborhood
- The Empty Nest
- Back to Vectera
- Into the Unknown
- All That Money Can Buy
- (...)
One Small Step
One Small Step is first Main Mission in Starfield, receive automatically at the beginning of the Starfield Story from Supervisor Lin.
Vectera Moon of Anselon Planet in Narion System
This is where the plot of the Starfield story begins in Argos Extractors Mining Outpost on Vectera Moon you are an employee of Argos Extractors, is SOL Date May 7, 2330.
One Small StepMain Mission this is the first story mission you have from Supervisor Lin at the beginning of the game.
Take the elevator to the mine, following Supervisor Lin. Take the Cutter and start mining according to the mission. Once you have mined five deposits, talk to Lin. Follow her to the distant corridor. While mining, you will find a strange Artifact object in the cave, touch it.
Now Character Creation will begin. You will be able to change the visual appearance later in the game, but Backgrounds and Traits will remain with you throughout the game (Traits can only be removed).
Put on the Helmet and go with Lin to the surface to meet Barrett. Your meeting will be interrupted by a Pirates attack. You have to help kill them, you can fight with the Cutter or the Pistol that is lying nearby.
After the fight, talk to Barrett who will become your Companion in the future and meet Vasco your next Companion.
Board the spaceship given to you by Barrett, take off, learn the basics of piloting and fight your first space battle with pirates from the Crimson Fleet. Collect loot from crashed ships.
Your next location is Kreet Moon of Anselon Planet in Narion System, fly your ship there.
Kreet Moon of Anselon Planet in Narion System
You come here to continue the "One Small Step" Main Mission, land at the Kreet Research Lab.
Go from Research Base, learning how to use Scanner along the way. Inside the base, kill all Crimson Fleet Pirates, collect items and equipment from lockers and enemy corpses.
Remember that running Scanner with an active mission draws arrows on the ground directing you to the next task in the mission.
At the end of the location you will find a Safe and some Digipicks that will allow you to try opening locked containers and doors.
Go to the roof where you will meet Brogan, the Pirate Captain of the Crimson Fleet, talk to him and try how the Persuade works, then kill all the enemies, collect the loot from them and return to your ship.
Perform a Grav Jump to Jemison.
Land in New Atlantis on Jemison Planet in Alpha Centauri System.
New Atlantis City on Jemison Planet in Alpha Centauri System
New Atlantis, is the largest City in the world of Starfield. You can find the map set for New Atlantis City here:
The Lodge in New Atlantis City
For "One Small Step" Main Mission go to The Lodge The Lodge Map
Enter the Library, listen to the conversation and talk to Sarah Morgan, place the Artifact in a central location in the Library and listen to the ongoing conversation.
Talk to Sarah Morgan again and complete "One Small Step" Main Mission. You will receive 400 XP, 8000 Credits and Constellation Pack as a reward.
The next Main Mission you will receive immediately is:
The Old NeighborhoodMain Mission by Sarah Morgan.
The Old Neighborhood
The Old Neighborhood is second Main Mission in Starfield, you will receive it in The Lodge from Sarah Morgan after finishing "One Small Step" Main Mission.
Start Mission by talking to Sarah Morgan in The Lodge. She will join you as your Companion.
MAST Building in New Atlantis
Go to Commander John Tuala in MAST Building in New Atlantis MAST Building Map and talk to him about Moara.
Cydonia on Mars in Sol System
Now you have to fly to Cydonia on Mars Map of Cydonia and talk to Jack in The Broken Spear Bar about Moara.
In the orbit of Venus
In the next step of The Old Neighborhood Main Mission, you must fly to Venus orbit. Your task is to check the Communication Satellites. Unfortunately, there are also Va'ruun Pirate Ships over the planet. So turn off all defense systems on your ship, leave just a little power in the Engines and slowly "quietly" approach the Satellite at a distance of 500 meters and analyze the information about Vanguard Moara it contains. This way you will be able to avoid the fight.
Nova Galactic Staryard
In Nova Galactic Staryard step of The Old Neighborhood Main Mission, you have to visit Nova Galactic Staryard above Luna Moon of Earth in Sol System.
The Nova Galactic Staryard is a ruined space station that has long passed its glory days. Fly your ship to it and dock. On board you will find Pirates fighting each other. Eliminate them all, search their bodies and containers. Along the way you will find a Search and Rescue Key (which is not needed to complete the mission).
What you are interested in is Vanguard Moara's Slate which you will find in the old hull of the renovated spaceship at the end of the location.
Moara's Ship over Neptune
In Go to Neptune step of The Old Neighborhood Main Mission, you have fly to Neptune Planet in Sol System.
When you reach Neptune, you will see an enemy ship in orbit described as Moara's Ship. Enter precision aiming mode and destroy its engines so you can board it.
The ship is occupied by Ecliptic Mercenaries, kill anyone who resists. Collect the loot.
On the corpse of one of the mercenaries you will find Moara's Ship Key which will allow you to get to the cockpit.
After a long search, you finally meet Moara Otero, talk to him, he will give you the Artifact without any problems. Take Artifact Beta and return to the Lodge.
The Lodge in New Atlantis
Add another Artifact to your collection and talk to Sarah and finish "The Old Neighborhood" Main Mission.
Take reward: 400 XP, 8000 Credits, Constellation Space Suit and Space Helmet, Sarah Morgan will become your selectable Companion
And you will receive three more missions:
The Empty Nest Main Mission by Sarah Morgan.
Sarah Morgan wants me to join an expedition headed up by Sam Coe, another Constellation member. We'll be going to Freestar Collective space.
Back to Vectera Main Mission by Sarah Morgan.
Argos Extractors is packing up operations on Vectera, but there's no word about Barrett. I need to go there and find out what happened.
Into the Unknown Main Mission by Sarah Morgan.
Sarah has asked me to go to the Eye, a star station that Constellation owns in orbit of Jemison. I need to meet with Vladimir Sall about finding more Artifacts in the fringes of space.
The Empty Nest
The Empty Nest is next Main Mission in Starfield, you will receive it from Sarah Morgan in The Lodge after you finish The Old Neighborhood Main Mission.
In this mission you will adventure with Sam Coe and Cora Coe, talk to them in The Lodge. You will go with Sam Coe and Cora Coe to The Akila City.
Akila City
Talk to Sam at the Spaceport.
Akila City GalBank
Sam directs you to Akila City GalBank, he wants you to find there old map, which leading to the artifact. You receive Coe GalBank Keycard from Sam, allowing you to open 3 Secure Storage Lockers.
In the last Locker you will find Note for Sam. Give this note to Sam and talk to him, [Persuade] him to go to his old house and talk to his father Jacob Coe.
Coe Estate in Akila City
Jacob Coe NPC talk to him.
You witness a conversation and conflict between Jacob and Sam, but either way we need to get the map leading to the Artifact from Jacob.
There are several ways to convince Jacob Coe to return the map, but the easiest is to return to Akila City Starport and talk to Cora Coe, asking her to convince Jacob.
If you return from Cora to Coe Estate the map is yours.
Talk to Sam and go to The Empty Nest.
The Empty Nest
The Empty Nest is a location near Akila City, for The Empty Nest Main Mission, is a Shaw Gang rebel camp. Kill all Shaw Gang enemies on the surface and enter the Hideout - Shaw Gang Cave where you will find Artifact Chi, take it with you.
Before you leave the cave, extract all [Ct] Caelumite that you can find around the Artifact, this resource is rare and will be useful in the future. In the cave you will also find a Shaw Gang Cave Key which is not needed to complete this mission.
Get out of the cave. After leaving the cave, you encounter the Shaw Gang led by Shaw.
Don't attack Shaw, try to communicate with her peacefully using [Persuade]. If you succeed, the conversation will be interrupted by Ashtas's attack.
Kill Ashtas and talk to Shaw again, collect Smuggler's Razorback Pistol reward.
Return to The Lodge.
The Lodge
Add next Artifact and finish The Empty Nest Main Mission.
Take reward: 350 XP, Scout's Refined Rattle Pistol, 7200 Credits and Sam Coe available as Companion
Talk to Sam Coe and join him as a Companion.
Back to Vectera
Back to Vectera is next Main Mission in Starfield, you will receive it from Sarah Morgan in The Lodge after you finish The Old Neighborhood Main Mission.
In Main Mission's "Back to Vectera" you return once again to where the Starfield story began, on Vectera Moon of Anselon Planet in Narion System.
Argos Extractors Mining Outpost in "Back to Vectera".
Land in Argos Extractors Mining Outpost on Vectera and talk to Supervisor Lin.
Barrett is gone, captured by pirates. My only hope is that there might be some clue on where they went on the broken computer in the comms building. Fix Comms Computer
Argos Extractors Mining Outpost consists of the First Building, the one where the Starfield storyline begins, and the Second Building to which you have access to after drinking in Back to Vectera Main Mission.
The Communication Computer that you need to repair is located in the Second Building. To repair it, you will have to find 3 Power Cells.
- You will receive your first Power Cell from Supervisor Lin if you talk to her.
- You can remove the second Power Cell from the Robot standing between the buildings.
- Remove the third Power Cell from the Medbench in the Second Building.
Trackers Prime 05Skill Magazine you can find it in the Miners' quarters, on the table next to the bed in the Second Building.
Place the Power Cells in the three slots in the Second Building, start the computer and read the message, then return to Lin, talk to her.
Now you can recruit Supervisor Lin as your Companion.
The message directs you to Andraphon Moon of Sumati Planet in Narion System, fly there.
Crashed Ship on Andraphon
There is Crashed Ship on Andraphon Moon of Sumati Planet in Narion System. Fly there, find Crashed Ship Location and land.
You meet Heller NPC there, talk to him about Barrett.
Listen to "Emergency Transmission 02" that Heller gave you, you will find it in your inventory.
Now you can recruit Heller as your Companion.
Now you have to fly to Bessel III Planet in Bessel System, go there.
Bessel III - Ransacked Research Outpost
Ransacked Research Outpost is located on Bessel III Planet in Bessel System, we are here to rescue Barrett.
Barrett has been captured by the Crimson Fleet, land near Ransacked Research Outpost on Bessel III to find him. The base is under Pirate control, kill all pirates on the surface and enter the main building.
Main building is Crimson Fleet Outpost enter here.
Kill only those enemies who attack you. In the main room you will find Barrett, Matsura and Matsura's Bodyguards.
You don't have to fight them, just talk to Matsura and [Persuade] him and Matsura will free Barrett.
Kryx's Journal Entry #1Skill Magazine before entrance to room with Matsura and Barrett.
Return with Barrett to The Lodge.
The Lodge
Let Barrett talk, then talk to him to finish "Back to Vectera" Main Mission, get reward: 350 XP, 7200 Credits and Barrett now available as a Companion. Join Barret.
Into the Unknown
Into the Unknown is next Main Mission in Starfield, you will receive it from Sarah Morgan in The Lodge after you finish The Old Neighborhood Main Mission.
You have to go to The Eye Star Station over Jemison Planet in Alpha Centauri System.
The Eye
The Eye is Constellation Spacestation over Jemison Planet in Alpha Centauri System, fly there. The Eye is a relatively small and easy location, you will find some useful equipment and raw materials that you can take.
Vladimir Sall NPC currently the only resident of The Eye, member of Constellation, talk to him about Artifacts.
Visit Vladimir's House Activity
Vladimir directs us to two locations: Piazzi IV-c and Tau Ceti VIII-b, where we also have to find Andreja, next Constellation member.
Vladimir Sall will buy Survey Data from us.
Peak Performance 01Skill Magazine in physical Training Room on the boxes.
Abandoned Mine on Piazzi IV-c
Next location is Abandoned Mine on Piazzi IV-c Moon of Piazzi IV Planet in Piazzi System.
It's simple, find the Abandoned Mine, kill everyone, collect the loot, find the Artifact and take it, this one is Artifact Zeta.
Mining Monthly 05Skill Magazine on the table inside mine.
Abandoned Mine on Tau Ceti VIII-b
Next location is Abandoned Mine on Tau Ceti VIII-b Moon of Tau Ceti VIII Planet in Tau Ceti System.
The Abandoned Mine, at least on the surface, is truly abandoned. Find the entrance to the Deep Cave, there you will meet Andrej, your next Companion. Go down the Cave with it, kill the enemies and extract Artifact Iota.
Return to The Lodge.
The Lodge
Collect Artifacts.
From this moment Andreja is available as your Companion.
Go to The Eye Star Station over Jemison Planet in Alpha Centauri System.
The Eye
Talk to Vladimir about Artifacts, he point you to Large Anomaly on Procyon III, go there.
Procyon III - Temple Eta
Go to Procyon III Planet in Procyon A System and land near Scanner Anomaly
Now we will start looking for the first Anomaly, you need to turn on the scanner and look for the direction in which you can see noises and vibrations on the scanner.
From a distance the anomaly looks like a "tall stone tower", when you are far away from it the interferences on the scanner are minimal, but as you get closer they will start to get stronger, then just keep looking around until you see something that you can recognize on the scanner as Temple Eta.
Visiting each Anomaly teaches your character how to use a new Power. In the case of the Temple Eta location, it is Anti-Gravity Field.
See what it looks like in the video below:

Youtube: Anomaly in Temple Eta - Anti-Gravity Field Power
Temple Eta location on Procyon III Planet in Procyon A System
YouTube: Anomaly in Temple Eta - Anti-Gravity Field PowerReturn to The Lodge
The Lodge
Talk to Vladimir and show him new Power to finish "Into the Unknown" Main Mission, as a reward except Andreja is you new companion, you will get 4000 XP and 9500 Credits and of course the ability to use Powers and visit more Temples for next Powers.
Two more Main Missions will open up to you.
Power from Beyond Main Mission by Vladimir.
There's a large anomaly on a distant planet that matches the signature of one of the Artifacts. I need to find it.
All That Money Can BuyMain Mission by Walter Stroud.
Walter has asked me to come with him to Neon, where he intends to purchase an Artifact. He’ll be riding as a passenger in my ship until we get there.
All That Money Can Buy
All That Money Can Buy is next Main Mission in Starfield, you will receive it from Walter Stroud in The Lodge after you finish Into the Unknown Main Mission.
You have to go to Neon City located on Volii Alpha Planet in Volii System.
You can complete this mission before of after you explore Neon City, it doesn't matter. I visited Neon City first and then I started "All That Money Can Buy". Either way Walter Stroud will be waiting for you in the Landing zone until you talk to him.
"All That Money Can Buy" Main Mission does not mix with the stories you will encounter in Neon City.
- Talk to Walter Stroud in The Lodge
- Talk to Walter Stroud in Landing Zone of Neon City Starport.
- Go to Stroud-Eklund Corporate HQ in Neon Core (25), talk to Oscar Trinidad and Issa Eklund. Walter and Issa want me to investigate the seller and case the Astral Lounge. The seller was connected to us by James Newill. The Astral Lounge is in the Trade Tower.
- Go to Newill's Goods in Neon Core (18) and talk to James Newill and [Persuade] him for location of seller.
- Go to Seller's Sleepcrate in Ebbside (23) and search it. Take GalBank Statement and check Computer.
- Go to Astral Lounge in Trade Tower (30) in Neon Core, talk to Bone Moran about security, [Persuade] him, [Pay 1000 Credits] for VIP. Check Door Control in Booth 3, use Computer.
- Return to Walter Stroud and talk to him, next meet him inside Astral Lounge.
- Find Musgrove inside Astral Lounge and identify him.
- Inside Booth 3 in Astral Lounge negotiate with Musgrove and Walter Stroud, Stop bluffing ..., [Remote trigger the door to close], You're not going anywhere and take Artifact Nu.
- Go to Exit and [Persuade] Slayton Agent, do not attack him.
- Head to exit and talk to Issa Eklund
- Go to Slayton Aerospace HQ (27) in Trade Tower, don't shoot anyone, [Persuade] Ryleight and go to Elevator to Executive Level.
- Exit elevator and go to Vent on fight side, use vents to go up.
- Follow mission arrow on the floor - when you turn on Scanner.
- Exit to Rooftops of Neon and climb the Trade Tower.
- Confront Nicolaus Slayton, do not attack, just talk to him.
- Talk to Musgrove in next room, do not kill Musgrove, just call security to get him.
- Go to the ship, talk to Walter Stroud and take off from Neon.
- Run from Starborn and return to the Lodge
As a reward you will get Fiscal Quarter Rare Rifle
The Lodge
After "All That Money Can Buy"
StarbornMain Mission
Constellation has a new rival in our search for the Artifacts. Who are the Starborn and how much do they know?
Talk to Noel and Sarah, add Artifact to collection
Further Into the UnknownMain Mission by Valdimir
I need to meet with Vladimir Sall about finding more Artifacts in the fringes of space.
to be continued ...
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