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- Red Mile Cantina
Red Mile Cantina Map Starfield
Red Mile Cantina Map Starfield

Map of Red Mile Cantina in Starfield. Red Mile Cantina is located on Porrima III Planet in Porrima System.
Red Mile Cantina is a small, interesting and atmospheric location in Starfield Galaxy that is worth a visit. The main attraction is the Red Mile Run, a run through a track full of wild aggressive animals.
The main purpose of visiting Red Mile Cantina is "On the Run" Freestar Collective Mission.
You tracking Marco Graziani, head of a smuggling cartel and senior member of the First. Marshal Blake suggested you talk to Ranger Autumn MacMillan, who's been trying to crack Marco's smuggling operation. She's currently at the infamous Red Mile cantina on Porrima III.
Red Mile Cantina Map
Starfield Map of Red Mile Cantina located on Porrima III Planet in Porrima System with Missions, Activities, NPC and Vendor locations, Starfield Maps, Walkthrough & Guide.
Landing Pad
Control Console Terminal
Entrance to Red Mile Cantina
Lobby of Red Mile Cantina
After entering, you witness how brutally the security treats the guests.
Stocker NPC the head of security, confirms your belief that there are no jokes at Red Mile Cantina and you have to be careful.
Red Mile Leaderboard Terminal you can check the results from the Red Mile race here.
Ship Services
Lon Anderssen NPC will sell you, modify or repair you ship.
You can equip your ship with shielded cargo holds and signal jammers here in Red Mile Ship Services, that can be useful for smugglers.
Main Hall
Mei Devine NPC she is the owner of Red Mile Cantina, talk to her:
I want to run the Red Mile - but it is not possible now.
Return when The Red Mile is Ready Activity
2 x Random Crew Members Crew Member you can recruit them at the Red Mile Cantina.
Autumn MacMillan NPC talk to her for "On the Run" Freestar Collective.
At the Red Mile cantina, I talked to Ranger Autumn MacMillan, who's been trying to crack Marco's smuggling operation. She's taking a meeting with a contact who might be able to help.
Jade MacMillan NPC following Autumn MacMillan, talk to her for "On the Run" Freestar Collective.
I met with Ranger Autumn MacMillan and a rival smuggler named Jade. I learned that Red Mile's owner, Mei Devine, might be able to give me Marco's location. I need to find out what she wants in return.
Return to Mei Devine and talk to her again.
I'm looking for Marco Graziani ...
Mei agreed to give me location of Marco Graziani if I run the Red Mile, a deadly stretch of terrain filled with lethal creatures.
Red Mile Run
Red Mile Run actually has very simple rules.
You have to survive. Time doesn't matter, you can sneak, run or jump with a jetpack. The time in which you complete the Run does not matter.
To start the Red Mile Run, you always need to talk to Mei Devine first, she gives the signal to start.
You need to go from the starting Door Marked RUN (06) to the Pedestal (07) press button and then return to Mei. You will be hindered by various types of creatures and you can escape or kill them.
You do your first Run for the "On the Run" Freestar Collective Mission. You will perform the second Run for "Run the Red Mile" Misc Mission by Mei Devine. You can perform further Runs optionally.
After 30 successful Red Mile Runs, you will receive the special Desperation Assault Rifle as reward.
After you finish first Red Mile Run, return to Mei.
I agreed to run the Red Mile in exchange for Marco's location, and now I'm waiting as Mei sends a message to let him know I'm coming. I should check in with Ranger MacMillan.
Mei Devine NPC talk to her again.
Tell Mei You Want to Run the Red Mile Activity
Run the Red Mile Misc Mission by Mei Devine.
I've signed up to run the Red Mile. Mei Divine is making an announcement about it. When she finishes, I can start my run.
For "On the Run" Freestar Collective talk to Mei again.
While tracking smuggling ringleader and senior First member Marco Graziani, I met with Mei Devine, owner of the Red Mile cantina. She told me that Marco was on Codos, waiting aboard his ship to meet with me. All that's left is to confront him.
Marco Graziani is in "Fortuna" Starship landed on Codos, Moon of Akila go there (look at bottom for description).
Door Marked RUN
Starting point for Red Mile Run.
Finish line for Red Mile Run.
Bar in Red Mile - Vendor
Sati Chandra Vendor Vendor, she can rent you room in Red Mile.
List of Early Cheyenne Settlers on the table in bar, or Coe Heritage Museum in Akila City.
Return List of Early Cheyenne Settlers to Leah CaslerActivity
Salinas's Package
On the ground outside Cantina, Salinas's Package is for "A Shipment for Salinas" Misc Mission by Vincente Salinas from The Well in New Atlantis.
"Fortuna" Starship on Codos
"Fortuna" Starship landed on Codos, Moon of Akila is location of Marco Graziani for "On the Run" Freestar Collective Mission.
Land next to it, get on the "Fortuna" and stay calm and don't attack anyone. Go to the office where you will find Marco Graziani.
Marco Graziani NPC talk to him for "On the Run" Freestar Collective Mission.
Try to get along with him, but it will be difficult, he will try to bribe you or convince you to join his side. Don't agree to this. Then a fight will break out.
Kill Marco Graziani, search his body. You will find the Encrypted Slate needed for the quest and Marco's Keycard giving you access to the entire ship.
While you are searching the body, guards arrive.
Use Marco's Keycard to open the door in the office where you met Marco Graziani and enter the warehouse. There, use the Remote Turret Control Computer to set the turrets to defend you. Then kill all the guards on the ship.
Search the entire "Fortuna" Starship and you will find many treasures, including Solomon Coe Copy of Don Quixote in the office on the bookshelf for Coe Heritage Museum in Akila City.
Return Solomon Coe Copy of Don Quixote to Leah CaslerActivity
I confronted smuggling ringleader and senior First member Marco Graziani. Marco was unwilling to surrender himself and a fight broke out. Now that Marco is dead, I need to find evidence aboard his ship that might reveal the First's plans and the location of their hideout. I obtained one of the First's encrypted slates. Now I need to bring the slate to Alex Shadid, the Freestar Rangers' cryptography expert.
Return to Akila City.
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