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- Starfield
- Gagarin Landing
Gagarin Landing Map Starfield
Gagarin Landing Map Starfield

Map of Gagarin Landing in Starfield. Gagarin Landing City is located on Gagarin Planet in Alpha Centauri System.
Gagarin Landing is old mining colony and military town during Colony Wars, now small industrial mining settlement.
Gagarin Landing Map
Starfield Map of Gagarin Landing located on Gagarin Planet in Alpha Centauri System with Missions, Activities, NPC and Vendor locations, Starfield Maps, Walkthrough & Guide..
Landing Pad
Ship Services Technician NPC
Trade Authority KioskVendor Here you can sell surplus items.
Control Console Terminal
When you leave the Landing Pad, you can listen to the conversation of Chief Dalitso Pretorius, Bonifac Maksimov and Lawan Arisen.
UC Security Office
Chief Dalitso Pretorius NPC
Talk with her about "UC Wants You!" Misc Mission, she will help you both with [Main] and [Optional] with no problems.
Security Terminal Terminal you can hack it, its Novice Lock, to read about Criminal Records.
Reliant Medical
Reliant Medical Robot NPC
Bonifac Maksimov NPC talk to him about his work.
Inquire at Reliant Medical about missing courier Activity
Computer Terminal
Go upstairs
Helena Strickland NPC talk to her about missing courier.
Missed Connections Misc Mission by Helena Strickland.
I've agreed to help Helena Strickland find her missing courier. She's asked me to follow her.
After finishing "Missed Connections" Misc Mission you will get next mission.
Missed the Mark Misc Mission by Helena Strickland.
I've agreed to help Helena Strickland track down her stolen data. She believes the key to find it is one of her employees - Bonifác Maksimov - whose ship she tracked to the nearby planet of Hawley. I need to find him.
Clint's Collectibles - Vendor
Clint De HavenVendor has a large selection of goods, especially Resources.
United Transport Warehouse
Akachi Rosenblum NPC
Misaki Qureshi NPC
United Transport Robot NPC
Up the stairs you will find chests (theft)
Medical Clinic - Doc & Vendor
Dr. Pauline KealaVendor Doctor, Medical Supplies, Traits removal.
Talk with her about "UC Wants You!" Misc Mission, she will help you, for [Optional] you have to Persuade her.
Centauri Mills
Outside, Courier Check-In Point for "Missed Connections" Misc Mission
There are three floors inside, but there is nothing interesting.
Bar - Vendor
Lizzy AjelloVendor Aids Vendor, talk to her - I'm looking for work.
Sure Bet Misc Mission by Lizzy Ajello.
Lizzy Ajello, bartender extraordinaire of Gagarin, has given me a task to recover some fancy liquor for her from a derelict spaceship, drifting around Grissom. She warned me to be careful, though, as she's not sure what exactly I might encounter on the ship.
Courier Check-In Point for "Missed Connections" Misc Mission
Talk with her about "UC Wants You!" Misc Mission, she will help you, for [Optional] you have to Bribe or Persuade her.
Mining Monthly Issue 03Skill Magazine on a table, far from the counter.
There is a lower floor of the bar.
Liberty Square Memorial
Speak to Zinaida at the Gagarin Recruitment Office Activity
Terrabrew Kiosk - Vendor
Gagarin Recruitment Office
Outside, Courier Check-In Point for "Missed Connections" Misc Mission
Zinaide Kuipers NPC talk with her about work.
UC Wants You! Misc Mission by Zinaide Kuipers.
I've agreed to help Gagarin's local Vanguard Recruiter - Zinaida Kuipers - distribute some recruitment materials to some local organizations.
If you go to the very top, using stairs left of entrance to the Gagarin Recruitment Office, you will find Safe (Master) there.
Yankton Law Offices
You need to take the stairs to the upper level
Ellie Yanktown NPC
Yanktown Legal Offices Terminal Terminal you can hack it (Novice) and hack it 3 times more (Advanced) for legal documents..
Town Hall
Town Hall Terminal Terminal
Arc Might
A large building with several floors, but nothing interesting.
Lawan Arisen NPC
Ark Might Robots NPC
Skill Magazine
Kryx's Journal Entry 05Skill Magazine on the table.
Mandela Foundry and Mines
Foundry Terminal Terminal
Control Room
Take the stairs down from the main square.
Last location for "Missed Connections" Misc Mission.
Courier Check-In Point for "Missed Connections" Misc Mission
Dead body on the floor, Empty Priority Package take it and return to Helena.
Apartment Stack I
Locked Apartment (Requires Key)
Arches Overlook Apartment
Locked Apartment (Requires Key)
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