Angel Oracle - Los Angeles - Wasteland 2
Angel Oracle Walkthrough - Wasteland 2 Video Game Walkthrough with Maps & Game Guide. Quests, NPCs, Items, Secrets & Hints, Enemies, Skills to Use.

The main plot in Angel Oracle is conflict between Mr. Manners leader of The Mannerites, who are current main power here and Robbinsons led by Tori Robbinson who want power for herself. All is around Fletcher's executions.
QuestAngel Oracle Save a condemned man - or not. A man named Fletcher is going to be "cleansed." That doesn't sound right. We should investigate.
01 Exit to Los Angeles
ItemRope You will need it in (04)
NPCThe Gooch
04 Tree
QuestAngel Oracle Help the girl in the tree - or not. Near the main gate into the coliseum, we encountered a young girl who appeared to be stuck in a tree.
Use Rope from (02) on Tree
QuestAngel Oracle Help the girl in the tree - or not. We helped the girl down from the tree with a rope. She went off to meet her parents
QuestAngel Oracle Help Darla get a drink of water At the outskirts of the stadium entranceway, a guard stationed in a tower asked us to bring her some water. She said she was dying of thirst. Her name is Darla.
06Gate These massive gates are closed and barred. What used to be colonnades in the white marble walls have been closed up with welded metal cars, and by the sounds of it, there's enough electric current running through those cars to kill a big, burly mutant. Immense television screens display motivational messages for your edification.
NPCGuard Llewelyn
Tell him about Guard Darla.
QuestAngel Oracle Help Darla get a drink of water We mentioned Darla's situation to the sentries at the main gate. They asked us to deliver some water to her.
ItemMannerite Guard Canteen
Tell him about Sandra and Hobo
Ask about "Cleansing"
QuestAngel Oracle Save a condemned man - or not. Turns out Fletcher is going to be executed. But why? We should talk to the sheriff.
05 Use Mannerite Guard Canteen on basket
QuestAngel Oracle Help Darla get a drink of water We put the canteen in the basket contraption next to Darla's tower. Seems that we saved her.
07 Shrine +1 Skill points
08 Visitor Processing. You must correctly answer questions.
NPCSheriff Marshall
QuestAngel Oracle Save a condemned man - or not. Fletcher is being executed because he couldn't keep his area clean. Seems kinda harsh. We should hear his side of the story.
10Sandra's Family
ItemRation Tickets You can buy one item very cheap in (15)
NPCDoctor Edwinson
Ask him about Microscope. Tell you need it to cure a plague in Rodia. Then Smart Ass. Microscope in in Hospital near in small room.
QuestRodia Help Dr. Horchata cure the disease affecting Rodia. You aquired a working microscope.
Ask him about "Proteins". Then Hard Ass. He told you that Mannerites are cannibals. Its important dialog, later in game you will try to convince Mannerites to do not eat human flesh. Opinion of Doctor Edwinson will help you.
NPCNurse Flinkman
QuestAngel Oracle Nurse Flinkman needs ingredients Nurse Flinkman says she can make her own medications with the right ingredients. She's willing to pay a premium for badger tail, roach abdomen, frog eyes, and lizard eggs.
QuestAngel Oracle Nurse Flinkman needs ingredients We sold some ingredients to Nurse Flinkman. It might be worthwhile to see what she's made with them the next time we're in town.
12Cool Room You've discovered the secret meat locker of the Mannerites! It's really cold in here. Aaaand they're cannibals. Of course they are. Of course there's something deeply wrong with them.
NPCSam "The Cook" Posten Use Smart Ass and got another evidence of cannibalism.
14Toaster to Repair
ItemBaby Ruth Item from Toaster. You can give it to O'Biggun in Rodia (12)
15Shop. For a store built in the ruins of the wasteland, this place is surprisingly well stocked. They must really have a good reconditioning and repurposing operation going on here.
NPCOsmond Trader. You can use "Ration Tickets" here.
After visiting Lindy Lou (23)
ItemVentilator Parts
NPCDeputy Mona Shera You can giver her fadded photograph from Rick's RV (04)
ItemNeutron Projector
QuestAngel Oracle Help Johnathan Gitlin prove his innocence. Johnathan Gitlin is accused of stealing a watch from Mr. Paladino, a tool bag from Lindy Lou, and medical supplies from Nurse Flinkman. Maybe we can clear his name by talking to them.
17 Bathroom with entrance to Steam Tunnels.
18Toaster to Repair
ItemBaby Wipes Item from Toaster.
19 You come across a dead synth and dead Robbinson. A suspicious array of supplies lay on a nearby crate. The dead Robbison is clutching an ID that reads "Runyon".
NPC Dead Synth A seven foot tall metal humanoid with an exploded rib cage. It looks like it had problems even before the explosion. One of its skull panels has been removed and wires stick out from the opening. Tools and watch parts are scattered around the body.
NPC Dead Robbinson A Robbinson in a gray coat with bits of shrapnel embedded in his face, neck and chest. A crusted-over pool of blood dries beneath him, and his dead hands clutch a screwdriver and needle-nose pliers. One hand is wrapped in a bloody bandage and his boots are caked in dried mud.
Item Note from Malachi The note reads, "Master, I am in position. Sustained damage from roaches during infiltration. Have won a Robbinson to the cause. Sent him to find items necessary for my repair. M."
Item Runyon Pearson ID
Item Flinkman's Supplies Give it to Nurse Flinkman (11)
Item Lindy's Tools Give it to Lindy Lou (23)
Item Paladino's Watch Give it to Mr. Paladino (21)
ItemBag of Cat Litter
NPC Mr. Paladino Give him Paladino's Watch
Location of Brentwood Dentist
QuestAngel Oracle Find denture paste for Mr. Paladino. Mr. Paladino promised us some equipment if we can bring him some denture paste. He gave us the location of a dentist's office east of the stadium.
NPC Arjuna Rabindranath Give her Hair and Shoulders from Rodia (18)
ItemV for Vendetta +1 Perception
NPC Lindy Lou Give her Lindy's Tools.
QuestAngel Oracle Help Lindy Lou get parts for the ventilation system. Lindy Lou wants us to pickup ventillator parts from Osmond at the general store.
You can find Ventilator Parts in (15)
QuestAngel Oracle Help Lindy Lou get parts for the ventilation system. Gave the parts to Lindy Lou. She appreciates our help.
NPC Ethan White
Quest Angel Oracle Ethan White has a goat problem Ethan White has a rare condition that makes it difficult for him to milk his goats. His hands to too damn cold. He's asked us to find him some gloves.
You can find Gloves in Playa Del Rey (07)
Quest Angel Oracle Ethan White has a goat problem We gave Ethan a pair of gloves. The poor guy was so happy he nearly wet himself. He gave us a small token of his appreciation.
ItemMilk x3
After (19)
NPCSheriff Marshall
QuestAngel Oracle Help Johnathan Gitlin prove his innocence. We reported the Synth to the sheriff. Jonathon will be set free.
NPC Fletcher
QuestAngel Oracle Save a condemned man - or not. Met Fletcher in the commons. He wants us to speak to Mr. Manners on his behalf.
26 Mr. Manners Office.
Mr. Manners do not wish at this time to talk with us about Fletcher. If you leave the Angel Oracle for some time, it turns out that Fletcher escaped from his prison. When we go through the town, the sheriff comes up to us and tethered one of the members of our team until you find Fletcher. Therefore, before we talk to Sheriff, join the team with some minor follower and start the conversation with him.
QuestAngel Oracle Save a condemned man - or not. The Mannerites want us to find and return Fletcher. They're taking one of our team hostage until we return Fletcher.
QuestAngel Oracle Save a condemned man - or not. Found some tracks heading west from the cage in the commons. They lead to the farms.
NPCRoger Yee
QuestAngel Oracle Save a condemned man - or not. Roger Yee says he saw two Robbinsons, Gene Cronk and Nick Chavin, carrying someone towards the ventilation panels. They were wearing Civility Enforcer uniforms. We should question them about it.
QuestAngel Oracle Save a condemned man - or not. Elizaveta told us that Fletcher's execution was just a big setup by Tori Robbinson. Tori plans to reveal Elizaveta's affair with Mr. Manners after Fletcher is executed in order spark a revolt and seize power.
NPCGene Cronk
QuestAngel Oracle Save a condemned man - or not. Gene Cronk gave us the location of Fletcher's hideout. He claims he was following orders from Tori Robbinson and Elizaveta.
Location of Fletcher's Hideout, go there and bring Fletcher.
After Fletcher's Hideout
QuestAngel Oracle Save a condemned man - or not. Fletcher has been returned. The Mannerites have promised to release our companion.
NPCMister Manners
QuestAngel Oracle Save a condemned man - or not. It took some convincing, but Fletcher has been freed. Mr. Manners wants to speak with us in the press booth.
26 Mr. Manners Office.
QuestAngel Oracle Let Angel Oracle know that Rodia is open for trade You told Mr. Manners that Rodia is open for business. The Mayor will be happy to know.
QuestAngel Oracle Bring Mr. Manners Tori Robbinson's head. Tori has fled the stadium to escape Mr. Manner's wrath. Mr. Manners gave us the location of a small hideout where Tori may be hiding. He wants us to bring back her head.
Location of Los Angeles Aqueduct, go there
After returning from Los Angeles Aqueduct
26 Mr. Manners Office.
QuestAngel Oracle Bring Mr. Manners Tori Robbinson's head. We brought Tori's head to Mr. Manners. It's probably best not to ask what he plans to do with it.
Item Getting People To Fall In Line by Richard Simmons +1 Leadership
ItemBag of Cat Litter x 2
NPCSam "The Cook" Posten Give him Toaster Heating Element from La Aqueduct.
Go to Brentwood Dentist Location
After returning from Brentwood Dentist Location
NPC Mr. Paladino
QuestAngel Oracle Find denture paste for Mr. Paladino. We gave the denture paste to Mr. Paladino. He sure was looking forward to being able to chew.
Item Kevlar Suit
Map Legend
Allies - Rangers, Allies NPC
Neutrals - Neutral NPCs
Hostiles - Nostile NPCs, Enemies
Followers - NPCs to join your team.
Merchants - Trading Post, Trader
Shovel - Dig Site
Alarm Disarming
Mechanical Repair
Computer Science
Toaster Repair
Brute Force
Animal Whisperer
Containers Chests, items.
Shrine, Statue Bonus Skills
Exit Exit / Entrance
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