Damonta - Arizona - Wasteland 2
Damonta Walkthrough - Wasteland 2 Video Game Walkthrough with Maps & Game Guide. Quests, NPCs, Items, Secrets & Hints, Enemies, Skills to Use.

01 Exit to Wastelands
QuestPrison Find a way to reach Damonta and set up a second radio repeater. The canyon's behind us, and Damonta is in front of us. Now, we just have to find and get access to the radio tower.
02 20mm Turret. Come from behind. Disarm Alarm, Brute Force Gate and and use Computer Science on Turret to hack it.
NPCDoc McAuley Trader
NPCJill Yates
QuestDamontaHelp Jill find her cows. We found Jill and her cowboys barricaded inside Damonta's Jet View Motel. She's asked us to find her cows, which ran off when they were attacked by robots.
After (11)
QuestDamontaHelp Jill find her cows. Jill was pleased that we found her cows
04 A gigantic plane lies on a mound of junk. It's missing its wings, and its nose is tipped up into the air at a shallow angle, while its tail is buried in trash. One of the back doors is open
NPCRed Baychowski
QuestDamonta Help Red Baychowski Red told us about a treasure in the Airplane Graveyard, hidden in the wreck of a plane with the words "Sierra Madre Airlines" on the side. We agreed to accompany him and split the treasure.
05 Radio Tower Kill robots and talk to intercom
NPCWerewolf Wally Use Smart Ass Or Kick Ass
ItemDamonta Tower Access Keys
QuestDamonta Investigate the source of the Damonta's robot infestation Werewolf Wally, owner of Damonta's Radio Tower, has asked us to stop the robots that have been attacking the settlement.\nDamonta's pretty far outside our jurisdiction, and we really need to get back to the transmitters. We don't really have time for this.
Open gate with Damonta Tower Access Keys. Use Repeater Unit on Radio Tower.
QuestPrison Find a way to reach Damonta and set up a second radio repeater. We've hooked up the radio repeater. Mission complete.
QuestRanger Citadel Head back to Ranger Citadel for a new assignment. Unless we hit a detour With the repeater attached in Damonta, Woodson and Mercaptain are triangulating the origin of the strange broadcasts. Our orders are to return to base for a new assignment based on what they've learned.
06 A truly ancient sign reads, "Chang's Famous Chinese Diner." Most of the paint is faded, and flaking, the words only legible because of a relatively recent touch up with what looks like crayons; whoever did that could have done a better job staying in the lines.
Broken Toaster
ItemDoggie Bones item from Toaster
NPCHector Nguyen
QuestDamonta Help Hector and Carla find their daughter, Binh. We saved Hector and Carla Nguyen from robots, but their daughter Binh is missing. They asked us to save her.
07 A narrow alley, blocked by junk at the far end. There is a metal security door in the garage wall. Oily floors and shelves cluttered with more mechanical bits and pieces than you can shake a stick at. Sitting over the grease pit is an old *hot rod* with no engine. At a work bench in one corner, a woman in a tank top and jeans while the woman with the acetylene torch comes toward you, smiling.
NPCMagee Give her any good weapon and receive Big Betty
ItemBig Betty Heavy Weapon
NPCHopi Trader
NPCBroken Robot you can fix him with Computer Science and he will follow you.
ItemThe Order Blunt Weapon
QuestDamonta Search Silent Springs for survivors. The Water Sellers have made it to Damonta for a refill, but their supplier is under assault by robots. They have asked us to clear out the facility and save the survivors.
After returning from (10)
QuestDamonta Search Silent Springs for survivors. We've cleared the Silent Spring Water Company of robots. Unfortunately, the robots cleared it of humans before we arrived. Better let Clyde know the bad news.
10 Silent Springs
ItemPainting give it to Corporal Flintlock Eggleston in Ranger Citadel (06)
ItemSafe Safe code: 152260
11 Cows
QuestDamonta Help Jill find her cows. We found Jill's cows. We should let her know their location.
Now return to Jill (03)
12 A big rusting quonset airplane hangar with squares of its corrugated roof missing. A sign on the front reads Geronimo Skydiving Inc - Parties Welcome - Take a Flying Leap! The hanger doors look rusted shut, but there's a smaller door to one side that might be open.
QuestDamonta Investigate the source of the Damonta's robot infestation. The hangar looks like it was recently converted into a workshop. The sounds of mechanical assembly make this a prime candidate for the source of the homicidal robots.
QuestDamonta Help Hector and Carla find their daughter, Binh. The synth Tinker has replaced Binh's heart with an artificial one that she can detonate from afar, and is using it to hold Binh hostage.
tip by eugene antipa There are 2 terminals in NW part of hangar. One is turning off wireless connection in hangar, and not allow Thinker to stop/blow girl`s heart.
QuestDamonta Help Hector and Carla find their daughter, Binh. Tinker made good on her threat, and caused Binh's new heart to self-destruct. Binh is dead. We should tell Binh's parents of her death.
NPCTinker Attack him. Fight will stops. Talk to him. Attack him again. Talk to him again. Kill him and all robots.
ItemTinker's Finger
ItemMap with location of Silo 7
NPCLexcanium NPC to join your team
Item#TRL-01553 - Tank Tread its for fixing Findley-Tek Tactical System in Prison
ItemBushnell Ocelot
15 Exit to Wastelands
Map Legend
Allies - Rangers, Allies NPC
Neutrals - Neutral NPCs
Hostiles - Nostile NPCs, Enemies
Followers - NPCs to join your team.
Merchants - Trading Post, Trader
Shovel - Dig Site
Alarm Disarming
Mechanical Repair
Computer Science
Toaster Repair
Brute Force
Animal Whisperer
Containers Chests, items.
Shrine, Statue Bonus Skills
Exit Exit / Entrance
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