Infected Pump Station Map - Arizona - Wasteland 2
Infected Pump Station Walkthrough - Wasteland 2 Video Game Walkthrough with Maps & Game Guide. Quests, NPCs, Items, Secrets & Hints, Enemies, Skills to Use.

You will discover Infected Pump Station in quest Monitor radio for calls about spreading infection. given by Kathy Lawson in Ag Center
QuestAg CenterMonitor radio for calls about spreading infection. Vargas has sent us a call from Shiitake Mushroom Farm. They're reporting signs of the Ag Center plague. We'll need to add the cure to whatever reservoir remains functional.
01 Exit to Wasteland
02 Add Serum to reservoir
QuestAg CenterMonitor radio for calls about spreading infection. We have cured all infected areas outside Ag Center, stopping the spread of the contamination.
Map Legend
Allies - Rangers, Allies NPC
Neutrals - Neutral NPCs
Hostiles - Nostile NPCs, Enemies
Followers - NPCs to join your team.
Merchants - Trading Post, Trader
Shovel - Dig Site
Alarm Disarming
Mechanical Repair
Computer Science
Toaster Repair
Brute Force
Animal Whisperer
Containers Chests, items.
Shrine, Statue Bonus Skills
Exit Exit / Entrance
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