Ranger Citadel Interior - Arizona - Wasteland 2
Ranger Citadel Interior Walkthrough - Wasteland 2 Video Game Walkthrough with Maps & Game Guide. Quests, NPCs, Items, Secrets & Hints, Enemies, Skills to Use.

You can enter Ranger Citadel Interior after finishing Attach the repeater units to two radio towers Quest.
01 Exit Ranger Citadel Exterior
NPCGeneral Vargas
after returning from Rail Nomads Camp
QuestRadio Tower Look for the rest of Ace's logbook Since Ace's logbook is full of names and places, General Vargas suggested that we show it to Cartographer Sagarra. Maybe he can make some sense of it.
QuestRail Nomads CampShow mysterious log book to General Vargas General Vargas examined the log book we found in Rail Nomads and told us it belonged to Hell Razor. His log mentioned something about a place called Darwin's Village.
After return from Darwin Village
QuestRail Nomads CampShow mysterious log book to General Vargas It was a tough call, but ultimately we had to protect the colony of mutants by keeping their secret.
After return from Rail Nomads Camp
QuestPrisonFind a way to reach Damonta and set up a second radio repeater General Vargas has ordered us to find a way to Damonta. Rumors suggest that the residents of the Prison area know the way there.
NPCSergeant Wade Woodson
ItemRanger Locker Its a bank for your team.
NPCSergeant Tobias Melson Trader
QuestRanger CitadelGather raw materials to help restock the Rangers' ammo supply. Sergeant Melson has asked us to bring him any broken weapon parts we get from modding our arsenal, so he can use it to swage new ammo. He's offering us a price well above market value. Sounds like a deal.
NPCCaptain Ethil Mercaptain Requisitions.
QuestRanger CitadelInvestigate strange metal leg Captain Mercaptain thanked us for bringing her the synth leg and opened up her requisition store to us. She has some cutting edge tech.
She wants Athelwulf's Utopia
She wants Depleted Uranium from Temple of Titan
NPCRanger Robert Bowling Trader of "Good Stuff" High Jam Rate Weapons
QuestRanger CitadelDeliver a letter to Robert Bowling's sister Katy in the Rail Nomads Camp Bowling insisted that we get the letter to his sister ASAP. Sounded like a matter of life and death.
In Rail Nomads Camp pay to Pitbull for Katy's Freedom
QuestRanger CitadelDeliver a letter to Robert Bowling's sister Katy in the Rail Nomads Camp We told Robert Bowling what happened with his sister. He seemed overwhelmed the consequences of his actions.
Its a way to convinced Robert Bowling that he should take care of his sister instead of sticking around Ranger Citadel. And push him to meet her in the Rail Nomads Camp.
04The Mess Hall - The mess hall is a big room with battered picnic tables and benches lined up in rows and old posters on the walls. At one end is the service counter, lined with trays of food, and water coolers that look like they were salvaged from pre-war offices. Behind the counter is the kitchen. Big pots of stew boil on the stove, and a freshly killed goat turns on a spit over an open fire. Tending the spit is the head cook. As you approach he gives you a wave and a shout.
ItemWater to refill
NPCCorporal Evan Hawco He will give bonuses for New Recruits.
NPCLieutenant Min Liang Tan Exchange Explosives for Shit.
QuestRanger CitadelDog shit, cat shit, cow shit, bat shit, it don't matter; the Rangers need some ammonium nitrate ASAP! Lieutenant Tan offered us explosive ammo and weapons if we can bring him some ammonium nitrate. He says that shit is the best source in the wasteland, so it's time for us to get shovellin'!
Bat Shit can be found in Highpool Underground (06)
ItemToast - in Broken Toaster
Statue (+1 Skill Point)
ItemFix It! Book, at bookcase - (+1 Toaster Repair Skill)
NPCCorporal Flintlock Eggleston
QuestRanger CitadelGather curiosities for the Rangers' museum Corporal Flintlock Eggleston has asked us to bring him any interesting, strange, or unique items we find in the wastes. In return, he's offered some good stuff from his stash.
He wants Miniature Leg Lamp from Toaster in Highpool Underground
ItemRed Ryder BB Gun in reward
QuestRadio TowerBring Ace's star home. Corporal Eggleston took custody of Ace's star. He said he'd make sure it's given a place of honor in the museum.
He wants Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? from Rail Nomads Camp
ItemGrey's Anatomy +1 Surgery Skill
He wants Wasteland game disk from Darwin Village
ItemWasteland Fan Club Pin +1 Kiss Ass.
He wants Painting from Damonta (10)
He wants Double Six Tragedy Report from Silo 7 (04)
He wants AirMAll Catalog from Silo 7 (05)
NPCSGT Gilbert "Thrasher" Sagarra
Location of Darwin Village
after returning from Rail Nomads Camp
QuestRadio Tower Look for the rest of Ace's logbook We showed Ace's logbook to Cartographer Sagarra. He promised to dig into some old books to see if he can find anything more about the locations Ace mentioned.
After return from Darwin Village
QuestRadio Tower Look for the rest of Ace's logbook Cartographer Sagarra gave us his report on the locations mentioned in Ace's log book and it was nothing but weird. All the names were from sites around Los Angeles. But California was destroyed in the war along with the rest of the planet, wasn't it? It doesn't make any sense.
NPCSgt. Dr. Erik Tideman Healer - He wants Painkillers.
QuestRanger CitadelFind painkillers to help Dr. Tideman make it through the day. Dr. Tideman's lung cancer has him in constant, excruciating pain. He's willing to pay cold hard scrap for pills that'll ease his suffering.
If you give him Pain Relievers, he will give you another task.
QuestRanger CitadelHelp Doctor Tidemann find a cure for cancer. Dr. Tidemann, chief medic at Ranger Citadel, is dying from lung cancer. We offered to search for a cure in the ruins of the Darwin Village research facility. We'll need to ask around to find out where the place is located.
He wants The Cure for Cancer
After returning from Darwin Village
QuestRanger CitadelHelp Doctor Tidemann find a cure for cancer. We've given Dr. Tidemann the cure we found. Hopefully it'll do the trick.
After talk to Red in Prison Vallery (07)
08 Entrance to Citadel Prison. You will get access heer after talk to Red in Prison Valley (07)
09 Beyond the steel door is a narrow hallway with four cells on the left wall. Everything is painted a depressing beige, but it's all spotlessly clean... Except for cell number two. The guy inside has made a mess of the place, peeing on the floor, puking on the bottom bunk. Throwing his dirty clothes all over the place and writing "FUCK YOU VARGAS" on the walls. Now he's sleeping on the bottom bunk, and snoring like a chainsaw.
NPCJailor Talk to him
NPCRick Talk to him
QuestRanger CitadelRelease Rick Baychowski from jail - or not. Rick has asked us to get him out of jail. In return he will lead us to his cache of rad suits.
Talk to Jailor
QuestRanger CitadelRelease Rick Baychowski from jail - or not. We have released Rick Baychowski from the brig at Ranger Citadel on the condition that he leads us to his cache of rad suits.
Location of Rick's RV
Rick Baychowski will follow us but he will not join as a party member.
After returning from Damonta and solving Red Skorpions Problem
NPCGeneral Vargas
QuestRanger Citadel Head back to Ranger Citadel for a new assignment. Unless we hit a detour. That radio call was rough. So many good rangers dead. Vargas will want to talk to us.
Vargas order us to go to LA California. Do everything you need in Arizona before you fly by helicopter to California.
Vargas gives us intel about LA
God's Militia - Watch out for that group. They seem to be calling for open warfare against the rest of the world. Keep your rifles clean and your powder dry.
Children of the Citadel - We don't know much about them except that they seem to be lead by a madman who believes that man and machine should become one. Be careful in your investigations. They sound dangerous and unstable.
11Out to California.
QuestRanger Citadel Head back to Ranger Citadel for a new assignment. Unless we hit a detour. Team Echo is headed to LA. We can gather up to 10 team members to bring with us, then we're flying out on the last chopper to the City of Angels.
You can gather up to 10 team members to bring with you to LA
Next location is Santa Fe Springs
Map Legend
Allies - Rangers, Allies NPC
Neutrals - Neutral NPCs
Hostiles - Nostile NPCs, Enemies
Followers - NPCs to join your team.
Merchants - Trading Post, Trader
Shovel - Dig Site
Alarm Disarming
Mechanical Repair
Computer Science
Toaster Repair
Brute Force
Animal Whisperer
Containers Chests, items.
Shrine, Statue Bonus Skills
Exit Exit / Entrance
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