Highpool Underground - Arizona - Wasteland 2
Highpool Underground - Wasteland 2 Video Game Walkthrough with Maps & Game Guide. Quests, NPCs, Items, Secrets & Hints, Enemies, Skills to Use.

01 Exit to Highpool
02 Control Room
NPCKate Preston
QuestHighpoolRestore power to the radio tower. Kate says the generator is in section 6. It is on its own circuit, so we should be able to simply turn it on.
QuestHighpoolHelp Kate Preston fix Highpool's irrigation system. Four valves inside the Highpool tunnels need to be opened to release the dangerous pressure building up in the irrigation system. This would be easy if we could turn on all the lights and open all the doors, but there's only enough power to open a few doors and turn on a few lights at a time, so someone has to stay in the control room and flip switches while the rest of us find the valves.
ItemWater and Power Control System

Use Switcher to close and open doors.
Use 2 - 3 - 4 go to valve in room 4
Use 2 - 5 go to valve in room 5
Use 2 - 5 - 9 go to valve in room 9
Leave one team member in control room.
Use 2 - 3 - 6 go with rest of your team to 6
Take spare valve from room 2
With member in control room reset and set 6 - 8 - 10
Go to room 10, replace old valve and set valve
Return to control room
QuestHighpoolHelp Kate Preston fix Highpool's irrigation system. We did it! With all five valves opened, the pressure is off and the pipes aren't in danger of exploding. Oh, what a relief it is.
03 Power Switch
This must be the main breaker for the radio circuit. You'll need to flip it to reset the system, then hit the power switch next to it. Then... "Good morning, Vietnam!"
QuestHighpoolRestore power to the radio tower. The radio tower has power now. Time to attach the Repeater Unit.
04 This way is blocked
05 Entrance from Highpool (12)
ItemScorpion Key
ItemBat Shit collect it for Lieutenant Min Liang Tan in Ranger Citadel
07 Toaster
ItemMiniature Leg Lamp - Give it to Corporal Flintlock Eggleston in Ranger Citadel
Map Legend
Allies - Rangers, Allies NPC
Neutrals - Neutral NPCs
Hostiles - Nostile NPCs, Enemies
Followers - NPCs to join your team.
Merchants - Trading Post, Trader
Shovel - Dig Site
Alarm Disarming
Mechanical Repair
Computer Science
Toaster Repair
Brute Force
Animal Whisperer
Containers Chests, items.
Shrine, Statue Bonus Skills
Exit Exit / Entrance
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