Watson Maps
Watson Info
Watson was supposed to be the beating heart of Night City. A few decades ago, Japanese zaibatsus invested billions of eurodollars in skyscrapers, nightclubs, the Med Center, even industry in the northern area – all intended to make the district self-sufficient and prosperous. But everything changed when Arasaka returned to the city after the Unification War. The corporation steamrolled all of its competitors, and without a stable financial sector, Watson caved in on itself. Jobs in the Northside Industrial District completely evaporated, leaving people out on the street, allowing Arasaka to buy up all the now-cheap real estate. Turns out, the move was calculated: Arasaka needed port-access. Today Watson is one of Night City's poorest districts, inhabited mainly by workers in Northside earning ennies.

Preview Night City Map Cyberpunk 2077
This is preview world map for Cyberpunk 2077 - Night City, with districts and sub districts.