Map of Corpo Plaza in City Center District for Cyberpunk 2077
Corpo Plaza Map in City Center District - Cyberpunk 2077

Detailed and revealed Map for Corpo Plaza Subdistrict located in City Center District for Cyberpunk 2077 Maps & Walkthrough (CP77).
Corpo Plaza Map in City Center District - Cyberpunk 2077
Fast Travel terminals
Main Jobs
Side Jobs
Gun for Hire
Search and Recover
Agent Saboteur
SOS: Merc Needed
Reported Crime Clues
Reported Crime Location
Assault in Progress
Organized Crime
Cyberpsycho Sighting
Tarot Card
Drop Point
Weapon Shop
Melee Vendor
Junk Shop
Corpo Plaza is an game zone for players with 30-45 experience levels.
Corpo Plaza, re-built after the 4th Corporate War, Corpo Plaza is one of the most iconic places in Night City today as a symbol of corporate prowess. Its goliath skyscrapers and megabuildings are an economic show of force and prestige for corporations such as Arasaka and Militech, as well as proof of their inferiority complex. Corpo Plaza's main attraction is Memorial Park, a huge ring surrounding the corporate headquarters. The park is also a tribute to the countless victims of the 4th Corporate War. Every day the Plaza is teeming with everyone from corpo suits to NCPD officers and armed-to-the-teeth corpo security – more than anything an indication that peace and order are not among Night City's natural qualities.
Main Jobs in Cyberpunk 2077 are quests related to the main plot of the game. You can check the order in which they appear on the diagram Main Jobs.
Arthur Jenkins Jackie Welles Susan Abernathy
Arasaka HQ Tower Lizzie's Bar
This is the first mission you will get in the game if you choose Corpo-Rat Lifepath when creating your character.
You will be thrown into the midst of a corporate intrigue that you will not emerge victorious from. You will meet your friend Jackie Welles who will help you through the first part of the game.
Sometimes I wonder what it’s lik to work for Arasaka, y’know? Way I figure it, it’s like playin’ Russian roulette for a million eddies. Give it a spin, pull the trigger. You hear it click, you strike it rich. And if you don’t, well… the mess is someone else’s problem.
So to recap – Abernathy is Jenkins’ boss. Jenkins is your boss and he ordered you to off Abernathy. It’s a classic damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. You kill her – you’re fucked. You tell Abernathy – you’re even more fucked. Why? Because for the past few years you’ve been batting for Jenkins’ team. If you get the job done, and do it well, you might get a promotion, but forget sleeping at night, because who knows how soon you’ll be in someone’s crosshairs. Only proves the wide variety of opportunities Araska has to offer.
Johnny Silverhand Rogue Shaitan Spider Murphy Adam Smasher
The Hammer Arasaka Tower
You relive through the eyes of Johnny Silverhand, memories of the attack on Arasaka Tower in 2023.
It often happens that our memories are superseded by people's stories. Someone presents us a beginning, middle and an end, and soon enough we start believing that we really were there - that WE did all those things. But who we are is built on the past, and the past is built on lies.
In 2023 Johnny Silverhand carried out an attack on Arasaka Tower. Fifty years later, those events became the memories of a certain V.
Side Jobs will appear with the completion of specific storyline Main Jobs or other Side Jobs. Some of the Side Jobs are closed episodes, others open up more Side Jobs. There are also important Side Jobs influencing the game endings called Major Side Job.
Do not reject any calls to Side Jobs so as not to close the storyline variants. You can check all Side Jobs and their availability on the Side Job List
Epistrophy +48h
Depending on the Attributes you have, there are different ways to reach the final and different endings. You will complete Side Job anyway, but Intelligence and Body on 10 will give you an interesting ending. See the YouTube walkthrough below.
Youtube: Don't Lose Your Mind Side Job Walkthrough
YouTube: Don't Lose Your Mind Side Job WalkthroughDelamain No.21
Reward for Don't Lose Your Mind Side Job in Corpo Plaza
For more, check All Unique Weapons List.
Power Pistol
Location: Corpo Plaza, Main Job Knockin' on Heaven's Door.
Base Weapon: Liberty - Increased Crit Chance.
Two-Handed Hammer
Location: Corpo Plaza, Main Job Knockin' on Heaven's Door, near conference table.
Base Weapon: Two-Handed Hammer - high damage.
Gigs are additional tasks that you get from the Fixer in a given district. More Gigs spawn as your Street Cred Level increases. Gigs are not related to the main plot of the game but provide experience points, equipment and resources.
The world is built on certain rules. Rules that don't appear out of nothing – which grew from the blood and mistakes of our predecessors. These rules are meant to protect us, but the young disregard them. They believe they are special, that they are not held to the same rules, that fate is theirs to tempt.
Martha Frakes believed the same and now sleeps in a coma after taking a bullet to the head. The streets tell me this is her punishment for abandoning family. The girl turned from her own father, Nolan Frakes, to side with the enemy – Gustavo Orta.
But what the street says doesn't matter – not to Nolan. He believes Gustavo is solely responsible for what happened to his daughter. Let's fulfill the wish of a father desperate for revenge. He's paying, after all.
Go to Gustavo's apartment. Deal with him. Don't worry about authorization. My netrunner made sure you don't run into any problems.
And FYI – if you hadn't caught on yet – Gustavo is Valentinos, Nolan is 6th Street. Stay sharp.
Something's rotten in the City of Dreams. A series of suicides, a rash of self-destruction. The contagion mostly targets politicians, corpos, journalists and police officers.
The latest victim was Zola Barnes, a journalist who "fell" onto the tracks at Memorial Park station. Her death was officially ruled a suicide, but Barnes' parents say that she went to meet one her informants at the station and that she never would've taken her own life (I know, I know, that's what all parents say). Seems like the jury's still out – nobody really knows what happened because every last shred of CCTV footage was wiped clean. Her parents tracked down the witnesses, but they didn't want to talk and what's more – Militech took a keen interest in the whole thing.
It's our turn to make heads or tails of this. Head to the station, breach the servers and download any CCTV-related files. I'll have my code monkeys try to recover the deleted footage.
P.S. Oh and by the way, at the time Zola was working on a piece about Brad Noorwood – a Militech fanboy in the Night City Council.
Anyway, looks that piece is never getting published.
P.P.S. Transferring you Militech authorization that'll get you into the station.
Meet Adam Ibrahimovic and Larry Fanghorn. Adam's the bad guy and Larry's our client.
Once upon a time the two friends opened a club called Empathy and things got off the ground pretty quickly. The eddies poured in, their popularity surged, they were surrounded by hordes of young ladies and one question at the back of their minds – who's got their hand in who's pocket? Adam or Larry?
The blame fell on our innocent, naive Larry. What does Adam do? He changes the club's access codes, made a few shady deals and hired Animals as bouncers. If you were Larry, wouldn't you be pissed?
Here's what you're gonna do. You'll break into Empathy, upload the attached virus to their net and bring the club's operations to a standstill. Empathy won't budge an inch until Adam welcomes his ol' pal Larry back with open arms.
Sounds like a breeze, right? Just keep things quiet, no witnesses and everyone'll be happy.
Reported Crimes are NCPD Scanner Hustles in which you are looking for clues leading you to the next location where you are carrying out the task.
Seems Sandra was a bit of a partier, but lost her cash flow when she lost her job. See, V? Better not run the EDGE of financial solvency. So – how bout we check out the car she left in the corpo lot?
There are 17 Cyberpsycho Sighting in Cyberpunk 2077. Treat your opponents like Mini Bosses, choosing the right tactics for each one.
Ghosts? Ghosts don't exist, V. The dead can tell you that.
Noria Akuhara location for Cyberpsycho Sighting: Phantom of Night City
I found this in this location: Legendary Katana and Legendary Mantis Blades
Fast Travel is a way to travel fast in Cyberpunk 2077. If you discover a particular Dataterm by approaching it, you will be able to move there from any other Fast Travel point.
FT 01 Arasaka Tower
FT 02 Reconciliation Park
FT 03 Ring Road
FT 04 Petrel ST
FT 05 Metro Republic Way
FT 06 Downtown North
FT 07 Halsey & MLK
Recognizable locations in Corpo Plaza related to Cyberpunk 2077 Lore.
To some a monument to corporate power, to others a symbol of oppression, Arasaka's West Coast headquarters is the heart of the megacorporation's financial and military operations in both Americas. Destroyed in 2023 in a bombing carried out by Johnny Silverhand, the tower later rose from the rubble as a testament to the corporation's ultimate triumph over its enemies. If history's written by the victors, then they made quite sure this particular footnote was written by the hands of the world's best architects. The majestic, 2034-foot steel-and-concrete monolith towers over Corpo Plaza, casting a shadow over every street in Night City – both literally and figuratively. The decisions that fall from the heavily guarded Arasaka Tower determine the lives of all within the city limits.
A shopping mall between Corpo Plaza and Glen offering lovely views of the nearby park and port. If you have the eddies for top-shelf tech, weapons, clothes and restaurants, then the View is the place for you. Find everything you need under one roof, all draped in luxury and tasteful elegance.
7th Hell is a small, seedy nightclub in the heart of the city. While nobody would ever call it their favorite place to be, at a certain point in the night – or at a certain level of intoxication – people just gravitate to the spot. It's that place where that choom of a guy you met in the other bar knows some chick who you gotta meet ... and that's where the night takes you.
If you're a mid-ranking corpo and want to get your freak on, then head straight to Empathy. This braindance strip club, run by Larry Fanghorn and Adam Ibrahimovic, offers the city's most O-inducing entertainment – but nothing that would gross out your colleagues. The "dancers" are chipped with the latest chrome, the drinks pack a kick and the air is saturated with music, lights and desire.
Access to Tarot Cards will become open to you (you will see them on the walls) at the beginning of Act 2, during the "Fool on the Hill" mission for Misty. You have to scan them with Scanner, check the location of all Cards on All Tarot Cards Location.
The Tower - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
You and everyone around you will experience a great shock. When The Tower falls, nothing will be the same again.
The Tower is an omen of radical change, chaos and destruction. The lightning striking The Tower signifies a return to the old order that lies buried under the ruins, and a new order that will rise from it. It is a symbol of tragedy, apocalypse and self-destruction.
Once you start Act 2, the fixer in the district will start sending you offers for cars that you can buy. Besides the amount you have to pay, it is sometimes up to your Street Cred to get an offer. You have to go to the place marked by the marker on the map and make the transaction.
For more check Full Car and Bike List.
Location: Corpo Plaza
Price: 32,000
Street Cred: 12
Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnar
Location: Corpo Plaza
Price: 62,000
Street Cred: 30
Herrera Outlaw GTS
A lot has changed in the last century, but Spain's reputation for automotive excellence has not. Case in point: the Herrera Outlaw. This luxury limousine is one of the most exclusive and sought after on the market. It seamlessly combines the latest tech with a classic, sophisticated design. The Outlaw is a car with soul – perhaps because its one of the few models out there still handcrafted with the expertise of world-class engineers. Of course, that kind of exclusivity and quality doesn't come cheap. Herrera's Outlaw is one of the most expensive street-legal cars on the market.
Location: Corpo Plaza
Price: 55,000
Street Cred: 20
Quadra Type-66 Avenger
The standard Quadra Type-66 is a powerful car in its own right, but the Avenger? Now, that's another animal. The roar of its engine causes windows and the knees of carjocks everywhere to shake. Compared to its base model, the Avenger has better handling and top-end speed. Hell, it even looks better.