Badlands Maps
Badlands Info
If you think Night City is dangerous, just wait till you get to the Badlands. The areas bordering the city to the east and south are actually eight different zones that vary in character and landscape. There's the trailer park of Red Peaks, the plains of Rocky Ridge and desert of Sierra Sonora stretching out to the east, whose landfill emits a stench that's often blown all the way into the city. Saturated with chemicals and acid rain, nothing will ever grow again in this region of the Badlands. Anyone who has to cross this area does it quickly, and if they're smart, with an armed escort in case they run into Wraiths – a gang made up of exiled nomads. You could compare them to vultures, though at least vultures have the decency to wait until their prey is dead.
The south paints a much less apocalyptic picture with Biotechnica's protein farms and the Jackson Plains power plant. A trip to the neighboring lake of Laguna Bend at sunset is the most picturesque view the Badlands has to offer (just make sure you don't touch the water.)
There's a saying that everyone should visit the Badlands at least once in their lives. Sounds like something the Wraiths would say.

Preview Night City Map Cyberpunk 2077
This is preview world map for Cyberpunk 2077 - Night City, with districts and sub districts.