Tarot Cards Location Cyberpunk 2077
Location of Tarot Cards in Cyberpunk 2077

Location and meaning of graffiti Tarot Cards in Cyberpunk 2077, Fool, Magician, High Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant, Lovers, Chariot, Strength, Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, Tower, Star, Moon, Sun, World, Devil and Judgment.
Location of Tarot Cards in Cyberpunk 2077
Tarot Cards in Cyberpunk 2077 are not real cards, but thematic graffiti placed on the walls of Night City. Their content is related to the plot and the fate of the main character.
"Collecting Cards" is actually scanning them with the Scanner. Collecting Tarot Cards is not available from the beginning of the game. Access to Tarot Cards will become open to you (you will see them on the walls) at the beginning of Act 2, during the "Fool on the Hill" mission for Misty.
There are 20 cards that you can scan on the walls of Night City and 2 secret hidden cards, "The Devil" and "Judgment", which you will find only during the story epilogues of the game.
The Fool - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
The Fool symbolizes the beginning of a journey. You brim with enthusiasm, yet remain unaware of both your capabilities and the threats you face.
The Fool is everyone – including you and me. Each step he takes on his journey feels like stepping into a brave new world. Ultimately, the journey will change him. But as the card shows, he's a trustworthy lad whose tireless hope drives him toward his goal.
The Magician - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
You must fight his destructive influence. I... I think we both know who that is.
The Magician is the card of self-confidence and adapting to situations through intellect and sheer will. The Magician is a schemer who always has one last trick up his sleeve, who despite everything manages to stay afloat and remain in control of his own destiny.
The High Priestess - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
Do not seek simple answers. Be open to your intuition, your subconscious, your dreams.
The High Priestess is a card of mystery. It shows how all our secrets hang by a delicate thread and the struggle between common sense and intuition. The High Priestess symbolizes the cold, calm waters as well as the mysteries hidden in their depths.
The Empress - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
The Empress is a card of femininity and motherhood. She is authoritative, knows what she wants, and exhibits refinement and sensuousness. The Empress symbolizes creativity and growth, and instructs us not to dismiss our unconscious impulses, but to trust our intuition.
The Emperor - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
The Emperor represents patriarchal control and is pleased with the authority and power he possesses to shape the future. The Emperor makes the rules and enforces them for the common good. But prestige has its dark sides – the Emperor is dominating and ruthless and will climb over a mountain of bodies to achieve his aim.
The Hierophant - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
He brings crisis, both of life and authority, rebellion and fanaticism... He is a grave threat.
The Hierophant symbolizes a respect for tradition. It represents one who tries to maintain the established order, even though their very character is shaped by it. The Hierophant places his faith in institutions – for the alternative is pure chaos. Only by placing his faith in order can he draw strength.
The Lovers - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
You are surrounded by a force that will challenge you. You will also come into conflict with another, inner force.
The Lovers is the card of dichotomies. It points to the contradictions that clash within each of us and of the challenge of striking a balance between extremes. The Lovers is also the card of dilemmas, like The Fool who stands at the crossroads, unable to make his choice.
The Chariot - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
You're ready for change, ready to seek the truth about yourself. And to help, you'll have... Someone from your family?
The Chariot is always charging ahead despite being pulled by its steeds in opposite directions. The rider who steers it constantly reins in the light and dark sides of the soul with the help of Reason. To ride in The Chariot is to experience highs and lows – ups and downs.
Strength - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
Strength of will, discipline and courage will always be rewarded...
Strength is the card of resilience. It is associated with determination, bravery and internal struggle. One must have dedication in order to overcome obstacles and reach one's goal. Strength is about physical prowess and spiritual fortitude – the power that must be unleashed to achieve the impossible.
The Hermit - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
In solitude, he discovers the truth about himself and the world. From this he draws strength, his lantern cutting through the darkness. Could be you... Or someone who shows you kindness.
The Hermit is a card of self-imposed isolation. It represents an escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, a turning away from constant newness toward Ye Olde ways. For the hermit, solitude is the road to the sublime – a road that is taken not with great bounds and strides, but with small, concentrated steps.
Wheel of Fortune - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
The danger is greater than you think. It will come suddenly, without warning. Conflict is unavoidable.
The Wheel of Fortune means that change is coming. One's destiny could turn out for the better or the worse, yet it is also bears the promise of new possibilities. The Wheel reminds us that nobody remains at the top forever, but also that not every situation is hopeless.
Justice - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
Be very careful with those you meet. Not all will be worthy of your trust.
Justice is the card of conflict resolution. It proclaims the need for order, to see through lies and deceit, and a return to the natural state of affairs. Justice implies a just sentence, but also due process.
The Hanged Man - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
You're at a crossroads, V. Time to take a hard look at your situation, find the right path. You'll be put to a test.
The Hanged Man is the card of sacrifice. It says that a price must be paid in order to achieve enlightenment. The Hanged Man's forsakenness opens the path for rebirth into a new life, though this path is wrought with pain suspended in time and ultimately ends in Death.
Death - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
Your adversaries will turn you against yourself. The journey will bring either transformation or destruction.
Death is the card of becoming. It signifies an imminent and difficult transition – the conclusion of one phase of life and the beginning of another. Inevitably, something gets lost during the transformation, but something else will rise to take its place.
Temperance - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
You're ready to shift the balance of your life. You might succeed, as long as you can reconcile what is now at odds.
Temperance is the card of balance. It may symbolize self-restraint or the gradual shift toward a more mature state of equilibrium. Temperance is associated with being in control of oneself as well as the desire to achieve inner peace.
The Tower - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
You and everyone around you will experience a great shock. When The Tower falls, nothing will be the same again.
The Tower is an omen of radical change, chaos and destruction. The lightning striking The Tower signifies a return to the old order that lies buried under the ruins, and a new order that will rise from it. It is a symbol of tragedy, apocalypse and self-destruction.
The Star - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
You will have to overcome unknown desires and sever a strong tie with something I can't quite make out.
The Star is the card of hope. In the darkest of nights there is a light that shines the path to home. The Star is inspiration, motivation and gives us strength to move forward.
The Moon - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
In her light, what was once far away and difficult to grasp becomes sharp and clear.
The Moon reminds us that reality is not always what it seems at first glance. In a world of appearances and illusions, the best course is often charted by one's own intuition. The Moon is also the card of dreams, desires, and of course, sleep – Death's nightly ritual.
The Sun - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
You'll meet some obstacles, but they will be temporary - so long as you follow your own judgement, stick to your chosen path.
The Sun symbolizes success. It is a card of freedom, renewal and a bright future that lies ahead. The Sun also represents truth, for its light will always pull back the curtain of shadow that hides the world's secrets. It is also represents greatness and splendor.
The World - Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Card
You stand at the beginning of your journey. It will be nothing like you think, and longer than you imagine.
The World lies at the end of The Fool's long and winding journey. Wiser and more world-weary than he started out, the Fool faces a moment of reckoning. Some of us accept where our journey has led us to, while others embark on a new challenge. One thing in this World is certain – you can't have it all.
Location: Inside Rubik's Cube in "Where Is My Mind?" Epilogue
You will find yourself under the influence of powerful people with unclear motives. Be very careful.
The Devil is addiction, craving and passion. He brings fame and fortune, but at the price of losing oneself to a world of material distractions. The Devil lures unsuspecting souls into traps, but always grants them a choice. One can try their luck and take him up on his offer, but one should always know when to call quits.
Location: Inside Mikoshi, in room where you fight Smasher in any other Epilogue
Judgment is the card of renewal. The angel blowing into the horn heralds resurrection and liberation. This card foretells an important change that will result in healing or fulfillment. It is also a symbol of self-worth.