Map of Charter Hill in Westbrook District for Cyberpunk 2077
Charter Hill Map in Westbrook District - Cyberpunk 2077

Detailed and revealed Map for Charter Hill Subdistrict located in Westbrook District for Cyberpunk 2077 Maps & Walkthrough (CP77).
Charter Hill Map in Westbrook District - Cyberpunk 2077
Fast Travel terminals
Main Jobs
Side Jobs
Gun for Hire
Search and Recover
Agent Saboteur
SOS: Merc Needed
Reported Crime Clues
Reported Crime Location
Assault in Progress
Organized Crime
Cyberpsycho Sighting
Tarot Card
Drop Point
Weapon Shop
Melee Vendor
Junk Shop
Charter Hill is an game zone for players with 12-22 experience levels.
Charter Hill is known as a comfortable and relatively safe neighborhood for those who can afford it. It was re-built in the 40s during the Reconstruction. The new and swanky Charter Hill quickly became a go-to for Night City's elites, at least until North Oak overtook it as the most luxurious neighborhood. Most of Charter Hill's homes are occupied by middle-ranking corpos who bang their heads against their desks by day and get sloshed in bars by night. The other residents are made up of aspiring artists, entrepreneurs and any freelancer who makes enough to avoid renting a closet room in Little China or Wellsprings.
Main Jobs in Cyberpunk 2077 are quests related to the main plot of the game. You can check the order in which they appear on the diagram Main Jobs.
Side Jobs will appear with the completion of specific storyline Main Jobs or other Side Jobs. Some of the Side Jobs are closed episodes, others open up more Side Jobs. There are also important Side Jobs influencing the game endings called Major Side Job.
Do not reject any calls to Side Jobs so as not to close the storyline variants. You can check all Side Jobs and their availability on the Side Job List
Major Side Job I Fought the Law +48h
Gigs are additional tasks that you get from the Fixer in a given district. More Gigs spawn as your Street Cred Level increases. Gigs are not related to the main plot of the game but provide experience points, equipment and resources.
The vulture is the wisest bird. While others lose strength in the pursuit of prey, the vulture waits patiently – it only spreads its wings when it smells blood on the air.
You will be my vulture, V. I heard a Tyger Claws casino has been robbed by one of their own – a dealer. The girl had an alias, Vortex, and she managed the casino's machines. She programmed them to skim a small percentage so a drop from each win landed in her bucket. It took years for the Tygers to realize how they were being cheated. You can imagine they were not pleased. But their ferocity extended too far. Vortex died during the interrogation before revealing where she stored the stolen money. A vulture is wiser than a Tyger, V. You will find it.
I will send you the Vortex's last known location. Don't let me down.
You can get to the casino from the water, from the south, through the canals.
Would you like to hear about my fourth husband? He was very lazy, gullible, and filthy rich. I divorced him as quickly as I could and never made so much money in such a short time. With that said, can I really blame Mrs. Gutierrez for stripping Mr. Gutierrez down to the last enny? Of course not. In fact, I'd like to meet her lawyers.
But enough about Mrs. Gutierrez. Our client happens to be the injured party, Mr. Gutierrez. He lost his car and luxury penthouse, now the poor fool has barely anything to live in because he left his depository receipts in their old apartment (the locks are already changed). You'll have to retrieve them, because our new divorcee isn't going to give them back out of the kindness of her heart.
The penthouse is on the last floor of the building. Don't worry, I'm providing you with elevator access.
For obvious reasons, Mr. Gutierrez is counting on your utmost discretion. If things go quietly, he'll toss in extra.
This is a good mission to try to sneaking. It will not be easy, if you are detected, you will have to kill everyone on the upper floors, but the Gig will be passed as completed.
There's this old saying - if it wasn't for fools, there would be no sages. The same is true for fixers.
The fool who needs your help is a man named Dan. Dan has a gambling problem – lately he managed to lose his car in a game of cards. To tell the truth, the ride's no great loss or anything – this guy isn't short on cars. What was valuable, however, was the one-of-a-kind bootleg Samurai recording stowed in the trunk. How did our fool come into possession of it, you ask? Well, he's Nancy's son. The same Nancy who played keyboard for the band, in the days when that snot-nosed boy used to call me "aunty."
You'll get that album for me. Gut tells me they haven't pawned it off just yet, it's probably still stashed somewhere around the place. And if you can swing it, grab Dan's car too for a little bonus. I'll snap you the coordinates of the guy holding the goods. And be aware, he licks the boots of the 6th Street Gang, so expect to deal with another fool. A stubborn one.
Before you finish Gig and talk to Dan, make sure that the Car is parked in the designated place (next to the stairs), otherwise the Car part of the quest will not be completed.
Reported Crimes are NCPD Scanner Hustles in which you are looking for clues leading you to the next location where you are carrying out the task.
Smell that, V? Another scorched runner. Wonder what he said right before he sizzled?
There are 17 Cyberpsycho Sighting in Cyberpunk 2077. Treat your opponents like Mini Bosses, choosing the right tactics for each one.
There are no Cyberpsycho Sighting in Charter Hill
Fast Travel is a way to travel fast in Cyberpunk 2077. If you discover a particular Dataterm by approaching it, you will be able to move there from any other Fast Travel point.
FT 01 Gold Niwaki Plaza
FT 02 Lele Park
FT 03 Luxury Apartments
FT 04 Longshore South
FT 05 Dynalar
FT 06 Metro: Charter Hill - not visible on game map
Recognizable locations in Charter Hill related to Cyberpunk 2077 Lore.
Shaito Imports is an intimate shopping center situated between skyscrapers in Charter Hill that caters to upper-level corporates as well as a smattering of celebrities. You don't go there because you have nothing to wear, but only to buy the latest designer brands before anyone else, wow the world with your latest fashion trends and see what the competition is buying. The retailers there offer exclusive fashionware and rare imported goods, among other things. You can even grab a bite to eat if you're not opposed to dining in public. It goes without saying that nothing on the menu contains synthetic ingredients.
Formerly owned by Electric Corporation (yes, that's a real company) in Charter Hill and abandoned in mysterious circumstances, leaving the surrounding empty buildings unattended. But nothing in cities is truly empty, especially in a metropolis like Night City. The power plant was quickly overrun by gangs that need a lot of space, solid walls and thick doors to make sure that whatever they're doing doesn't catch the attention of any passersby.
Access to Tarot Cards will become open to you (you will see them on the walls) at the beginning of Act 2, during the "Fool on the Hill" mission for Misty. You have to scan them with Scanner, check the location of all Cards on All Tarot Cards Location.
There are no Tarot Cards in Charter Hill
Once you start Act 2, the fixer in the district will start sending you offers for cars that you can buy. Besides the amount you have to pay, it is sometimes up to your Street Cred to get an offer. You have to go to the place marked by the marker on the map and make the transaction.
For more check Full Car and Bike List.
Location: Charter Hill
Price: 14,000
Street Cred: 1
Makigai MaiMai P126
The perfect car for anyone on a tight budget. The Makigai MaiMai is the cheapest mass-prodcued car available in Night City. All design decisions were made with one goal in mind: cut costs! Size? As small as possible while still fitting two (slender) people and (at most) one shopping bag. Engine? Probably stolen from a lawn mower. Materials? Plastic as durable as a disposable fork. Safety test ratings? Scraping by to keep street-legal status. All tied together into an easily affordable package. And they say corporations don't look out for consumers' best interests anymore...
Location: Charter Hill
Price: 129,000
Street Cred: 30
Quadra Turbo-R 740
At the beginning of the 21st century, American cities were flooded with Japanese sports cars: reliable, fast, affordable. But the release of the Quadra Turbo-R proved that the decline of the American automotive industry had been greatly exaggerated. The Turbo-R instantly became of a classic of its type, a dream on four wheels. It stole the hearts of car lovers everywhere with its powerful engine, responsive handling and badass vibes. But there was a downside: the Turbo-R rode like a wild stallion, ready to buck unskilled drivers right out of the saddle. Only a real carjock could untap its potential. Amateur adrenaline junkies typically wound up losing control, hurting both themselves and their shiny, new Quadra.