Gangs in Cyberpunk 2077

Location of gangs in Cyberpunk 2077
Tyger Claws
Night City is a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities, though when it comes its Asian demographic, the Chinese and Japanese influence is unmistakable – as are the Tyger Claws.
As a gang the Tyger Claws are well-organized, efficient and savvy – but also unpredictable. Their business decisions are purely rational, but when it comes to their enemies or a disloyal gang member, their methods can be shocking.
The Tyger Claws mainly operate out of Japantown, Little China, Kabuki and Charter Hill. Their main source of income are nightclubs, casinos, and braindance bars. Night Citizens love to have a good time – no other gang knows how to capitalize on that better than the Tygers.
The Mox
The youngest established gang in Night City. Its beginnings date back to 2067 when the murder of a sex worker sparked riots that lasted days. The gang formed out of the protesters attracted many others to its ranks for years after.
The Mox is a motley crew of current and former sex workers, punks, freaks and all kinds of outcasts.
The gang's main headquarters is Lizzie's Bar, a braindance club that serves as the Mox's main source of income.
The gang's aesthetic is characterized by aggressive kitsch, loud colors, plastic and latex.
6TH Street Gang
After the 4th Corporate War, a large number of career soldiers were left without jobs or prospects – the most enterprising of them formed the 6th Street Gang. Not only do they boast veterans among their ranks, but also ex-police officers, former corporate security agents and "civilians" who have had a crash course in combat training – everyone and anyone who wants to bring order to this town.
The end justifies the means, and the means usually involve robberies, extortion, arms dealing and stealing cars. Their main turf is in Arroyo, but 6th Street's garages and bases of operation can also be found in other parts of the city.
Loud vests, flashy gold cyberware, heavy jewellery, tattoos of Santa Muerte and Jesus Malaverde – you'd have a hard time mistaking a Valentino when you saw one. Inspired by Chicano culture, their expressive style makes them seem like something straight out of a Mexican barrio. But if you look closer, you'll see anyone can join the gang, no matter their background or ethnicity.
The Valentinos are strictly territorial, operating in Heywood. They're tied to the local community by nearly familial bonds of friendship – and by biz. The Valentinos run completely legal businesses like restaurants, nightclubs and auto shops, but all are fronts for their other, dirtier biz of money laundering, smuggling stolen vehicles or guns, human trafficking and gang warfare.The Valentinos' friendship is priceless – and it will follow you to the grave. So you might want to think twice before riding with them.
A gang that controls the districts of Watson and the Northside Industrial District (NID). You can easily recognize them by their intimidating faceplates and hostile optic implants, which not only indicates their gang affiliation but also their fetishization of cyberware and cybermodification.
Looking at Maelstrom, you might think, "Now those are some hella bold pioneers of transhumanism." If they were only testing the limits of the human body on themselves, then you'd be right... Sadly, they also like to conduct "experiments" on those unfortunate enough to cross their path. Maelstrom is known for their exceptionally brutal and public gang executions – combine that with illegal braindance production and a manic fighting style and you've got yourself a gang with a reputation as a band of lunatics on the verge of cyberpsychosis. The truth is there's nothing crazy about how Maelstrom operates – at the end of the day it's all about biz. And the more rumors there are about them, the better.
Voodoo Boys
A mysterious gang of netrunners based in Pacifica. The Voodoo Boys uphold the district's independence and act as the leaders of the area's predominantly Haitian community. Ominous rumors circulate about the gang – those who know the most about them are netrunners from Night City (at the very least they can recognize a Voodoo Boys virus when it hits their system) and NetWatch agents, who for years have been trying to eliminate them – unsuccessfully, of course.
Unlike other Night City gangs, the Animals don't have a defined territory. You can find them almost anywhere, but... you know, it's not like people go out looking for them. The Animals aren't a centralized gang, they're divided into smaller groups led by independent "alphas" males or females.
The concrete jungle - for the Animals, it's not just a pretentious metaphor. From their hormone-pumping, beast-inducing implants to their love of street combat, the Animals are obsessed with the wild side of human nature.
Their physical strength and proficiency in various martial arts (and their sheer size alone) make Animals the ideal security guards and bouncers for clubs and bars. Besides that, the Animals are known for their illegal brawls, hijacking transports and their addiction to Juice, their very own homemade hormone cocktail.
One of the oldest nomad nations founded by Juan Aldecaldo, who fought a ruthless war at the tail-end of the 1990's against the gangs ruling LA. He formed the "Neighborhood Watch," which numbered five thousand people by the time it left the city and was known for its emphasis on family values, in whose name Juan launched his uprising against ineffective police and corrupt media.
The Aldecaldos currently consist of a few dozen families spread out around America that are constantly on the move.
The first and new nomad codes elaborate the various reasons you might be expelled from your family, including "Share with others in your clan" or "Do not keep for yourself that which may help another in your clan." Reading those documents today, it's hard to fight the feeling they were written in different, happier times. These days, nomads are more often expelled from their families for murdering or raping a fellow family member, human trafficking, poisoning the water supply or betrayal of the clan. And we have a word for those nomads: the Raffen Shiv.
Once ousted, most Raffens still maintain their nomadic lifestyles. They form larger groups on the road, but nobody would call these groups family – not even in jest. The Raffen Shiv prowl the Badlands, ambushing unsuspecting travellers, corpo convoys or even – and with particular relish – other nomad camps.
A gang of Raffen Shiv even formed outside Night City's gates: the Wraiths. They're well-organized, effective, and willing to do anything. After all, like all Raffens, they've got nothing left to lose.
You could call them graverobbers were it not for the fact that they never wait for a body to reach the graveyard nor for it to be actually dead. The scavengers specialize in acquiring high quality implants... by whatever means necessary. If you've got tech that's as expensive as a moderately-sized mansion in North Oak, you're asking for trouble. That's why you want to make sure those implants can make themselves useful in a dark, rainy alleyway, or that Trauma Team will come for you instead of a shady-looking guy with a black bag and a thick Eastern European accent.
Corporations in Cyberpunk 2077
In the latter half of the 21st century, corporations are international financial behemoths - megacorporations. They have their own political aims, even waging more or less open conflicts against the competition. It's no exaggeration to say that corporations are what shapes the reality and life of an ordinary person. Just take a look around. Every object in your home came off some production line in a factory belonging to one of the megacorps. Another one delivers electricity to your home, so you can watch TV news on a media conglomerate's channel, which in turn has corporations as a majority of its shareholders. Everything you drink, even to a certain extent the air you breathe - it all comes from global concerns. Even if you're blissfully unaware of this, the corporations still influence every aspect of your life. They're at your fingertips. Ah - those fingers are chrome? What manufacturer? Exactly.
Arasaka Corporation
The Arasaka Corporation is the longest-operating megacorp in the world. Its origins date back to the mid-20th century when a young Saburo Arasaka inherited his father's nascent company, transforming it into a global leader in security. Today, the Arasaka Corporation is known as an arms-manufacturing giant that has had its hands in military conflicts across all continents. Due to the latest advances in technology and the company's seemingly unlimited capital, Arasaka is poised to achieve its political goals on a massive scale. Arasaka's soldiers and agents are known not only for their excellent training, but also for their steadfast loyalty to corporate values and CEO Saburo Arasaka himself, who, despite his advancing age, continues to govern the corporation with an iron fist. Even discussions of a succession plan must be kept to a whisper, because no one would dare openly question the authority of the world's greatest weapons empire... Almost no one.
Militech International Armaments is one of the largest, most powerful corporations in the world. Known mainly in the NUSA for their support of the federal government, they provide both manpower and arms to the regime, including weapons and specialist military gear. Militech's contract for the NUSA is controversial in some political circles: Militech has been accused of attempting to create a monopoly, while the clear connections between former Militech CEO and current NUSA president Rosalind Myers and the corporation's board have only exacerbated corporate and diplomatic tensions.
Militech also operates in the private sector, providing security as well as defensive and offensive combat services. The corporation offers clients the latest equipment, skilled staff and trained, well-equipped agents to get the job done. In addition, the megacorp also develops and produces its own firearms, drones, implants, even vehicles suitable for land, air and sea combat.
Kang Tao
Kang Tao is a Chinese company and one of the world's largest weapons manufacturers. For years now, Kang Tao has increasingly become a worthy competitor for Arasaka by introducing some of the most bleeding-edge technology the market has ever seen. The megacorp consistently surpasses client expecations for quality weapons and equipment that suits both military and paramilitary needs. But most notably, Kang Tao is widely recognized for its specialization in the development, patenting and production of Smart-class weaponry and weapon systems. In this niche market, they are without equal.
Biotechnica is a corporation specializing in genetic engineering and biotechnical, pharmaceutical and microbiological research. It was in Biotechnica's labs that the world's leading specialists first made the breakthrough discovery that brought the world back from the brink of a fuel crisis. The discovery? CHOOH2, a fuel based on synthetic alcohol obtained from genetically modified wheat. This patent made the corporation a major player on the market. To this day, Biotechnica retains exclusive rights to the product - and complete control over the fuel market. Its other major field of business is food production: large companies such as All Foods also fall under the Biotechnica umbrella.
"Our planet's moving forward – thanks to Petrochem" – that commercial slogan is only half exaggerated. Thanks to its partnership with the bioengineering corporation Biotechnica, Petrochem converts genetically modified wheat grown on Biotechnica's millions of acres of farmland into the biofuel of the future – CHOOH2. In addition, it also has limited rights to grow its own modified grain. That means nobody can entirely avoid Petrochem – though while their influence and resources shouldn't be overstated, their competitors are fully aware of Petrochem's economic and political power. If the megacorporation were able to monopolize fuel production in the country, Petrochem would call the shots on everything. That's why the corp doesn't skimp on its security, hiring the best industry counterintel specialists and always stationed on high alert – an attack could come from anywhere and at anytime.
Revere Courier Services
Revere Courier Services is a shipping corporation that operates on all continents, providing transport services for both commercial and individual clients. Their fleet consists of armored trucks, freighters and aircraft capable of carrying high-value cargo. But the RCS pledge states that all cargo is sacred, whether its luxury limousine destined for an African billionaire's estate or care package of Moonchies and Banana Butter Bears a grandmother from Vista Del Rey sent her grandson for Valentine's Day. While the limo would be transported on a massive freighter and the box of treats by scooter delivery, they both have one thing in common: they'll arrive in the right hands. Of course, RCS cannot give their full guarantee as the shipping industry is a major target of piracy and theft. Still, in such cases, the company offers full compensation for stolen goods. Some of RCS's largest shipping vessels are protected by outsourced security (often mercenaries) whose presence is often deterrent enough for would-be aggressors. A vital service offered by RCS is physical data transfers for data that's too precious to upload to the Net. Data couriers number among most experienced professionals, and damage or loss of shipment almost never occurs.
The roots of the Kendachi corporation (or rather, Kenshiri-Adachi Armaments) harken back to the 16th century, when the Japanese Kenshiri family established themselves as a blacksmithing clan. The corporation took on its final form in the 21st century after merging with the Adachi company. These days, Kendachi is known for its reliable monoweapons made in factories in low Earth orbit. In fact, such products have become synonymous with the brand; utterly terrifying in a skilled solo's hands, these must-have blades are responsible for the Japanese corporation's success. Current CEO Tessho Yokoi is known for his keen business sense, deep knowledge of kendo and short fuse. Occassionally, he's been known to deal with his enemies himself – using his own corporation's indispensible monoweapons, of course. You'd be hard-pressed to find a better endorsement.
Cytech is a technology and biotechnology company specializing in inplants and cybernetic prostheses. Cytech is known for its high-quality products, all patented solutions developed in-house in the corporation's labs.
NetWatch was founded as a European net security company, but its success quickly transformed it into an international agency sponsored by corporations. The "Net Police" specializes in securing data fortresses, pursuing unlicensed AIs, neutralizing hacks, removing software threats and apprehending troublesome netrunners. NetWatch also maintains the Blackwall, a barrier of ICE that guards against rogue, post-Krash AIs. Corporate propaganda likes to portray NetWatch agents as defenders of humanity without which the Net would have long-ago collapsed. The truth is that it's not so hard to become a "public enemy" in the eyes of NetWatch – go head, jack in and read the security protocols sent to every user on the Net. The moment you step over the line, some eager rookie in the nearest NetWatch division will have a file on you in no time.
Night Corporation
If there's one thing Night Corp is known for, it's secrecy – nobody really knows how much the corporation is worth, what its main source of revenue is, nor how many people it employs.
The corporation is part Richard Night's legacy, the visionary industrialist who laid the bedrock of Night City. It was founded by Night's widow, Miriam, who used the money her late husband left behind to build it from the ground up and structure it around Night's ideals and principles . For many years, Miriam was the CEO of Night Corp before the helm was taken over by much less competent figures, who ultimately lost the race with Arasaka and Militech – both of whom ultimately came to wield the most power in Night City. Now, Night Corp's glory days are long behind it. After years of progressive degeneration, Night Corp's influence waned to nearly non-existent. Still, outside of managing its own capital, Night's successors have maintained a significant say in matters pertaining to public administration and pro-social causes. Public road works, construction and conserving institutions for the public good, revitalizing the Maglev system – these are only a handful of projects financed by Night Corp.
More well-known beneficiaries include the NCPD and MaxTac, which are still partly financed by the Night Corp's shrinking coffers. It seems there are still those in the company's rather mysterious structure who have not lost faith in the vision of the city's founder. Even if cheapened by corporate slogans and guided primarily by politcal interests, the merits of Night Corp's role in the Free City's history cannot be diminished. In fact, with this in mind, some residents have expressed they wish for the day Night Corp returns to a position of true power.
Factions in Cyberpunk 2077
The Night City Police Department – the law enforcement this city needs and deserves. Now, they say the best way to know a city is through its police force. The NCPD is an underfunded, underequipped, understaffed organization where every officer puts their life on line each day. It's no surprise then that most badges in the NCPD have lost faith in their thankless jobs. An atmosphere of apathy and corruption pervades the department, while many officers on the street react with brutality and aggression due to the stress and nature of their work.
Nevertheless, some badges still wholeheartedly believe in defending ordinary citizens and making sure the urban jungle doesn't descend into complete chaos. For them a badge still means something in this city and a gun is still a tool to protect and serve. Run into one of these zealots and most gangoons will get on their knees, hands behind their head. Refuse, and they're almost certain to get a bullet.
Of course, like everywhere else, real power is held in the hands of corporations. The police force's official sponsor is Night Corp, but the NCPD is also beholden to the interests of Arasaka and Militech. Oftentimes, when official investigations get stonewalled, the NCPD will hire mercenaries on the sly to obtain evidence in areas under corporate jurisdiction that forbid any police presence.
None of that changes the fact that when people are in trouble, they call the NCPD, who arrive on the scene to protect and serve to the best of their abilities.
Let's say you've got a serious problem, and it just so happens you'd rather not get the police involved, nor your buddies at the corp who usually deal with this stuff. Maybe you were directly responsible for a shipment that mysteriously disappeared, or you'd like to see somebody else's shipment disappear; somebody knows too much about you, someone chose to work for the wrong corp, or maybe someone has suddenly become no longer necessary. In that case, you need someone to handle things for you – a techie, solo, netrunner or someone with more specialized skills. You need a mercenary.
Mercs typically work with fixers, a go-between who slap together a team of pros with the right skills for the client. Fixers will take care of all the messy intricacies of dirty biz – you won't even have to meet the merc doing it for you, if that's what you want. The job'll get done quickly and discreetly – for the right price, of course.
Most mercs start out on the street, taking whatever comes their way until they can catch a fixer's attention. Only a few of them end up like Morgan Blackhand or Andrew "Boa Boa" Weyland – that is to say, legends.
MaxTac is an elite, special ops division of the NCPD with a singular aim: eliminate cyberpsychos. MaxTac officers enjoy their pick of weapons, the best cyberware, fresh, prototype gear and a free hand in carrying out their ops. But despite these overwhelming privileges, nobody in their right mind would ever join the force.
Other NCPD divisions tend to keep MaxTac at arm's length, making them something of a state within a state. When MaxTac arrives on the scene, there are sure to be casualties, while any internal investigations are sure to be dropped. What's more, most MaxTac officers are themselves... singular characters. They tend to be chromed-out loners with one goal in life: catch as many cyberpsychos as possible. Some say the line between the two groups is a fine, fading blur. Their reputation certainly isn't helped by rumors that the rare cyberpsychos taken alive are quietly reprogrammed and welcomed into the division.
In 2077, the use of computer technology has become truly universal. Some use a PDA, others personal computers, still others a neural processor. Regular Janes and Joes know how to use these systems to access information, communicate, even fight. But there are others who can use the same tech to work wonders: netrunners.
A netrunner knows the ins and outs of computer systems, the programming languages, how to write or mod a killer virus. Deck in hand, they're just as dangerous as a corporate soldier armed to the teeth. Many netrunners are free agents working only for themselves, but a few have signed their own pacts with the megacorps and work to keep corporate data fortresses solid and impenetrable. Today, each and every corporation has a veritable army of netrunners on its payroll.
Netrunners were once considered the rulers of cyberspace, using their skull jacks to roam a vast, global network. They also needed special suits to cool their bodies (although a tub full of ice would do for penniless punks). But this era ended with the cataclysm wrought by the greatest runner of all, Rache Bartmoss. Cyberspace became a land of daemons, cut off by the (nearly?) impenetrable Blackwall.
The first nomads were farmers forced to leave their land by a series of natural disasters, wars and corporate machinations. They moved out, gathering in larger and larger groups, hoping to find a better home for their families. But what they saw on their journeys across the States convinced them they were better off staying on the move.Historically, the nomads are divided into seven nations, such as Snake Nation, the Aldecaldos and Jodes, each of which is divided into clans, and finally into individual families.
Nomads travel with their entire families in search of gainful employment; they rebuilt cities and factories after the Collapse, while also playing an important role in creating the maglev network. Some clans take jobs from corporations (seasonal ones, of course, so as not to stay too long in one place), while others work for local communities.
Nomads value the family and follow their own unique code, which places loyalty to the clan above all else.
Soldier, corporate bodyguard, cyberninja… They can call themselves whatever they want, but to the rest of the world they're simply solos. Solos are mercenaries who specialize in combat skills, whether on the battlefield or as private "huscle" (hired muscle). They'll fight for corporate or government armies, private security companies, criminal organizations, even the police – but most prefer to earn their eddies on shorter-term jobs.
We live in increasingly trying times, so solos have no shortage of opportunities. It's guaranteed work in a still growing "industry" – but it does have its dark side. Every professional solo needs to keep up with trends in new tech and invest in better equipment, weapons, cyberware, gadgets and supplements which will ensure they stay smarter, faster and stronger than their opponents. But they must also remain vigilant, as this push for progress can cross a line from which there is no return. According to official MaxTac data, solos are the largest demographic in confirmed cyberpsychosis cases.
You see a few odd nuts and bolts or scraps of metal; a good techie sees a work of art. You press a button and the device just works; a techie knows why and how to make it work better. Techies are the sort to cut their teeth on tech by taking it apart and putting it back together. They open an electric panel and not only know how to shut off the power, but also send an elevator to a specific floor, reconnect alarm systems or control a military bot from a safe, remote distance. They're also needed wherever hardware meets soft – braindance editing being one common example.
Techies know it's not enough to have all the ones and zeroes in the right place; you need something to feed the code into. They can calibrate implants with ease, understand the pages and pages of minute specifications and use this knowledge to their advantage. Most people think they don't need a techie, that their once-a-month ripperdoc tuneups are more than enough. Then they've got their back against a wall, bombs are exploding next door, and pop! Something breaks. Suddenly a techie seems handy indeed.
Trauma Team
Seven minutes or a refund. That's the Trauma Team guarantee – the type of guarantee that warms a policy holder's heart as they begin to bleed out in an alley. Assuming you haven't lost consciousness from blood loss, don't worry as you count the seconds of life slipping from you, because help is on the way. First, you'll see a heavily armored AV descend from the sky, using its heavy machine gun turrets to mow down the bastards who are trying to kill you. Then you'll see the medics, your guardian angels clad in green and white and armed to the teeth. And once the Trauma Team staff puts you back to together, you'll get the bill for your copay. It may have a long list of zeros attached to it, but you'll still sign up for a half-year policy extension with a smile on your lips.
Trauma Team provides medical, paramedical and extraction services in all of the world's major cities. Their services are highly respected and sought after by those who can afford them. In fact, this may be the only corporation that enjoys such a high level of public trust. They don't play politics, they don't ask questions. As long as you pay your dues, your life is safe in their hands – no matter how dire the situation.