Heywood Maps
Heywood Info
Heywood is a district of contradictions. The northern part that borders the City Center is modern and well-kept, proud of its stunning megabuildings, parks, and places that are open to the public. But all you have to is go a few blocks southeast and the scenery starts to change dramatically. This part of Heywood is much poorer and more dangerous. The buildings are smaller and the streets are controlled by the Valentinos and the 6th Street Gang. If you know your place and keep your head down, Heywood isn't really so bad. After all, it's where most of Night City sleeps. If you're not a corpo and you score an apartment in the richer part of the district, then you've just won the lottery. Otherwise, just be happy you live in Heywood. In Night City, things could always be worse.

Preview Night City Map Cyberpunk 2077
This is preview world map for Cyberpunk 2077 - Night City, with districts and sub districts.