Anthem Tombs - Challenges of the Legionnaires
Location Map of Tombs of Legionnaires in Anthem for Challenge of the Legionnaires Mission. Trial of Yvenia, Trial of Gawnes, Trial of Artinia, Trial of Cariff.

Tombs Of The Legionnaires Quest is the ninth quest of the main storyline. By completing the main quests you will get to it quite quickly. Performing this task requires interrupting tasks from the main storyline and switching to Freeplay mode. I strongly suggest that you do not start the adventure in Freeplay mode until the moment the Tombs Of The Legionnaires will be active for you. Four Trials that will allow you to complete the Tombs Of The Legionnaires require to enter Freeplay mode and all you do in Freeplay before receiving this quest will not count towards the Trials achievement.
So we're going fast on the story line to the Tombs Of The Legionnaires mission and only then are we going to explore the world in Freeplay mode.
You can use Easy difficulty level in Freeplay doing Trials.
Trial of Yvenia
Honor the memory of Yvenia, Forgewright of the Legion. Completing th challenge unlocks the Tomb of Yvenia.
- Treasure Chests (15) - use my Region maps to locate chests
- Harvests (25) - easy, just harvest
- Javelins Repaired (3) - in missions with other players, or in Woeld Events with NPCs.
- Collectibles: (10) - use my Region maps to locate collectibles outside Fort Tarsis
Trial of Gawnes
Honor the memory of Gawnes, Blademaster of the Legion. Completing this challenge unlocks the Tomb of Gawnes.
- Melee Defeats (50) try to kill weak enemies witk Melee Attack.
- Ultimate Defeats (50) - use Ultimate
- Legendary Defeats (3) - on World Events or in other Missions.
Trial of Artinia
Honor the memory of Artinia, Sharpshooter of the Legion. Completing this challenge unlocks the Tomb of Artinia.
- World Events (5) just finish any 5 World Events in Freeplay.
- Weapon Defeats (30) - this challenge should be done by yourself while fighting opponents
- Weak Point Defeats (15) - this challenge should be done by yourself while fighting opponents
- Elite Defeats (9) - this challenge should be done by yourself while fighting opponents in World Events.
Trial of Cariff
Honor the memory of Cariff, Tactician of the Legion. Completing this challenge unlocks the Tomb of Cariff.
- Missions (3) just any other 3 missions
- Gear Defeats (30) - kill with abilities.
- Combo Triggers (15) - depend on Javelin, attacking the opponent in various ways you should be able to call Combo
- Multi-kills (3) use Ultimate on group of enemies.
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