Storm Javelin - Anthem
Storm Javelin description for Anthem Video Game. Storm is Glass Cannon Mage with low defense and high offense. Damage from distance.
Storm Javelin specification
Names: Storm, Tempête, Tormenta, Tempesta, Tempestade, Sztorm, Шторм, ストーム, 스톰, 暴風號.

"Glass Cannon Mage" with low defense and high offense. Damage from distance.
The Storm is the latest in javelin design, using embercored seals to harness the power of the elements. Its ability to float above combat compensates for its light armor. Operated by a skilled lancer, the javelin's lightning, ice and other elemental attacks make it an invaluable tool against the Dominion.
Primary Slot: Blast Seals
Secondary Slot: Focus Seals
Ultimate: AOE Elemental Storm
Focus: Firepower
Offense Style: Area of Effect
Defense Move: Blink/Teleport
Jump Type: Hover
Playstyle: Glass Cannon
Storm Hints
The Storm has a single-jump capability.
The Storm ultimate is Elemental Storm. At full power, activate [X] to become immune to damage and master the elements. Firing [LMB] will conjure an elemental storm at the targeted location and apply the matching effect to anyone inside. Shortly after, a meteor will strike the area, dealing massive damage and applying the Chain Combo.
The Storm allows for a descending float to course-correct your jump by tapping [Space] after the jump. Hold (Space] to extend the float time.
The Storm can jump farther by sprinting and jumping.
The Storm has a teleport capability that can be used on the ground or in the air to avoid attacks.
The Storm has a spherical kinesis shield. The Storm's shield protects it from effects and prevents the Storm from stumbling when hit.
The Storm's shield gets amplified and takes reduced damage while the Storm is hovering.
The Storm can hover the longest of any javelin.
The Storm is the second-least agile suit.
The Storm has devastating firepower and area-of-effect attacks, but low defensive capability.
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