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- Kashyyyk
- Origin Tree
Origin Tree Map, Kashyyyk for Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
Origin Tree Map, Planet Kashyyyk for Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

Other Location Maps for Kashyyyk
Origin Tree Completion
Kashyyyk Planet


Encrypted Logs

Force Echoes

Save Points

Terrarium Seeds
Holomaps Completion
Required Abilities

You will not be able to discover all the mysteries of the Kashyyyk planet during the first visit. You will have to come back here again at least once with Force Powers, Abilities and Doid Upgrades you earn in the following locations.
Origin Tree Walkthrough on Kashyyyk Planet
Slide from Deserted Village
Objective: Climb The Origin Tree
Jedi Flip Force Power
Now you can do long double jumps.
Exit to Gnarled Heights
Chests in Origin Tree

Chest: Lightsaber Material - Bronzium

Chest: Poncho Material - Rover
Terrarium Seeds in Origin Tree

Mushbloom - Terrarium Seed
Encrypted Logs in Origin Tree
Archive Five - Astrium (3) - Cordova's Journey

1. Shyyyo Bird
"My Friend, as Tarfful led us here he spoke of a glorious creature called the Shyyyo Bird. He said the bird is the forest's protector. So rare it's nearly legendary. I would dearly love to research this creature further, but the Astrium must be my priority. I hope to one day return and search for the Shyyyo with Tarfful."
Force Echoes in Origin Tree - Databank
Wookiee Culture (10)

2. Wookiee Horn
A hand-carved wroshyr horn inlaid with precious metals and stones. The intricacy of the design suggests it was owned by a Wookiee of great importance.

8. Sacred Tree
It is more than a tree. It's a sacred source for the planet. It gave the Wookiees guidance.

9. Tareful And Cordova
Old friends met here - the Jedi Eno Cordova and Wookiee Chieftain Tarfful. They shared a great respect for each other.

10. Kashyyyk Wildlife
A trooper helmet. The remains of a stormtrooper whose body was dragged up here by Kashyyyk wildlife.
Flora and Fauna (6)

2. Spider Web
It's estimated that at least 15% of Kashyyyk's forests are covered in wyyyschokk webs. The threat of wyyyschokks is so common that Wookiee children are taught to defend themselves against the spiders from as young as three years old.
Abilities and Upgrades giving access to locations.
Force Power Abilities, BD-1 Droid Upgrades and other Abilities will alow you, as they are discovered, to visit previously inaccessible locations. If you encounter a place you can't reach or enter, go exploring further to find more skills or abilities , then come back and try again.
Force Power Abilities
Force Slow - you know this power from the beginning of the game, it allow you to slow down time.
Wall Run - you will learn this power relatively early on the planet Bogano in Subterranean Refuge, it allow you to run for a short while on some vertical ridged walls.
Force Push - you will learn this on planet Zeffo in Tomb of Eilram, it allow you to push objects and enemies.
Force Pull - you will learn this on planet Zeffo in Tomb of Miktrull, it allow you to pull objects, enemies abd open passages.
Jedi Flip - you will learn this on planet Kashyyyk. it is long double jump.
BD-1 Droid Upgrades
Scomp Link - you can find Scomp Link on planet Zeffo but you will need Force Push, it will allow you open locked doors and chests.
Overcharge - you will get this on planet Kashyyyk, BD-1 can turn machinery on and off.
Slice - First Slice: Security Droid you will find on planet Kashyyyk, it allow BD-1 to control damaged security droids. Second Slice: Probe Droid you will find on Zeffo, it allow to control damaged probe droids.
Powered Zipline - on Zeffo after Kashyyyk, it will allow you to travel up and down ziplines.
Underwater Breather - you can learn it on Kashyyyk, it allow to explore undewater locations, You need this skill to dive under water.
Climbing Claws - you will find Climbing Claws on planet Dathomir, they will allow you to climb on new types of walls.
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