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Fortress Inquisitorius Maps for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Detailed maps of areas on planet Fortress Inquisitorius
To find all Chests, Secrets, Force Echoes, Enemies to Scan, Legendary Beasts, Stim Canisters, Encrypted Logs and Terrarium Seeds on the planet Fortress Inquisitorius, look at the maps of the locations to which links you will find below.
Remember that not all locations will be available to you without having specific Jedi Force Power, Abilities or BD-1 Droid Upgrades.
Fortress Inquisitorius Maps Planet Nur
Maps for Fortress Inquisitorius are 100% complete with 8 Force Echoes.

Defensive Perimeter Map
Nur Fortress Inquisitorius Planet
Defensive Perimeter Map Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Inner Fortress Map
Nur Fortress Inquisitorius Planet
Inner Fortress Map Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Fortress Citadel Map
Nur Fortress Inquisitorius Planet
Fortress Citadel Map Star Wars Jedi: Fallen OrderFortress Inquisitorius Planet Completion

Force Echoes

Save Points

Enemies to Scan
Holomaps Completion
Required Abilities

You will only have only one opportunity to visit Fortress Inquisitorius on the planet Nur and you will never come back here again. Slowly explore everything to collect all 8 Force Echoes for Databank.
Main tasks in Fortress Inquisitorius
- Infiltrated the Fortress Inquisitorius
- Fight Trilla
- Take back the holocron
- Run from Darth Vader
- Destroy holocron on Mantis
Quests in Fortress Inquisitorius
Chapter 6
2. The Final Battle
Cal, BD, and Cere infiltrated the Fortress Inquisitorius as Merrin cloaked the Mantis. Trilla waited for them inside, where she and Cal had a climactic battle and Cal took back the holocron. Cere stepped in and apologized for the pain she caused Trilla. Just as it seemed the plea might reach her, Darth Vader appeared and murdered Trilla. Cere and Calran for their lives. Vader nearly trapped them, but Cere used the Force to protect Cal. A favor he returned once the Fortress flooded. Merrin and Greez rescued them and the holocron.
3. An Uncertain Future
Once the holocron was safely on board the Mantis, Cal made the decision to destroy it. Whatever future awaits the crew, the children inside will remain safe...
Force Echoes in Fortress Inquisitorius - Databank
There are 8 Force Echoes in Fortress Inquisitorius.
Fortress Inquisitorius (4)
- 1. Fortress Inquisitorius - underwater approach (automatic)
- 2. Detention Cell - Prison Block
- 3. Imperial Dojo - Inner Fortress
- 4. Interrogation Chamber - Fortress Citadel
Security Systems (4)
- 1. Laser Gates - Prison Block
- 2. Submerged Section - Defensive Perimeter
- 3. Security Systems - Fortress Citadel
- 4. Control Room - Defensive Perimeter
Empire Tactical Guide Updates (17)
- Electrohammer Purge Trooper - Inner Fortress
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