Summerset Map (ESO)
Summerset Map for The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Chapter (ESO).

Detailed and revealed map of Summerset Zone in (ESO) The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Chapter with Delves Maps, Skyshards Location, Points of Interest, Quest Hubs, Striking Locales, Wayshrines, Public Dungeons, Group Trials, Storyline Quests, World Bosses, World Events, Crafting Set Stations, Shalidor's Library Books, Treasure Maps, Outlaws Refuge, Player Housing, Quest Starters.
Summerset Map for The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Chapter (ESO).
Summerset is zone in The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Chapter.
Summerset is for Daedric War narrative and Psijic Order in home of the High Elves, Jewelry Crafting and Psijic Order Skill Line.
Cities: Alinor.
The land called Summerset is the birthplace of civilization and magic as we know it in Tamriel. On its idyllic sea-kissed shores live the Altmer, the High Elves.
Summerset Grand Adventurer Complete 33 unique quests in Summerset.
Relics of Summerset Retrieve the 20 dangerous relics stolen from the Vault of Moawita.
Relics of Summerset
Karnwasten Group Event Defeat the Sea Sload K'Garza in Karnwasten.
Sunhold Group Event Interrupt the executioners and defeat Konnugil the Leviathan in Sunhold.
Zone Storyline Quests
Points of Interest
Striking Locales
Crafting Set Stations
Public Dungeons
World Events
World Bosses
Lore Books
Artaeum Zone is a mystical island, home of Psijic Order, you can enter it from Summerset.
Portal to / from Artaeum
Retrieve the 20 dangerous relics stolen from the Vault of Moawita.
Quest starts in Artaeum in College of Psilics Ruins. Talk to Relicmaster Glenadir for The Vault Of Moawita Quest.
More about Relics of Summerset
Lantern of Lies
Heart of the Indrik
Silver-Tongued Quill
Unraveling Wand
Skull of Minor Cursing
Shadowcutter Blade
Soulkeeper's Urn
Chest of Condemnation
Never-Ending Scroll
Inescapable Helm
Sticky-Fingered Lute
Fan of False-Face
Pillow of Sweet Dreams
Mirror of Fatal Premonition
Monochrome Paintbrush
Hourglass of Perceived Time
Jaunt of the Jilted
Ever-Filling Chalice
Chestplate of Dessication
Shattering Sword
More about Relics of Summerset
Seal 9 time breaches in Summerset.
Quest starts in Artaeum in Ceporah Tower's. Talk to Loremaster Celarus for The Psijics' Calling Quest and take the Psijic Map of Summerset.
Time Breaches for The Psijics' Calling Quest
Delves are rather easy, solo or cooperative, small dungeons or caves with single Skyshard and named Boss who drops set gear. Delves are accessible to everyone at any time, see all Delve Maps.
Zone: Summerset
Boss: Avuuma the Whirlwind
Zone: Summerset
Boss: Kayliriax the Spinner
Zone: Summerset
Boss: Den Mother Toamna
Zone: Summerset
Boss: The Kurgando
Zone: Summerset
Boss: Stormsinger Farya
Zone: Artaeum
Boss: The First Flesh Colossus
There are 6 Delves in Summerset, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
To complete a Delve you need to kill a named Boss, you will get Explorer Achievement for that. Additionally, finishing all Delves in a given zone will give you a Summerset Cave Delver Achievement.
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities, check All Skyshards Location.
Discover all 18 Skyshards in Summerset.
Points of Interest are self-contained stories, Quest Hubs that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
There are 13 Points of Interest in Summerset, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Larger, harder, open world dungeons for groups or cooperative players, includes own quest lines, a Skyshard and a few Bosses. Accessible to everyone. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear, check all Public Dungeon Maps in ESO.
Sunhold Bosses
Karnwasten Bosses
Advanced, end game PvE instances for a group of 12 players.
Cloudrest Group Trial in Summerset - The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Chapter
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
There are 9 Zone Story Quests in Summerset.
Queen Ayrenn ordered the once-forbidden island of Summerset to open its borders and welcome outsiders to its expansive shores. Razum-dar, an agent of the Queen, has come to the island to make sure the decree is followed to the letter.
A High Elf told me that a Khajiit named Razum-dar is up ahead and might need some help. I should find him and talk to him.
(Artaeum) Ritemaster lachesis of the Psijic Order plans to use an augury ritual to reveal the secrets of the strange pearl we recovered from the Monastery of Serene Harmony.
The Ritemaster asked me to go to Sotha Sil's study and find his acolyte, Oriandra. I need to ask her for the amplification elixir to increase the power of the Order's augury ritual cast on the pearl.
Ritemaster Iachesis of the Psijic Order hopes to learn more from the abyssal pearl. Specifically, he wants to determine where K'Tora and the Sea Sload cabal are hiding. I agreed to help in any way I can.
The Sea Sload altered the Ritemaster's memories and forced him to steal the Heart of Transparent Law and hide it away. While he works to unlock his memories, he wants Valsirenn and I to warn the keepers of the Crystal Tower, the Sapiarchs.
The Ritemaster used scrying magic to recall some of his missing memories. He took the Heart of Transparent Law into the Dreaming Cave beneath Ceporah Tower, but he still can't remember what happened after that. I need to help him remember.
Ritemaster Iachesis remembers a woman's voice, whispering ancient words over and over. He thinks these words are tied to the place where he hid the Heart of Transparent Law. Before we breach the barrier, we need to determine what the words mean.
With the Ritemaster dead and the Heart of Transparent Law in Nocturnal's hands, events have taken a grim turn. I need to help the Psijic sages figure out a way to enter the Crystal Tower and stop Nocturnal.
I negotiated an alliance of sorts with Clavicus Vile and Mephala. They agreed to help us get into the Crystal Tower-mostly. Once inside, I need to find a way to stop Nocturnal before she uses the tower to remake reality.
With the Crystal Tower saved, Valsirenn wishes to call a meeting of Summerset's most influential leaders to ensure its future protection.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
There are 14 Wayshrines in Summerset, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
There are 3 Crafting Set Stations in Summerset, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
In Shimmerene Dockworks Crafting Set Station (need 3 traits).
In Augury Basin Crafting Set Station (need 9 traits).
In Artaeum Craftworks (Artaeum) Crafting Set Station (need 6 traits).
Treasure Maps can be found in game as a loot or can be obtained with the Collector's Editions. Each map shows a place where you can dig up a treasure chest. You can only do this if you have a map.
There are 9 Treasure Maps in Summerset.
TM I - Summerset Treasure Map I
TM II - Summerset Treasure Map II
TM III - Summerset Treasure Map III
TM IV - Summerset Treasure Map IV
TM V - Summerset Treasure Map V
TM VI - Summerset Treasure Map VI
TM CE I - Summerset CE Treasure Map I
TM CE II - Summerset CE Treasure Map II
TM CE III - Summerset CE Treasure Map III
World Bosses (Group Bosses) are powerful elite encounters, to defeat them you will generally need the help of other players. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
There are 6 World Bosses in Summerset, defeat them is necessary for Zone Completion.
World Events are open to everyone, events repeated in a specific place at a specific time, intended for more players at the same time. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear, more about World Events.
There are 6 World Events in Summerset, finishing them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
There are 10 Striking Locales in Summerset, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Outlaws Refuge with fence, moneylender, merchant and guild trader - shelter when the guards are looking for you.
Alinor Outlaws Refuge
Market locations where you'll find Guild Traders.
Side Quest are not related to the main story in the zone, but complement it. They start in both Quest Hubs and open ground.
There are Inn Rooms, Apartments, Small Houses, Medium Houses, Large Houses and Manors that you can buy and furnish.
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
Theoretically, the Shalidor's Library Books assigned to a given Zone should be found within that area. Practically as the areas available to players expand, it starts to get mixed up and the specific Lore Book can be found in other parts of Tamriel as well.
There are 10 Shalidor's Library Books assigned to Summerset. Some of them can also be found in other Zones. Each of the Lore Books has more than one probable spot where you can find it. Discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
No Group Dungeons
No Solo Arenas
No Group Arenas
No Group Delves
No Mundus Stones
No Great Lifts
No Battlegrounds