Western Skyrim Map (ESO)
Western Skyrim Map for The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor Chapter, Dark Heart of Skyrim 2020 Adventure (ESO).

Detailed and revealed map of Western Skyrim Zone in (ESO) The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor Chapter, Dark Heart of Skyrim 2020 Adventure with Delves Maps, Skyshards Location, Points of Interest, Quest Hubs, Striking Locales, Wayshrines, Public Dungeons, Group Dungeons, Group Trials, Storyline Quests, World Bosses, World Events, Crafting Set Stations, Great Lifts, Shalidor's Library Books, Treasure Maps, Outlaws Refuge, Player Housing, Quest Starters.
Western Skyrim Map for The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor Chapter, Dark Heart of Skyrim 2020 Adventure (ESO).
Western Skyrim is zone in The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor Chapter, a part of Dark Heart of Skyrim 2020 Adventure.
In Western Skyrim you have to stop a powerful Vampire Lord from enslaving Tamriel.
Cities: Solitude.
Sundered from Eastern Skyrim in years past, High King Svargrim rules the cold and unforgiving land known as Western Skyrim. Consisting of the holds of Haafingar, Karthald, and Hjaalmarch, the realm gives rise to hardy natures, brave warriors, and suspicious townsfolk.
Western Skyrim Grand Adventurer Complete 30 quests in the areas of Western Skyrim or Greymoor: Blackreach Caverns.
An Instrumental Triumph Locate and retrieve all 19 musical instruments and deliver them to the Bards College in Solitude, An Instrumental Triumph
Labyrinthian Group Event Defeat Garneld the Hollow and his band of undead and draugr in Labyrinthian.
Nchuthnkarst Group Event Defeat the Clockwork Criterion and its Mechanical Minions in Nchuthnkarst.
Zone Storyline Quests
Points of Interest
Striking Locales
Crafting Set Stations
Public Dungeons
World Events
World Bosses
Lore Books
Requirements for Map Completion in Western Skyrim are common for two zones: Western Skyrim & Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Zone is an underground area that lies beneath Western Skyrim. You can get to it with Great Lifts.
Solitude Map in Western Skyrim ESO
Map of Solitude City, Western Skyrim Zone in n The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor Chapter with location of Bard College, Antiquarian Circle and Blue Palace.
Location of missing musical instruments for Bard's College Quest
Locate and retrieve all 19 musical instruments and deliver them to the Bards College in Solitude.
More about Instrumental Triumph
Deliver Petraloop - Quest: Orchestrations Solitude Map
Deliver Lute of Blue Longing in Nchuthnkarst Nchuthnkarst Map (Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns)
Deliver Chime of the Endless on cliff, above lava near Greymoor Keep Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Map
Deliver Tenderclaw - Shadowgreen Delve Shadowgreen Delve Map
Deliver Shadow of Rahjin - Dragonhome Delve Dragonhome Delve Map
Deliver Lilytongue - Chillwind Depths Delve Chillwind Depths Delve Map
Deliver Sky-Talker - Labyrinthian Labyrinthian Map
Deliver Long Fire behind watchtower in Dragon Bridge Western Skyrim Map
Deliver Highmourn Dizi - The Scraps Delve The Scraps Delve Map (Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns)
Deliver Jarlsbane inside cave, south of Northern Watch Ritual Site Western Skyrim Map
Deliver King Thunder - inside long house in Mor Khazgur Western Skyrim Map
Deliver Jahar Fuso'ja in Sword's Point Watchtower Western Skyrim Map
Deliver Pan Flute of Morachellis Hag-Husband - in Lightless Hollow Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Map
Deliver Reman War Drum west of Greymoor Keep Wayshrine, jump up the fungus "stairs". Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Map
Deliver Ateian Fife in Silversnow Mine, stairs up, hole in the boards Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Map
Deliver Shriek-of-Silk inside house in Morthal Western Skyrim Map
Deliver Kothringi Leviathan Bugle inside broken ship south of Silver Cormorant Western Skyrim Map
Deliver Lodestone near Windmill in Karthwatch Western Skyrim Map
Deliver Dozzen Talharpa south of Shademother's Heaven near broken lift Western Skyrim Map
More about Instrumental Triumph
Obtain cheese from each of the Giant camps in Western Skyrim
Eat Sharp Mammoth Cheese at the Kilkreath Giant Camp
Eat Creamy Mammoth Cheese at the Deepwood Giant Camp
Eat Briny Mammoth Cheese at the Coastal Giant Camp
Eat Sweet Mammoth Cheese at the Karthald Giant Camp
Eat Moldy Mammoth Cheese at the Highland Giant Camp
Eat Stinky Mammoth Cheese at the Mor Khazgur Giant Camp
Delves are rather easy, solo or cooperative, small dungeons or caves with single Skyshard and named Boss who drops set gear. Delves are accessible to everyone at any time, see all Delve Maps.
Zone: Western Skyrim
Boss: Zrem-Zram & Mother Krkktkk
Zone: Western Skyrim
Boss: Aspirant Yolstagg
Zone: Western Skyrim
Boss: Chief Gruthar
Zone: Western Skyrim
Boss: Ya'intha
Zone: Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns
Boss: Delida the Damned
Zone: Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns
Boss: Dwarven Spider
There are 6 Delves in Western Skyrim, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
To complete a Delve you need to kill a named Boss, you will get Explorer Achievement for that. Additionally, finishing all Delves in a given zone will give you a Western Skyrim Cave Delver Achievement.
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities, check All Skyshards Location.
Discover all 18 Skyshards in Western Skyrim & Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
Discover all 11 Skyshards in Western Skyrim.
Discover all 7 Skyshards in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
Points of Interest are self-contained stories, Quest Hubs that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
There are 23 Points of Interest in Western Skyrim & Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns
Ancient elevators from the surface to the underworld.
Discover all the entrances to Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
Entrances in Western Skyrim
Entrances in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns
Larger, harder, open world dungeons for groups or cooperative players, includes own quest lines, a Skyshard and a few Bosses. Accessible to everyone. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear, check all Public Dungeon Maps in ESO.
Labyrinthian Bosses
Nchuthnkarst Bosses
4 player instances (no players outside your group) with own quest line, Normal and Veteran mode. Talk to Undaunted in the taverns for dungeons location.
Castle Thorn Group Dungeon in Western Skyrim - The Elder Scrolls Online: Stonethorn DLC
Stone Garden Group Dungeon in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns - The Elder Scrolls Online: Stonethorn DLC
Advanced, end game PvE instances for a group of 12 players.
Kyne's Aegis Group Trial in Western Skyrim - The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor Chapter
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
There are 7 Zone Story Quests in Western Skyrim & Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
When I approached the gates of Solitude, a wounded man stumbled out, fleeing for his life. He left me a bundle of papers and told me to keep them safe before he died.
A Solitude soldier arrived. He demanded that I tell him what Brondold said to me. I should talk to him.
The Icereach Coven and its allies can call down devastating and unnatural harrowstorms on Western Skyrim. Fennorian thinks these storms can turn people into harrowfiends and mindless harrowed. We need to inform Solitude.
Lyris wants me to meet her in Solitude so that we can present what we found at Kilkreath Temple to Queen Gerhyld.
With the high queen's murderer brought to justice and a clear connection established between the assassin and the Icereach Coven, Svana thinks we have enough evidence to convince High King Svargrim that the threat to his kingdom is real.
Svana asked me to meet her at the Blue Palace so we can once again try to convince High King Svargrim of the threat posed by the Icereach Coven and their allies.
The high king has finally taken steps, but it isn't enough. Svana thinks we need to develop a defense against the harrowstorms. To that end, she wants to recruit the vampire scholar, Fennorian, to aid us.
A courier delivered a message from Fennorian. I should read it.
High King Svargrim refuses to act, so Svana has decided to take matters into her own hands. With Fennorian's help, she plans to develop a strategy for fighting back against the Gray Host
Svana asked me to help Fenn focus on the task at hand. We need his expertise to develop a defense against the harrowstorms. I should talk to him.
High King Svargrim revealed his alliance with the Gray Host and their plans to unleash a harrowstorm over Solitude. I need to help Svana find a way to stop him.
I need to go to the Temple of the Divines in Solitude and see what the situation is. According to the soldier, the Gray Host has taken the temple and sealed it off.
Solitude has survived High King Svargrim's harrowstorm, but the damage done by his betrayal remains. Can Princess Svana pick up the pieces and carry on for the kingdom?
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
There are 19 Wayshrines in Western Skyrim & Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Wayshrines in Western Skyrim
Wayshrines in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
There are 3 Crafting Set Stations in Western Skyrim & Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
In Dragon's Belly Crafting Set Station (need 7 traits).
In Hunter's House Crafting Set Station (need 5 traits).
In Parasite's Cave (Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns) Crafting Set Station (need 3 traits).
Treasure Maps can be found in game as a loot or can be obtained with the Collector's Editions. Each map shows a place where you can dig up a treasure chest. You can only do this if you have a map.
There are 9 Treasure Maps in Western Skyrim & Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
TM I - Western Skyrim Treasure Map I
TM II - Western Skyrim Treasure Map II
TM III - Western Skyrim Treasure Map III
TM IV - Western Skyrim Treasure Map IV
TM CE I - Western Skyrim CE Treasure Map I
TM I - Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Treasure Map I
TM II - Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Treasure Map II
TM CE I - Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns CE Treasure Map I
TM CE II - Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns CE Treasure Map II
World Bosses (Group Bosses) are powerful elite encounters, to defeat them you will generally need the help of other players. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
There are 6 World Bosses in Western Skyrim, defeat them is necessary for Zone Completion.
World Bosses in Western Skyrim
World Bosses in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns
World Events are open to everyone, events repeated in a specific place at a specific time, intended for more players at the same time. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear, more about World Events.
There are 10 World Events in Western Skyrim & Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, finishing them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Harrowstorm Ritual Sites in Western Skyrim
Harrowstorm Ritual Sites in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
There are 6 Striking Locales in Western Skyrim & Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Striking Locales in Western Skyrim
Striking Locales in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns
Outlaws Refuge with fence, moneylender, merchant and guild trader - shelter when the guards are looking for you.
Solitude Outlaws Refuge
Market locations where you'll find Guild Traders.
Side Quest are not related to the main story in the zone, but complement it. They start in both Quest Hubs and open ground.
Talk to Verita Numida
A prideful historian named Narsis Dren found himself trapped in an illusion while researching an ancient mage. Assisting him in his investigation may lead to some exciting discoveries. I should go talk to the bottle's manservant.
I joined the Antiquarian Circle. Now I need to learn how to find and recover rare antiquities. I should make my way to the basement of the Gwylim Annex in Solitude to find Gabrielle Benele. Apparently, she can teach me how to use the Antiquarian's Eye.
Leiborn, a member of the Bards College, asked me to recover a famous instrument called Petraloop. Apparently, this lute's safe return might help two rival factions in the College reconcile. I need to gain entry to the Sapphire Society auction. Wearing the disguise and saying the passphrase Leiborn provided should help me blend in.
A high-ranking member of the Mages Guild, Valaste wants me to perform a task for her. I should speak to Valaste, the Mages Guild Mistress of Incunabula.
A strange storm has devastated the area around Kilkreath Temple. Now the priests of the temple want my help to find the priests and pilgrims that were lost in the storm. I should find Priest Bavian in a nearby cave and see how I can help the priests and pilgrims of Kilkreath Temple.
I met a scholar named Yvara Plouff near a broken down cart. She asked me to help her research some nearby Dragon mounds. Yvara asked me to make rubbings of reliefs found at two Dragon mounds.
The Silver Cormorant was hit by a strange ice storm that seemed to come out of nowhere. The ship is locked in ice and unable to move. I offered to help the crew. The crew of The Silver Cormorant are close to starving to death. I should gather meat for them so they have something to eat.
Aerolf spent his life hunting the monster he calls the Pale Man which he claims abducted his brother. He asked me to help track down the creature so he can avenge his loss. Aerolf asked me to speak with Eyfja in Morthal and Hautgerd in Dragon Bridge about their encounters with the Pale Man.
Attacks by unnatural forces plague the area around Morthal. Villagers report undead wolf attacks and visions of ghosts. I should find the source of these attacks and stop them. Evska asked me to check on her friends Koth and Lisalda, who were attacked by ice-covered wolves. They can be found in Morthal.
A priestess of Kyne named Yrsild asked me to investigate the ancient ruins of Labyrinthian in order to find her grandfather, Keldnyr, who has gone missing. I should enter the ancient ruin of Labyrinthian.
I found a strange note. The author promises a reward if I return it. The author of the note, Angrar, is in Morthal. I should head there to find him.
A harrowstorm destroyed the town of Karthwatch and left it overrun with monsters. I agreed to help with the efforts to rescue any survivors. A traveler from Karthwatch told me that monsters overran the town after a terrible storm. She mentioned a survivor name Fenrar set up camp outside town. I should ask if he needs help with the rescue.
I found a wounded, former Frostbite Raider named Magreta who asked me to reunite her with her partner, Nelfthea, who is still with their raiding band on the Frozen Coast. I should travel to the Frozen Coast to search for Nelfthea's whereabouts.
Supplies for the Dragon Bridge Garrison keep mysteriously disappearing, which puts a strain on their operations. I should investigate and see what I can find out. I should look around to see if I can find any sign of the caravan or what might have happened to it.
I encountered a wounded High Elf named Rafilerrion who requested my assistance stopping a Reachmen's ritual in the Shadowgreen that could cause the eruption of the mountain above it. I should enter Shadowgreen and extinguish the Reachmen's ritual pyres.
I found a strange talking doll. The soul trapped inside insists that the Dragon Cult is responsible for imprisoning her. She seems confident that if I help gather her belongings, she can use them to reclaim her body. I should search Dragonhome for the talking doll's personal effects. Once I have them in hand, I can use them to break the spell.
An accident at the Mor Khazgur Stronghold trapped many Orc workers inside the mine. Unfortunately, a conflict between the clan's chief and the mine's overseer have only added to the crisis. I should investigate Mor Khazgur mine and see what caused the collapse
Rigurt the Brash is in Western Skyrim on behalf of the SkaldKing. He needs my help to complete his mission. Rigurt asked me to meet him at Jarl Morryn's hunting lodge where the meeting will take place.
Leiborn intends to host a salskap a bard's gathering to celebrate the recovery of the Bards College instruments. It's sure to be quite a show. Leiborn asked me to post handbills announcing the salskap. I should find good locations for them.
Sea Giants and vampires have invaded the island of Kyne's Aegis. I must rally a group of allies to face this threat from the north. Tyrvera said I should speak to Captain Lilmyra about a plan to defend Kyne's Aegis.
(Repeatable) An unlikely alliance of Sea Giants and vampires invaded Kyne's Aegis. If the survivors are to have any hope of escape, I must drive these monsters back into the sea. Hopefully, the island's defenders will rally behind me. I must kill Lord Falgravn and his invaders to take back the island of Kyne's Aegis.
I found a pamphlet describing the Battlegrounds, a place where contests of strategy and skill are held daily. I should speak to Battlemaster Rivyn to learn more information.
I learned of a free inn room being offered to a tenant of good reputation. I should seek out the broker in order to ask for more information about this amazing deal. I should travel to Solitude in Western Skyrim and speak to Felande about the inn room located within the Lonely Troll.
I found a notice seeking brave and able-bodied adventurers for work. The note directed me to talk to Silgrett the Moneylender in Solitude for more details.
I've been invited to join a group of adventurers called the Undaunted. I should talk to Mighty Mordra in Daggerfall. She can tell me more about the Undaunted.
(Repeatable) Swordthane Jylta charged me with finding allies to assault the harrowstorms forming around Western Skyrim. When I locate a harrowstorm, I must destroy the witch pikes and gray reliquary in order to disrupt the harrowstorm rituals.
(Repeatable) Tinzen, of the Coterie of Organized Scholars, asked me to help him complete an alchemical tonic that will imbue those who drink it with the strength of Giants. Tinzen suggested I could find snowberries in the necessary amounts along the Frozen Coast. I need to gather and add them to his tonic.
(Repeatable) The Swords of Solitude asked me to kill a Sea Giant on Western Skyrim's northern shore, and recover information gathered by scouts who fell victim to the brute. I need to kill the Sea Giant and and gather intelligence left by the fallen scouts.
There are Inn Rooms, Apartments, Small Houses, Medium Houses, Large Houses and Manors that you can buy and furnish.
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
Theoretically, the Shalidor's Library Books assigned to a given Zone should be found within that area. Practically as the areas available to players expand, it starts to get mixed up and the specific Lore Book can be found in other parts of Tamriel as well.
There are 10 Shalidor's Library Books assigned to Western Skyrim. Some of them can also be found in other Zones. Each of the Lore Books has more than one probable spot where you can find it. Discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
I have marked on the Western Skyrim, Solitude and Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns maps potential places where Shalidor's Library Books can be found, however these Zones work differently than we know from previous locations.
You have to search Bookshelves scattered inside buildings in these zones.
Visiting Mage Guild and Blue Palace only, both in Solitude, I found 8 Shalidor's Library Books on the Book Shelves needed to complete the Zone.
No Solo Arenas
No Group Arenas
No Group Delves
No Mundus Stones
No Battlegrounds