Ancestral Tombs Location Map for Lost Library of Andule ESO
Ancestral Tombs Location Map for Lost Library of Andule - The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind

Walkthrough for Lost Library of Andule, The Ancestral Tombs quest in The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind. You have to collect 30 Ancestral Tomb Rubbing to discover location of Lost Library in Vvardenfell. The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) Maps & Walkthrough.
Ancestral Tombs Location Map for Lost Library of Andule - The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind
Librarian Bradyn
The Ancestral Tombs
Librarian Bradyn seeks the location of the lost Library of Andule, the secret repository of knowledge of the ancient Great Houses, by building a miniature reproduction of Vvardenfell.
To start the process of solving the mystery of the lost library, need to take a rubbings from thirty Ancestral Tombs.
Use the map above to locate all 30 Ancestral Tombs, take rubbings and bring them back to Librarian Bradyn in Vivec City Library
Seran Ancestral Tomb
Ginith Ancestral Tomb
Rethandus Ancestral Tomb
Salothran Ancestral Tomb
Telvayn Ancestral Tomb
Uveran Ancestral Tomb
Norvayn Ancestral Tomb
Tharys Ancestral Tomb
Heran Ancestral Tomb
Lleran Ancestral Tomb
Thelas Ancestral Tomb
Sarano Ancestral Tomb
Othrelas Ancestral Tomb
Aran Ancestral Tomb
Velas Ancestral Tomb
Releth Ancestral Tomb
Raviro Ancestral Tomb
Redas Ancestral Tomb
Arano Ancestral Tomb
Hlervu Ancestral Tomb
Maren Ancestral Tomb
Arenim Ancestral Tomb
Serano Ancestral Tomb
Andas Ancestral Tomb
Verenim Ancestral Tomb
Ieneth Ancestral Tomb
Sadryon Ancestral Tomb
Venim Ancestral Tomb
Nerano Ancestral Tomb
Favel Ancestral Tomb
You will receive next quest:
The Lost Library
The miniature model of Vvardenfell is nearly complete. One section remains missing, which Librarian Bradyn believes is the key to finding the lost Library of Andule.
In order to gain access to the stored knowledge of the Library of Andule, I need to walk the tile path that reflects Veloth's journey from Summerset to Exodus to Morrowind to light the Braziers of Knowledge and Wisdom.
To open secret location you have to:
Braziers are in rooms behind press plates field filled with various runes.
You can only stand on press plates marked with allowed runes. If you stand on a forbidden rune, you must start the course from the beginning.
There are only 3 allowed runes:
Shapes of allowed runes are on picture below
Light the Brazier of Knowledge
Light the Brazier of Wisdom
Secret location will open, enter.
In the main hallway you will find 4 books, read them.
Understanding House Dres
Understanding House Hlaalu
Understanding House Redoran
Understanding House Indori
Now answer the four guards on their questions. Enter the rooms and take the four genealogies.
Now you can pick up the fifth genealogy
Telvanni Genealogy
Return to Librarian Bradyn in Vivec City Library to finish quest.
You will get Violet (Quality) Armour, Vvardenfell Scale Model and Title of Librarian.