Galen and Y'ffelon Map (ESO)
Galen and Y'ffelon Map for The Elder Scrolls Online: Firesong Story DLC, Legacy of the Bretons 2022 Adventure (ESO).

Detailed and revealed map of Galen and Y'ffelon Zone in (ESO) The Elder Scrolls Online: Firesong Story DLC, Legacy of the Bretons 2022 Adventure with Delves Maps, Skyshards Location, Points of Interest, Quest Hubs, Striking Locales, Wayshrines, Storyline Quests, World Bosses, World Events, Crafting Set Stations, Shalidor's Library Books, Treasure Maps, Outlaws Refuge, Quest Starters.
Galen and Y'ffelon Map for The Elder Scrolls Online: Firesong Story DLC, Legacy of the Bretons 2022 Adventure (ESO).
Galen and Y'ffelon is zone in The Elder Scrolls Online: Firesong Story DLC, a part of Legacy of the Bretons 2022 Adventure.
Galen and Y'ffelon are islands north of High Isle in Systres Archipelago. Uncover the secrets of the Druids and their connections to the Breton legacy. Settlement: Vastyr.
"Enclaves of Stonelore and Eldertide druids occupy the vast wilderness of Galen, while House Mornard controls the city of Vastyr. If High Isle is the heart of business and politics, Galen is the archipelago's soul."
You can enter Galen zone Using the Wayshrine in the city of Vastyr Outskirts or use the boat located in Daggerfall or Gonfalon Bay in High Isle.
Welcome to Galen Enter Galen for the first time.
Reward: Hat Firesong Obsidian Mask
Galen Grand Adventurer Complete 16 unique quest in Galen
Galen Master Explorer Discover and clear all caves and striking locales in Galen.
The Best of Friends Pet and interact with all the friendly animals in Galen.
List of Animals to interact in Galen
Zone Storyline Quests
Points of Interest
Striking Locales
Crafting Set Stations
World Events
World Bosses
Lore Books
Pet and interact with all the friendly animals in Galen:
Pet the Dog Who Guards the Fighters - Gulgore - near Fighters Guild in Vastyr.
Pet the Cat Who Revels Amongst Pirates - Stormy - inside tent north of Llanshara
Pet the Cow Who Sulks Within the City - Sulks-While-Fenced - in Vastyr west of Fighters Guild.
Hug the Horse Who Awaits Its Master - Dawn's Fancy - in stable in Vastyr
Pet the Dog Who Lives Under the Glimmering Falls - Rufus - in Gilmmertarn near small lake.
Snuggle the Cat of the Oaken Forge - Melianthe - in Oaken Forge Crafting Station
Reward: Fragment: Soothing Druid Deck Fragment
Read more about The Best of Friends.
Find and defeat the 3 hidden Bounty Hunters in Galen.
Urredhel - north of Glimmertarn Wayshrine.
Elissa Marcellinus - NE of Suncleft Grotto.
Sabashur - SW of Windweack Fort.
Kick a spriggan into the lava in Galen.
Spriggan to kick
Dance with the flute-playing Faun in Galen.
Dance here - inside Fauns' Thicket Delve.
Find and defeat the Preserver of Galen.
Preserver of Galen - kill him.
First Riddle Solution
Second Riddle Solution
Third Riddle Solution
Collect the Druid King Tales of Tribute deck.
Delves are rather easy, solo or cooperative, small dungeons or caves with single Skyshard and named Boss who drops set gear. Delves are accessible to everyone at any time, see all Delve Maps.
Zone: Galen
Boss: Bahltur
The Fauns' Thicket herd is rowdy. They play and hunt throughout the day, then bray for most of the night! Did Y'ffre have to make Fauns so noisy? - Druid Madena
Fauns in Peril Quest
An Eye for an Eye Quest
Cursed and Coniferous Quest
Zone: Galen
Boss: Traux the Ancient, Druid Rerlas
We expect the cave system to prove safe for an experienced surveyor. None of the explorers we sent described any excess of danger. We assume that those who failed to report back merely lacked a strong work ethic - excerpt from House Mornards mineral survey proposal
Shaky Job Prospects Quest
There are 2 Delves in Galen and Y'ffelon, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
To complete a Delve you need to kill a named Boss, you will get Explorer Achievement for that. Additionally, finishing all Delves in a given zone will give you a Galen and Y'ffelon Cave Delver Achievement.
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities, check All Skyshards Location.
Discover all 6 Skyshards in Galen and Y'ffelon.
Points of Interest are self-contained stories, Quest Hubs that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
There are 2 Points of Interest in Galen and Y'ffelon, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
There are 6 Zone Story Quests in Galen and Y'ffelon.
A Sea of Troubles - Dhulef near Vastyr Outskirts Wayshrine
Vicious Sea Elf raids and strife among the druid circles beset the beautiful island of Galen. House Mornard requires capable adventurers to help restore peace to the isle.
I should speak with Lord Bacaro Volorus of the Society of the Steadfast.
Tides of Ruin -
Archdruid Orlaith and her Dreadsail allies captured Sir Stefan Mornard during the treacherous attack at Draoife Dell. We need to find Sir Stefan and rescue him.
Count Mornard asked me to speak with the archdruids of the Eldertide and Stonelore circles. He thinks they may know where to look for Sir Stefan. I should find them by the bridge east of the city.
Seeds of Destruction -
The Dreadsails and their Firesong allies are preparing to attack the city of Vastyr. Sir Stefan has a plan to bolster the city's defense by securing the help of the other two circles of druids, the Stonelore and the Eldertide.
Archdruid Rahval is nearby, in Vastyr's Vine District. I should speak with him about securing the aid of the Stonelore Circle in defense of the city.
City Under Siege -
The Firesong and their Dreadsails allies are about to begin the siege of Vastyr. Sir Stefan needs my help to defend the city and defeat the invaders.
Captain Siravaen will bring her Gilded Blades to the defense of Vastyr, but only if I help her get her ship back. Sir Stefan said she's waiting for me near the docks of Castle Tonnere somewhere along the western shore.
The Dream of Kasorayn -
We ended the Dreadsails siege on Vastyr, but at the cost of a great many livesâ€"including Count Mornard and Archdruids Rahval and Ellic. And the Firesong now have all three sacred seeds. We need to find a way to stop Archdruid Orlaith.
I need to find Druid Laurel and Frii. They should be in or near to Glimmertarn, the Stonelore village to the north of Vastyr.
Guardian of Y'ffelon -
Archdruid Orlaith demanded Sir Stefan surrender Frii. She threatened to kill captives she took from Vastyr unless he complied. Sir Stefan has a plan of his own to thwart the Firesong.
Sir Stefan asked me to find Frii and explain what we need them to do. Frii said they would meet me in the Vine District.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
There are 7 Wayshrines in Galen and Y'ffelon, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
There are 3 Crafting Set Stations in Galen and Y'ffelon, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
In Old Port Mornard Crafting Set Station (need 3 traits).
In Oaken Forge Crafting Set Station (need 5 traits).
In Fort Avrippe Crafting Set Station (need 7 traits).
Light – Back-Alley Gourmand
Medium – Phoenix Moth Theurge
Heavy – Bastion of Draoife
Treasure Maps can be found in game as a loot or can be obtained with the Collector's Editions. Each map shows a place where you can dig up a treasure chest. You can only do this if you have a map.
There are 2 Treasure Maps in Galen and Y'ffelon.
TM I - Firesong Treasure Map I
TM II - Firesong Treasure Map II
World Bosses (Group Bosses) are powerful elite encounters, to defeat them you will generally need the help of other players. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
There are 2 World Bosses in Galen and Y'ffelon, defeat them is necessary for Zone Completion.
World Events are open to everyone, events repeated in a specific place at a specific time, intended for more players at the same time. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear, more about World Events.
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
There are 6 Striking Locales in Galen and Y'ffelon and Fargrave, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Outlaws Refuge with fence, moneylender, merchant and guild trader - shelter when the guards are looking for you.
Vastyr Outlaws Refuge
As the bastion of civilization on the otherwise wild and untamed Galen, Vastyr serves as the center of business and commerce on the island. That includes transactions of a less-than-reputable nature, which primarily take place in the caverns beneath the city.
Market locations where you'll find Guild Traders.
Side Quest are not related to the main story in the zone, but complement it. They start in both Quest Hubs and open ground.
Soldier of the Isles - ad on the wall
I found a notice that says House Mornard in Vastyr seeks adventurers for dangerous work across Galen.
The notice directed me to talk to Arbaud Cedmaine in the city of Vastyr for more details.
Spice of Life - Chef Rhazeez in Vastyr
Chef Rhazeez has enlisted me as his assistant. He wants to create the spiciest dish in Tamriel using local Galen ingredients.
Chef Rhazeez needs me to gather vulk'esh meat, volcanic reaper peppers, and a local brandy for his signature dish. The meat and peppers can be found in the wilds of Galen, but I'll need to seek out the brandy at the Jaded Ornaug Tavern.
An Eye for an Eye - Razum-dar in The Jaded Ornaug Tavern
Razum-dar asked for my help with a mission to stop a pirate captain named Redblade from raising an armada.
Raz wants me to distract a pair of thugs that are tailing him. I should search the tavern for a way to distract them so he can slip away unnoticed.
The Freebooters - Lanazha - north of Old Port Mornard
Lanazha and Kiko the bird are the sole survivors of a Dreadsails attack while searching for an ancient treasure. I agreed to help Lanazha solve the bird's riddles and find the Gloomlantern.
Lanazha said Kiko can repeat the riddles for me. I should talk to the bird.
Dragon Frog Dilemma - note on the ground, east of Embervine Wayshrine near small lake.
I found a note referencing a plot to steal a dragon frog from a Hammerfell merchant.
The note references a Redguard trader named Munubra, apparently staying in Vastyr. I should find and warn him that his dragon frog has drawn attention.
A Heart Turned Black - Elder Pitof west of The Tellong Stone
Elder Pitof of the Eldertide druids explained that Firesong druids attacked his home. His wife, Gwenaelle, was lost in the chaos. He asked for my help to find her.
I need to enter Y'ffre's Path and start to look for clues regarding the whereabouts of Elder Pitof's wife.
Cursed and Coniferous - (ending in Fauns' Thicket Delve) Druid Fenas east of Fauns' Thicket
I found Joslin and Octin, a pair of Breton thieves who broke a stone tablet. Now they're cursed. They asked me to fix the tablet before Joslin turns into a tree and Octin's transformation into a sprite is permanent.
Druid Fenas is helping Joslin and Octin figure out how to break the curse. I should talk to him and see what needs to be done.
The Sea Runs Restless - Quen SW of Llanshara
I met Quen near the settlement of Llanshara. It seems the Sea Elves found a relic and someone hired her to retrieve it. She wants to do the job quickly and quietly, but her partner is missing, so I agreed to help her.
Quen wants me to hunt down Umindior. He claimed to have information about the relic that could help us find it. Quen marked on my map the last place she saw him. I should go there and begin my search.
A Gulf of Time - Jocien Rane, ghost NW of Vastyr on shore.
I met a spirit named Jocien Rane along the coast of Galen. After realizing I could see him, he asked me a favor. To take the ring from his body and deliver it to his wife in Vastyr.
I need to retrieve Jocien's ring from his skeleton that washed up on shore.
Fauns in Peril (for Fauns' Thicket Delve) Druid Edaen near entrance.
At Fauns' Thicket, a wolf pack threatens the local Faun herd. Druid Edaen asked me to plant a berry that the wolves hate but the Fauns love to eat. It should keep the wolves from attacking the Fauns.
I need to enter Fauns' Thicket to plant the seeds that Druid Edaen provided me with.
Shaky Job Prospects (for Embervine Delve) Hierot Birian east of Embervine.
Hierot Birian needs to perform a mineral survey of Embervine cave for House Mornard. He says Firesong druids have opened lava fissures within the cave. He asked for my help dealing with the druids so he can finish his job.
Hierot says that he'll meet me in the cave. Once inside, we can search for the lava fissure and the crystal he saw. I should go into Embervine cave.
Marking the Path
Juline Courcelles expects Y'ffre's Path to be a popular spot on her tour. She wants me to travel there and place trail markers along the best path through the area.
I need to make my way to Y'ffre's Path, a druidic site located in the center of Galen.
Critter Capture
Juline Courcelles wants to display several critters found around the old druid site of Fauns' Thicket. I need to go there and capture the critters for her.
I need to make my way to Fauns' Thicket. It should be northwest of Vastyr.
Volcanic Virtuoso
Flower Fancier
Radiant Souvenirs
Helpful Handbills
The Moth Study - for Valley of the Watcher
Druid Gastoc asked that I kill the forest wraith in the Valley of the Watcher and gather some radiant phoenix moths for a friend of his to study.
I need to kill the forest wraith and gather three radiant phoenix moths within the forest.
Sunflower Stamina
A Wailing Wood
Sunflower Stamina
Recovered Relics
Three-Pronged Approach
Shrines on Shaky Ground
Repeatable Imminent Hazard
Active volcanic vents threaten the safety of Galen. Druid Aishabeh hired me to gather allies and seal these vents before it's too late.
When I locate a volcanic vent, I must disrupt the forces encouraging it to erupt and defeat them. This will keep the vent from erupting.
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
Theoretically, the Shalidor's Library Books assigned to a given Zone should be found within that area. Practically as the areas available to players expand, it starts to get mixed up and the specific Lore Book can be found in other parts of Tamriel as well.
There are 10 Shalidor's Library Books assigned to Galen and Y'ffelon. Some of them can also be found in other Zones. Each of the Lore Books has more than one probable spot where you can find it. Discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Light Legs
Adds 300 Magicka Recovery. Sprint, Roll Dodge, Bash, Break Free, Sneak, and Block now consume Magicka instead of Stamina. You cannot regain Magicka while Blocking, Sneaking, or Sprinting. You can gain Stamina while Blocking, Sneaking, or Sprinting.
Medium Chest
If you continuously Sprint for 1 second, you gain the ability to pass through enemies. Enemies you pass through become Charmed for 4 seconds, removing their ability to attack or cast abilities as they move toward you. Charming an enemy this way restores 678 Stamina and Magicka to you and heals you for 678 Health. Charming an enemy removes you from Stealth.
Heavy Belt
You cannot move while Bracing. While Bracing, you create a 12 meter zone of protection. Allies within the zone increase their Block Mitigation by 30% and their Healthy Recovery by 950.
No Public Dungeons
No Group Dungeons
No Solo Arenas
No Group Arenas
No Group Trials
No Group Delves
No Mundus Stones
No Great Lifts
No Battlegrounds
No Player Housing