The Deadlands Map (ESO)
The Deadlands Map for The Elder Scrolls Online: Deadlands DLC, The Gates of Oblivion 2021 Adventure (ESO).

Detailed and revealed map of The Deadlands Zone in (ESO) The Elder Scrolls Online: Deadlands DLC, The Gates of Oblivion 2021 Adventure with Delves Maps, Skyshards Location, Points of Interest, Quest Hubs, Striking Locales, Wayshrines, Public Dungeons, Storyline Quests, World Bosses, World Events, Crafting Set Stations, Shalidor's Library Books, Treasure Maps, Outlaws Refuge, Player Housing, Quest Starters.
The Deadlands Map for The Elder Scrolls Online: Deadlands DLC, The Gates of Oblivion 2021 Adventure (ESO).
The Deadlands is zone in The Elder Scrolls Online: Deadlands DLC, a part of The Gates of Oblivion 2021 Adventure.
The Deadlands is outside of main Tamriel Map.
Cities: Fargrave.
"An ever-changing landscape of fire and storm, of disaster personified and unending destruction, this is the domain of Mehrunes Dagon, Prince of Ambition and Lord of Flood and Flame. Behold its glory and bow before our Lord!"Valkynaz Nokvroz
Welcome to Fargrave Enter Fargrave for the first time.
Deadlands Grand Adventurer Complete 14 unique quests in the Deadlands.
Deadlands Master Explorer Discover and clear all delves and striking locales in the Deadlands, Deadlands Delver, Deadlands Pathfinder.
Bane of the Havocrels Defeat each of the Havocrel Executioners in the Deadlands: Irncifel the Despolier, Vorsholazh the Anvil, Kothan the Razorsworn.
Zone Storyline Quests
Points of Interest
Striking Locales
Crafting Set Stations
Public Dungeons
World Events
World Bosses
Lore Books
Fargrave is city in The Deadlands zone in The Elder Scrolls Online: Deadlands DLC. Fargrave has two parts, Fargrave City District, the proper part of the city, and The Shambles, the illegitimate part ruled by gangs.
Delves are rather easy, solo or cooperative, small dungeons or caves with single Skyshard and named Boss who drops set gear. Delves are accessible to everyone at any time, see all Delve Maps.
Zone: The Deadlands
Boss: Kurkron the Mangler
The Deadlands are full of places of punishment, imprisonment, and torture. I suppose Mehrunes Dagon prefers it that way. One such location is the False Martyrs' Folly, where Dagon's displeasure takes the form of prisoners trapped in stone. - Londu of the Mages Guild
False Martyrs' Folly Delve Map with Skyshard and Boss locations ESOZone: The Deadlands
Boss: Kynreeve Brosuroth
Located in the Burn, the Brandfire Reformatory serves a multitude of purposes. We use it to train and indoctrinate our newest recruits, while Lord Dagon's Dremora use parts of the place to torture souls. - Devastor Jera of the Order of the Waking Flame
Brandfire Reformatory Delve Map with Skyshard and Boss locations ESOThere are 2 Delves in The Deadlands, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
To complete a Delve you need to kill a named Boss, you will get Explorer Achievement for that. Additionally, finishing all Delves in a given zone will give you a The Deadlands Cave Delver Achievement.
Defeat each of the Havocrel Executioners in the Deadlands
Havocrels travel a closed route inside The Deadlands. Only one of the three is present at a time.
Havocrels Travel Route in Deadlands
Irncifel the Despolier, Vorsholazh the Anvil and Kothan the Razorsworn
Reward: Title of Havocrel Hunter.
Find all of Sister Celdina's lectures in the Brandfire Reformatory.
First Lecture
Second Lecture
Third Lecture
Fourth Lecture
Location of Sister Celdina's lectures in Reformatory Keep in Brandfire Reformatory (Delve)
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities, check All Skyshards Location.
Discover all 6 Skyshards in The Deadlands.
Points of Interest are self-contained stories, Quest Hubs that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
There are 3 Points of Interest in The Deadlands, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Other important locations:
Larger, harder, open world dungeons for groups or cooperative players, includes own quest lines, a Skyshard and a few Bosses. Accessible to everyone. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear, check all Public Dungeon Maps in ESO.
Atoll of Immolation Bosses
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
There are 6 Zone Story Quests in The Deadlands.
The Celestial Palanquin
I met a mysterious woman who calls herself the Anchorite. A strange magic connects us that may have something to do with Lyranth the Dremora. The Anchorite asked me to help her find Lyranth and investigate the Order of the Waking Flame in Fargrave.
The Anchorite wants me to talk to Madam Whim at the House of Whims in Fargrave and Initiate Tilgo in the Deadlands to see what they know about Lyranth, the votive runes, or the Order of the Waking Flame.
Destruction Incarnate
Our only clue as to the next step in Sister Celdina and the Waking Flame's plans is an encoded note we can't decipher. Both Lyranth and the Anchorite believe that we can find someone in Fargrave who can translate it for us.
Lyranth asked me to take the coded message we found in the bathhouse to Madam Whim to see if she knows anyone who might be able to decipher it.
The Durance Vile
We destroyed an Incarnate at Burning Gyre Keep, but Lyranth believes that the Waking Flame plans to create more. She wants to find the Riven Cataclyst before they do—and she thinks the Bladebearer Dremora can point us to our goal.
Lyranth suggests we bring Arox the Mutilator with us to find the Bladebearer clan. I should talk to Arox.
Born of Grief
The mad prisoner Elegian, creator of the Riven Cataclyst, told me we can get to the device by going to Annihilarch's Summit. I need to locate the cataclyst before Sister Celdina unleashes more Incarnates to attack Fargrave and Nirn.
Lyranth told me to gather Arox and prepare myself for the journey to Annihilarch's Summit. I should talk to the daedrat and have him hop into my pack.
We destroyed the Riven Cataclyst at Fort Grief, but Sister Celdina escaped. We believe she retreated to a hidden stronghold in a forgotten realm known as Deadlight. We need to find this realm and deal with the cult once and for all.
Lyranth wants me to find Rynkyus in the Plaza of Portals and determine if his scouts have had any luck tracking down Sister Celdina or locating the lost realm of Deadlight.
Against All Hope
We defeated Sister Celdina, but Valkynaz Nokvroz captured the Anchorite. He wants to use her blood as fuel for his own cataclyst device. Lyranth thinks Nokvroz is holding her in his fortress, Ardent Hope. We need to rescue her.
Lyranth believes we can use the Waking Flame portal key to open a way into Ardent Hope. I need to talk to Madam Whim to see if she will help us re-attune the key to this location.
The Last Ambition
Lyranth thinks we need to find the Fourth Ambition and gather up Sombren and Calia before Mehrunes Dagon goes after them and launches his next plot to conquer Nirn. She has once again asked me to help her.
Lyranth has Eveli looking through the notes of the Longhouse Emperors. I need to meet her in Fargrave's Plaza of Portals to see if she's learned anything new.
Ambition's End
Sombren decided to join Mehrunes Dagon. He stole Calia's power and added it to his own. Now we must protect the Anchorite and figure out how to find and use the egonymic if we hope to defeat Sombren and Mehrunes Dagon.
Lyranth wants me to show the Daedric relic we found in the vault to the Anchorite. Perhaps it will trigger a memory and tell us more about the egonymic.
Hope Springs Eternal
Mehrunes Dagon has been defeated and his plot to take over Tamriel has been thwarted. Eveli thinks we need to check in with our allies and rendezvous in Leyawiin.
Eveli and I need to head to Fargrave to speak to Madam Whim and Calia and inform them of Mehrunes Dagon's defeat.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
There are 11 Wayshrines in The Deadlands, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
There are 3 Crafting Set Stations in The Deadlands, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
In Stormwright's Cleft Crafting Set Station (need 3 traits).
In Forgotten Feretory (Fargrave) Crafting Set Station (need 5 traits).
In The Razorworks Crafting Set Station (need 7 traits).
Treasure Maps can be found in game as a loot or can be obtained with the Collector's Editions. Each map shows a place where you can dig up a treasure chest. You can only do this if you have a map.
There are 2 Treasure Maps in The Deadlands.
TM I - The Deadlands Treasure Map I
TM II - The Deadlands Treasure Map II
World Bosses (Group Bosses) are powerful elite encounters, to defeat them you will generally need the help of other players. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
There are 2 World Bosses in The Deadlands, defeat them is necessary for Zone Completion.
World Events are open to everyone, events repeated in a specific place at a specific time, intended for more players at the same time. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear, more about World Events.
Early experiments of Mehrunes Dagon, Oblivion Portals tear through the fabric of the planes as Dagon's cultists attempt to breach a pathway to Nirn. The forces that appear on the portal's outskirts represent a mere scouting expedition, while the true challenge lies inside the portal itself-within the Deadlands Atoll of Immolation. To complete an Oblivion Portal, you will need to find Mehrunes Dagon's general at the center-most island and defeat him, the Havocrel Duke of Storms.
Oblivion Portals are not marked on the map. They appear randomly throughout Blackwood and The Deadlands. When a portal opens, it will only remain in this state for a limited time. Once you enter the portal, however, you can stay within Atoll of Immolation until you complete your goal or choose to leave via wayshrine or by traveling to another player.
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
There are 6 Striking Locales in The Deadlands and Fargrave, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
Outlaws Refuge with fence, moneylender, merchant and guild trader - shelter when the guards are looking for you.
Fargrave Outlaws Refuge
Side Quest are not related to the main story in the zone, but complement it. They start in both Quest Hubs and open ground.
Salvaged Plans
A member of the Grasp named Zyr asked me to help track down a group of thieves who stole a large quantity of Redmaiden from Fargrave. Apparently, they fled to the Sever after leaving Fargrave.
I need to search the Sever for the thieves Grasp-kyn Zyr asked me to apprehend.
Mercenary In The Making
I found a notice that says House Hexos in Fargrave seeks adventurers for dangerous work.
The notice directed me to talk to Hewlet Hexos in the city of Fargrave for more details.
Web Of Lies
The legendary mage, Divayth Fyr, came to Fargrave in search of a powerful Daedric artifact called the Ebony Blade. However, the owners hid it away under mysterious circumstances. I agreed to help Divayth uncover the truth of the missing sword.
I should make my way to the auction house Divayth mentioned to search for clues.
Robhir's Final Delivery
I came across the body of a Redguard. It looks like he was in the middle of delivering something to Nass in the House of Whims in Fargrave.
I have the planestone. I should take it to Fargrave and let Nass know what happened to Robhir.
Courier's Folly
I found the body of a Spiderkith, Telofasa. It looks like she died while attempting to deliver something.
The note said that Telofasa left a planestone in the False Martyrs' Folly. I should travel there.
Peace's Wretched Price
Tephilaz, a Daedra living in Wretched Spire, died suddenly on the street. The locals suspect someone murdered him to stop a treaty. A Dremora named Noroth seeks the killer before more violence erupts.
I agreed to help Noroth investigate the murder. He asked me to start by canvassing the area for witnesses. I should talk to any mortals around to find out what they know.
A Gem Of A Mystery
I found the body of a Scamp alongside a note and bag in the Deadlands.
I got the planestone. I should take it to Fargrave and let Nass know what happened to Mikget.
Death Stalks The Weak
I found a note addressed to someone named Khazasha that talked about seeking revenge against a terrible beast called the Ravener. With her companions dead, she may need help.
If I want to help Khazasha, I should look for her near Ardent Hope.
Reformatory Rescue
I found a letter on a dead member of the Order of the Waking Flame cult. The letter describes a place called the Brandfire Reformatory, where the cult brainwashes their unwilling recruits. I should find the Brandfire Reformatory and investigate.
If the Waking Flame cult is expanding their ranks with kidnapped victims, then they must be getting closer to putting their plans into motion. I should find the Brandfire Reformatory and find out how they're turning innocents into Dagonists.
Mettle And Stone
A Dark Elf, Selveni Andalor, asked me to help him free the trapped spirits of his grandmother, Sovisa, and an ordinator, Nilera, from the False Martyrs' Folly in the Sever.
Selveni said he would meet me inside the False Martyrs' Folly.
The Force Of Change
I encountered Valsirenn trapped in a sychroseisiac state, out of phase with reality and in need of assistance. She asked me to help her locate a sage named Master Rrvenk, who is supposed to be a master of the Eleventh Force: Change.
Valsirenn said one of Master Rrvenk's disciples, Morah, should be somewhere near Windswept Crag. She may have information that will lead us to him.
Uxark's Treasure
Nass told me that the planestones I brought to her open a portal to the hidden and valuable treasure of Uxark, a Xivilai warrior.
Before I can create the portal, I need to know the location of the secret lair. Nass directed me to Wretched Spire where Skoedal, one of Uxark's companions, is. He should know where the treasure is.
There are Inn Rooms, Apartments, Small Houses, Medium Houses, Large Houses and Manors that you can buy and furnish.
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
Theoretically, the Shalidor's Library Books assigned to a given Zone should be found within that area. Practically as the areas available to players expand, it starts to get mixed up and the specific Lore Book can be found in other parts of Tamriel as well.
There are 10 Shalidor's Library Books assigned to The Deadlands. Some of them can also be found in other Zones. Each of the Lore Books has more than one probable spot where you can find it. Discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion.
No Group Dungeons
No Solo Arenas
No Group Arenas
No Group Trials
No Group Delves
No Mundus Stones
No Great Lifts
No Battlegrounds