Black Meadow - Pillars of Eternity
Black Meadow - Pillars of Eternity Walkthrough and Game Guide describes all the important locations in Pillars of Eternity game. Here, you will learn which NPC you should see in order to receive a quest and where to go to complete it. All major locations are accompanied with maps. The following elements are marked on the maps: characters we meet in the game world, hidden secrets, chests and other treasure containers, crafting ingredients, traps, secret passages, aggressive opponents, and bosses that are especially difficult to defeat.

Track down the shipment.
I have arrived in the Black Meadow. Tuatanu had much to say on the dangers of this place, which teems with animals and outlaws alike. Searching along the roads may provide some sign of the wagon's fate, or even the shipment itself.
Entrance from Magran's Fork
I came upon a group of bandits in the Black Meadow. They have been dealt with. Their camp is cluttered with stolen supplies. Perhaps I'll find Tuatanu's shipment in amongst the rest.
ITEM: Shipment Crate
It's for The Smith's Shipment Quest given by Tuatanu in Gilded Vale (14)
Return to Tuatanu.
Tuatanu's fears were well-founded. I found the Black Hammer's shipment in the possession of a group of bandits haunting the northern edge of the meadow. It seems likely that Tuatanu's workers have met an untimely end. All that remains is to return the shipment, and claim my reward.
Exit to Caed Nua
Later in time ...
For The Parable of Wael Quest
I buried the scroll where Wael wished. Grimda will want to know what happened to it, but I'm not sure how she'll take this information.
Return to Hall of Revealed Mysteries (03) and talk to Grimda
Map Legend
Location - An in-game location; POI (Point of Interest). The sequence of numbers shows suggested order of visiting the locations.
Starting Quest Location - This is the location where you find the quest giver. It can be an item, a person or a place.
Entrance / Exit - Exit from this location/map or Entrance to another location/map, house, dungeon, area, cave, etc.
Secret - You have to be in "Scouting Mode" to discover secrets. It can be a hidden switch, a chest with treasure, a secret door or just a hidden item.
Container - Chest, box, crate or other container that can be plundered for useful items.
Crafting Ingredient - Crafting Ingredients used for making potions and scrolls or for weapon and armor enhancements.
Worth Checking Out - Items and places that are out of the ordinary or just worth checking out. These are also items you must use.
Traps - You have to be in "Scouting Mode" to discover a Trap. Traps can be disarmed if your character has the appropriate skill.
Common NPC - Some of them have their own stories that you can learn by using the "Reach out for the soul" option.
NPC Quest Givers - Important NPCs; they give us Story Quests, Quests and Tasks.
Merchants NPC - Traders & Merchants; they buy/sell items.
Enemies - Hostile NPCs; Animals and Monsters. They attacks on sight.
Bosses - The most difficult Enemies; Bosses or enemies that are hard to kill at this point of the game (i.e. when you first encounter them).
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