ELEX II Map Bastion Walkthrough
Bastion Map for ELEX II

ELEX II Bastion Map & Walkthrough for Elex 2 with locations of Teleporters, Missions, Companions, Trainers, Teachers, Merchants, Traders, Legendary & Unique Weapons, Glasses, Safe Codes and Map Pieces, ELEX II Maps & Walkthrough.
Bastion Map for ELEX II
POI Mission Starter
Trainers / Teachers
Legendary Weapons
Map Pieces
Other NPCs
STR +1
DEX +1
INT +1
CON +1
CUN +1
+500 EXP
+1 Attr.
+1 Skill
Open Chest
Easy Chest
Medium Chest
Difficult Chest
Key Required
Mission Items
Special Items
Ore Veins
The first time you arrive at The Bastion, the place is in ruins. You meet Adam again who will give you a whole set of missions to rebuild and improve the Bastion.
The Bastion will become your base in the world of Magalan.
Hand Grenade x3 on your first travel to center of the Bastion, in SE Bastion, second house on right. Grenades will be very useful at this stage of the game, as they allow you to easily deal high damage to your opponent.
At the gate of Bastion you will finish "In Danger"
Adam Charles Dawkins is the person in charge of the Bastion.
Talk to him until all dialogue options are exhausted and return to him during the game to be up to date with events and to receive new missions.
💬 "I don't want to talk about the past ..." - "The 6th Power" update.
Destruction Decreased
💬 "I gues you're right. We might as well work together."
Destruction Decreased
💬 "When are you going to do something about my infection?" to update "Infected".
💬 "Improvements for the Bastion? ..."
Preparing the Bastion.
Preparing the Bastion Mission Walkthrough
The Bastion is a good place to set up the 6th Power's headquarters.
Spring Cleaning.
Spring Cleaning Mission Walkthrough
Over the years wild animals and other dangerous creatures have increasingly made their home around the Bastion. It's time to do something about that
Handyman Wanted part of "Preparing the Bastion", after "Spring Cleaning".
Handyman Wanted Mission Walkthrough
There's a strange man who lives in the main house of the Bastion's garrison. His name is Gardok. Apparently, he's an experienced builder who'd be able to make the Bastion livable again. It might be best to win him over to our side before we occupy his ruined home.
A Commander For The New Troops part of "Preparing the Bastion", after "Spring Cleaning".
A Commander For The New Troops Mission Walkthrough
If more and more 6th Power recruits are going to live in the Bastion, we need a good commander who will bring the hot heads together and make sure things don't get out of hand.
Go to [008] and talk to Thialg for "A Commander For The New Troops".
💬 "OK, let's say I start looking for an ally ..."
💬 "About the military forces ..."
Strong Alliances.
Strong Alliances Mission Walkthrough
Defeating the invaders will require strength and coordination but the factions of Magalan are divided. They skirmish constantly and are always close to war. I have to talk to each faction's leaders to find out who'd make the best partner for the 6th Power. I can join them, convince their fighters to defect and join us, or try something else. I have to do whatever it takes to anchor power in the Bastion. The enemy won't wait so I should work quickly.
Tough Negotiations.
Tough Negotiations Mission Walkthrough
In order to find a good partner for the 6th Power, have to talk to experts and important members of each faction, so I can get an idea of what the faction armies are like.
A Common Path.
A Common Path Mission Walkthrough
I've become weak. I have to find my center and my fighting spirit again. I could try on my own, but improving my uprooted, homeless circumstances by joining a large community again is a better path. It's good to keep an eye on the smaller factions, like the Clerics and Outlaws, but they won't be able to get me through the first and biggest challenge, basic training. The large communities that can really help me right now are the Berserkers, the Morkons, or the Albs. Or of course I can try to go my own way.
↪ After "Handyman Wanted".
Enemy Scouts part of "The 6th Power" after "Handyman Wanted".
Enemy Scouts Mission Walkthrough
The invaders are sending their scouts across our lands. We can assume they're assessing our strategic positions. I better get rid of them before they report back.
Dex separates from you at the gate of the Bastion and starts walking around it on his own. After some time, he will come to you and talk to you.
Many Questions part of "Preparing the Bastion".
Many Questions Mission Walkthrough
My son wants me to spend time with him. It will be interesting to see what he has to say while I take care of things here at the Bastion.
Ending the mission to Dex: 💬 "I'm only destructive when I have no other choice ..." Dex likes that.
Destruction Decreased
Gardok after "Handyman Wanted".
Gardok after "Handyman Wanted", Locks, Mining Trainer / Teacher.
Rolf Ranged Combat, Survival, Trophies Trainer / Teacher
↪ After "A Commander For The New Troops"
Smith Gunsmithing Trainer / Teacher
Thialg Melee Combat, Heavy Weapons, Health, Stamina Trainer / Teacher
Thialg now he is in Bastion, talk to him.
Trusted Companions part of "The 6th Power".
Trusted Companions Mission Walkthrough
Thialg wants me to recruit my most trusted companions and bring them to the Bastion. Caja and C.R.O.N.Y. U4, my old combat drone, are my closest friends. I could always rely on them. I have to convince them to come to the 6th Power's headquarters.
Rust Buckets On The Wrong Track C.R.O.N.Y. part of "The 6th Power", "Trusted Companions".
Rust Buckets On The Wrong Track C.R.O.N.Y. Mission Walkthrough
U4 has the ability to collect and analyze all important data. An essential tool and a true comrade in arms. It's time to recruit C.R.O.N.Y. U4 and have him join me at my side again.
Lower Level of the main building (where Adam is) entrance from north.
x2 for making potions.
for upgrading Jet Pack.
Upper Level of the main building entrance from south.
Mining for Dummies
Step 1: Make sure to bring the right tools, unless you're planning on stripping the rock with your bare hands!
Step 2: Don't wander around aimlessly. We'll tell you where to search - see the appendix for details.
Step 3: Hit a vein? Make sure nobody is nearby. A successful prospector never shares their bounty. Jealousy is a hazard in our line of work!
Iron - Keep your eyes peeled for iron veins in caves and tunnel systems. Make sure your helmet is sitting right before you start mining. Don't come complaining to us if you forget and get hit in the noggin by falling rocks.
Sulfur - Make sure you have an ample water supply before taking off in search of sulfur. It's mainly found in very hot areas like lava flows. If you'd prefer to avoid danger, you can try certain shore areas.
Amasite - Got your flippers? Then you won't have any problems finding amasite. Named after the explorer Amadeus, this metal is often found near rivers.
Elexit - Down to your last dime? Then just go find yourself an elexit vein and kiss your worries goodbye. The only problem is that these veins are usually heavily guarded. Prepare for a scuffle with reavers, on other scallywags - elexit veins are known to be near converters.
Gold - A precious metal. To this day, nobody really knows why it's often found near standing bodies of water. The author assumes you probably don't care.
Haridium - Got a jet pack? Then you're one of the lucky few who are able to mine haridium, but it's not going to be easy. You'll find this metal in hard-to-reach places like cliff walls. Make sure you're wearing a decent pair of shoes, otherwise you'll risk ending up like this metal's namesake, the Cleric Harold, who slipped and fell to his death. Don't be a Harold!
for upgrading Jet Pack.
Puzzle Frame Puzzle Frame is the place where you store your Map Pieces more on Map Pieces.
Puzzle Frame is the place where you store your Map Pieces.
Attic in the main building entrance from inside by Jet Pack, two rooms with separate entrances.
6666 Safe in in the attic, you have to use Jet Pack inside upper level of main building in Bastion. The code for the safe is drawn upside down on the wall next to the safe.
Soft Toailet Paper x2
Map Piece 06 check the location and walkthrough of obtaining Map Pieces on Map Pieces Location Map.
Rolf Ranged Combat, Survival, Trophies Trainer.
You come here for "Handyman Wanted".
Gardok will be rude to you at first and will not want to talk to you, but don't get discouraged and try again.
💬 "I've got a ton of stuff to do ..."
💬 "How much for you to get back to work ..."
💬 "We'd make sure you're safe."
Destruction Decreased
💬 "You want me to get your tools?"
Tools For The Handyman part of "Preparing the Bastion" and "Handyman Wanted".
Tools For The Handyman Mission Walkthrough
Gardok needs a special handyman's bell hammer to renovate the Bastion.
After "Tools For The Handyman".
Handyman's Legendary Mortar part of "Preparing the Bastion" and "Handyman Wanted", after "Tools For The Handyman".
Handyman's Legendary Mortar Mission Walkthrough
Gardok wants to make up a batch of his legendary mortar. It can only be made with particularly high quality limestone. I need to find a quarry that has something like that and then bring him some as a sample.
After you done "Tools For The Handyman" and "Handyman's Legendary Mortar" find Gardok in yard of Bastion and talk to him, now he become Trainer [02] and Merchant [02].
Handyman's Bell Hammer for "Tools For The Handyman" - at ground level, next to the tower.
on the higher level of the tower
Legate Daniel Status Report - on top of tower.
This is location for "Only A Dead Morkon ...".
You have to kill Dragan and his 4 guards. It might be a tough fight early in the game, but remember you found grenades. Sneak onto the rock above the camp and throw grenades at them.
Return to Caja [011].
This is location for "Enemy Scouts".
Scouts Agitators
There are several of them, use the grenade if you still have one left. Caja in your team will also help you a lot. Kill them all.
The Magalan world of ELEX II has a network of 47 teleporters. You have to activate each of the teleporters before you can use it. To activate a teleporter, you must find him and reach him on foot. Then you will be able to fast travel between any two activated teleports. Solving Map Pieces Puzzle will give you location of all Teleporters. Teleporters Location Map
Teleporter, it is close to starting location, but you need Jetpack to reach it.
There are 7 potential companions in ELEX 2: Crony U4, Caja, Nasty, Fox, Falk, Nyra and Bully. Companions are friendly NPCs that you can meet on your journey through the world of ELEX II and join your party. Companions in Elex 2.
This combat drone belonged to its master Jax, a loyal servant from his days as an Alb Commander in the Ice Palace. It was programmed to view strange peoples with analysis, skepticism and even hostility on occasion.
A small but effective fighting machine, always ready and willing to kill anyone it viewed as a threat to its master. It was 100% loyal and the most faithful servant a man could wish for.
The perfect data collection machine and spy against Jax' enemies, both in cyberspace and the real world.
Crony U4 Loyality
In the case of Crony U4, what you do, your actions, do not affect loyalty. Crony accepts your every decision without positive or negative effects.
Head Oracle and strongest Berserker mage.
She was mother to Jax' son, Dex and a warmhearted and just woman. She always wanted the best for all of humanity.
As a general, however, she found herself caught up in a crusade against her enemies. She changed a lot after the war against the Albs. The nice, friendly young woman turned into a leader and warrior, ready to defend her territory without mercy.
She studied dark Elex when she could find the time, searching for a key to end the threat caused by the new plague.
Caja Likes (Loyality):
Caja Dislikes (Loyality):
This young Berserker rose to the rank of Warrior much faster than any before him. Nevertheless, he was known among the Berserkers for being unruly: A Fox among wolves.
A strong, clever boy, good at anything he tried, who avoided open confrontation whenever he could. Life with the Berserkers made him hard, but he always strived to stay fair. Whenever possible, he decided on a just solution. The world was evil, but he always believed in a better future.
He always had a flippant remark on the tip of his tongue, even in the most dangerous situations, and had a calm, detached demeanor. His fearless, impish approach to life was the origin of his nickname.
Fox Likes (Loyality):
Fox Dislikes (Loyality):
There are several types Trainers / Teachers in ELEX II, they are located mainly in faction settlements and in the Bastion. Trainers Location Map
Gunsmithing Trainer / Teacher
Build Weapons, Gemstone Socket, Create Ammunition, Build Grenades.
Location: [008] - After "A Commander For The New Troops" Smith will move to Bastion.
Locks, Mining Trainer / Teacher
Lock Picking, Locksmith, Mining.
He lives in his home in SE part of Bastion, will unlock after completing the mission "Handyman Wanted".
Melee Combat, Heavy Weapons, Health, Stamina Trainer / Teacher
Melee Weapons, Melee Weapons Specialist, Backstab, Grenades, Heavy Weapons, Heavy Weapons Specialist, Extra Hitpoints, Health Regeneration, Stamina, Stamina Regeneration.
After "A Commander For The New Troops" he will move ot Bastion.
Ranged Combat, Survival, Trophies Trainer / Teacher
Ranged Weapons, Ranged Weapon Specialist, Energy Master, Powder Master, Projectile Master, Sixth Sense, Lone Wolf, Animal Trophies.
Berserker, Protection Trainer / Teacher
Gunsmithing, Mining Trainer / Teacher
Build Weapons, Gemstone Socket, Create Ammunition, Build Grenades, Mining.
Social Trainer / Teacher
Haggler, Cheaplearning.
Melee Combat, Heavy Weapons Trainer / Teacher
Melee Weapons, Melee Weapons Specialist, Backstab, Grenades, Heavy Weapons, Heavy Weapons Specialist.
Locks, Thievery, Hacking, Empathy Trainer / Teacher
He is not there initially, he can appear during the "Baxter's Propaganda" mission. If you choose the Berserkers over the Claws later in game, you will lost him.
Melee Combat, Heavy Weapons, Health, Stamina, Survival Trainer / Teacher
Health, Metabolism, Chemistry Trainer / Teacher
Strong Potions, Good Eater, Extra Hitpoints, Health Regeneration, Chemistry.
Protection, Stamina, Gunsmithing Trainer / Teacher
Armor, Resist All, Stamina, Stamina Regeneration, Build Weapons, Gemstone Socket, Create Ammunition, Build Grenades.
Ranged Combat, Survival, Trophies Trainer / Teacher
Ranged Weapons, Ranged Weapons Specialist, Energy Master, Powder Master, Projectile Master, Sixth Sense, Lone Wolf, Animal Trophies.
Merchants & Traders are like shops where you can buy and sell weapons, armor and equipment. Merchants are located mainly in faction settlements and in the Bastion. Not all potential trader NPCs will want to trade with you when you first meet them. Many of the Traders will require you to complete a mission. There are also traveling traders located outside the cities. Merchants Location Map
Merchant / Trader
Recipes & Blueprint, Lockpicks, Jet Pack, Materials, One-Handes Weapons, Armor, Potions, Ammunition, Plants.
Location: [008] - After "A Commander For The New Troops" Smith will move to Bastion.
Merchant / Trader
Lockpicks, Ammunition, Armor, Recipes & Blueprint, Bastion Decor, Potions, Fuel, Materials
After you done missions "Handyman Wanted".
Merchant / Trader
Food, Potions, Ammunition, Recipes & Blueprint, Trophies
Merchant / Trader
Food, Recipes & Blueprint
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Modifiers, Materials, Recipes & Blueprint, Fuel
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Junk
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Ammunition, Fuel
Merchant / Trader
Recipes & Blueprint, Food
Merchant / Trader
Recipes & Blueprint, Potions
Merchant / Trader
Merchant / Trader
Merchant / Trader
Armor, Weapons, Fuel
Merchant / Trader
Potions, Food, Materials, Plants, Recipes & Blueprint.
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Armor, Tool/Key, Recipes & Blueprint, Fuel.
Merchant / Trader
Food, Recipes & Blueprint
Merchant / Trader
Armor, Ammunition, Weapons, Fuel, Potions
Merchant / Trader - From time to time, a Traveling Merchant passes through the gate of Fort.
Recipes & Blueprint, Armor, Ammunition, Weapons, Materials, Potions
In the world of ELEX II, you can find or obtain 29 special, unique or legendary weapons that are significantly better than the commonly available ones. Legendary & Unique Weapons
One-handed Weapon, damage: 39 (Poison), sockets: 3, requirements: STR 48, CON 24.
A blow to head has solved many a problem.
It is lying on the ground, stained with blood, next to a cart.
Ranged Weapon, ammunition: Grenade, damage: 54 , requirements: STR 20, DEX 20.
Let the master handle it.
On the platform above, in the arms of the skeleton.
Energy Weapon, ammunition: Energy Cell, damage: 65 , requirements: DEX 50, INT 37.
This weapon has existed since the foundation of the Clerics.
Inside a small hut.
Heavy Weapon, ammunition: Slugthrower Ammo, damage: 102 , requirements: STR 43, DEX 43.
Loud and dirty. Just the way the Outlaws like it.
It hangs on the wall, in a hut, inside a broken dome.
One-handed Weapon, damage: 198 (Lighting Damage), sockets: 3, requirements: STR 82, CON 63.
The steel was hardened in the blood of trolls.
At the top of the lighthouse.
Bow, damage: 108, requirements: DEX 48, STR 31.
Hit its target every time.
On the roof of the bunker.
Ranged Weapon, ammunition: Bolts, damage: 28, requirements: DEX 15, STR 15.
The bolts tear horrific wounds.
There is a small watchtower at the gate to the Fort, Fang can be found at its top.
Heavy Weapon, ammunition: Rockets, damage: 150, requirements: DEX 37, STR 37.
Was once used in a fuel depot, so no one knows who used it.
On top level of scaffolding.
One-handed Weapon, damage: 120 (Poison Damage), sockets: 3, requirements: STR 64, DEX 45.
An exquisitely forged weapon, made from creatures slain by my hand. Bears the slightly strange name "Butter Knife." Closer to a work of art than a simple weapon. Almost too beautiful for hacking and slashing.
This is reward for mission:
Heavy Weapon, damage: 616, Ammunition: Rockets, requirements: STR 83, DEX 83.
A man can cause a lot of suffering with a little determination. And a rocket launcher.
Underground, in the last room of Skyands Dungeon near DELTARA, on upper level.
The world of Elex II offers you a variety of glasses to suit any occasion and offer a variety of extra skills. You just need to find them. Glasses Location
I can see items better with there glasses.
PERSPECTIVE sunglasses are extremely useful because they highlight with a colored border objects that lie on the ground and that you can pick up.
Location of PERSPECTIVE Sunglasses 01 in ELEX 2
I can see items better with there glasses.
Safes require a 4 digit code to be opened.
Safe is open.
Code: 6666. Safe is in the attic, you have to use Jet Pack inside upper level of main building in Bastion. The code for the safe is drawn upside down on the wall next to the safe.
Code: 1243. Safe is inside house.
Code: 0423. On the top of watchtower.
Code: 1657. On ground level.
Code: 6241. Inside building, above ground on the platform.
Code: 2371.
Code: 3712. Underground, below antena.
Code: 5126. Inside hut.
Code: 6942. On the stairs, closer to the top.
Code: 9086. Up the stairs.
Code: 3071.
Code: 2681. In Cook's House, upstairs, fly to balcony and sneak inside.
Code: 4756. You have to wait until midnight is past and sneak inside while the host is asleep.
Code: 8696. Inside Fenris House
Code: 1950. Safe in Alchemist House
Code: 0000. Tilas Safe
Code: 5461. Chloe Safe
There are 16 Map Pieces scattered around the Magalan world in ELEX II. If you find all the map fragments and put them together, you will learn the safe's location and the safe code. The cache contains a device that shows the location of all Teleporters in Magalan. Map Pieces Location Map
At the top of the tower, near the story's starting point. Without an extensive Jetpack, it's hard to get there, so you can come back later.
Location of Map Piece 08 in ELEX 2
Inside house, on the table. You have to wait until midnight is past and sneak inside while the host is asleep.
Location of Map Piece 03 in ELEX 2
In a cardboard box on the roof.
Location of Map Piece 04 in ELEX 2
On the tower.
Location of Map Piece 06 in ELEX 2
Inside house.
Location of Map Piece 09 in ELEX 2