Mission Description
Mission Type: Main Mission
Mission Name: Handyman's Legendary Mortar
Mission Giver: Gardok
Mission Start: In 014 at SC Magalan Map
Mission Walkthrough
"Gardok wants to make up a batch of his legendary mortar. It can only be made with particularly high quality limestone. I need to find a quarry that has something like that and then bring him some as a sample."
Part of "Preparing the Bastion" and "Handyman Wanted", after "Tools For The Handyman".
Gardok's House
When you give Handyman's Bell Hammer to Gardok.
💬 "Here's the bell hammer you wanted."
Gardok wants to bring him High-percentage Limestone
You can find High-percentage Limestone east of the Bastion.

High-percentage Limestone
Return to Gardok
He is now in the center of Bastion in his final place.
💬 "I found this piece of limestone ..."
+ 200 EXP
(The End)
Now he become Triner [02] and Merchant [02].
Check other Missions in ELEX II on ELEX 2 Missions.
To track the next target of a given Mission, go to LOG, select the Mission you are interested in and mark it with [F] Mark on the map. You will then see on the in-game map where you should go to continue the mission.