ELEX 2 Legendary Weapons Map
Location of Legendary & Unique Weapons in ELEX 2

All Legendary Weapons in ELEX 2 Location Map and Weapon Listing, ELEX II Maps & Walkthrough.
Location of Legendary & Unique Weapons in ELEX 2
In the world of ELEX II, you can find or obtain 29 special, unique or legendary weapons that are significantly better than the commonly available ones.
One-handed Weapon, damage: 39 (Poison), sockets: 3, requirements: STR 48, CON 24.
A blow to head has solved many a problem.
It is lying on the ground, stained with blood, next to a cart.
Ranged Weapon, ammunition: Grenade, damage: 54 , requirements: STR 20, DEX 20.
Let the master handle it.
On the platform above, in the arms of the skeleton.
Energy Weapon, ammunition: Energy Cell, damage: 65 , requirements: DEX 50, INT 37.
This weapon has existed since the foundation of the Clerics.
Inside a small hut.
Heavy Weapon, ammunition: Slugthrower Ammo, damage: 102 , requirements: STR 43, DEX 43.
Loud and dirty. Just the way the Outlaws like it.
It hangs on the wall, in a hut, inside a broken dome.
One-handed Weapon, damage: 198 (Lighting Damage), sockets: 3, requirements: STR 82, CON 63.
The steel was hardened in the blood of trolls.
At the top of the lighthouse.
Bow, damage: 108, requirements: DEX 48, STR 31.
Hit its target every time.
On the roof of the bunker.
Ranged Weapon, ammunition: Bolts, damage: 28, requirements: DEX 15, STR 15.
The bolts tear horrific wounds.
There is a small watchtower at the gate to the Fort, Fang can be found at its top.
Heavy Weapon, ammunition: Rockets, damage: 150, requirements: DEX 37, STR 37.
Was once used in a fuel depot, so no one knows who used it.
On top level of scaffolding.
One-handed Weapon, damage: 120 (Poison Damage), sockets: 3, requirements: STR 64, DEX 45.
An exquisitely forged weapon, made from creatures slain by my hand. Bears the slightly strange name "Butter Knife." Closer to a work of art than a simple weapon. Almost too beautiful for hacking and slashing.
This is reward for mission:
One-handed Weapon, damage: 82, sockets: 3, requirements: DEX 38, STR 56.
It once removed the beard of a Berserker in battle who then flew into a frenzy, killed its owner and took the blade.
Inside the house is hanging on the wall.
Heavy Weapon, damage: 170, ammunition: Cannon Ammunition, requirements: DEX 56, STR 56.
Boom! Dead!
On ground level inside pit with alien enemies.
Location of BOOM BOOM BYE BYE in ELEX 2
Shield, damage reduction: 100%, requirements: DEX 50, CON 37.
Many a blade has been caught in the net.
Inside house on ground level.
Ranged Weapon, ammunition: Shotgun Shell, damage: 232, requirements: DEX 65, STR 65.
On the roof of a skyscraper, long Jetpack fly.
Heavy Weapon, ammunition: Slugthrower Ammo, damage: 438, requirements: DEX 73, STR 73.
This weapon was found in a grave. There was no sign of the corpse, though.
On the roof of a skyscraper, long Jetpack fly.
One-handed Weapon, damage: 87 (Fire), sockets: 3, requirements: STR 58, CON 39.
When the need for true hero was at its greatest, a simple peasant forged this masterpiece and brought salvation.
In a booth with a control room on medium levels.
Energy Weapon, ammunition: Energy Cells, damage: 222, requirements: DEX 84, INT 61.
Let there be light every time you pull the trigger.
On the roof of Converter.
One-handed Weapon, damage: 258 (Lighting), sockets: 3, requirements: STR 82, DEX 63.
Cuts through bone and sinew as if they were straw.
Underground, in the last room of Skyands Dungeon near Epsilara, on upper level.
Two-handed Weapon, damage: 86, sockets: 3, requirements: STR 63, CON 32.
Hack straight through your enemy.
Inside, Great Axe is standing next to the pillar.
Bow, ammunition: Arrows, damage: 352, requirements: DEX 85, STR 61.
It is said to absorb the souls of its victims.
Location of Phantom Caller Bow in ELEX 2
One-handed Weapon, damage: 150, sockets: 3, requirements: STR 79, CON 42.
A great Morkon has crushed many an enemy with this.
On the ground, among snow and other objects.
Two-handed Weapon, damage: 371, sockets: 3, requirements: STR 100, CON 40.
Has a good weight to it.
In the middle of the lava, at the top of the rock, you must first kill the monsters.
Location of Steam Hammer in ELEX 2
Ranged Weapon, ammunition: Grenades, damage: 298, requirements: DEX 60, STR 60.
Opens not only gates.
Near big steel gate.
Heavy Weapon, ammunition: Rockets, damage: 344, requirements: DEX 68, STR 68.
Good against groups of opponents and very heavily armored enemies.
On the ground on small island.
Two-handed Weapon, damage: 133, sockets: 3, requirements: STR 75, CON 27.
A hammer this big will exert massive force on anything it smashes into, including heads.
On the ground, near chests.
Ranged Weapon, ammunition: Grenades, damage: 578, requirements: DEX 81, STR 81.
Let wrath rain down on your enemies.
On the table
Two-handed Weapon, damage: 335, sockets: 3, requirements: STR 99, CON 54.
One blow, one head shorter.
On a frozen lake, among monsters.
Heavy Weapon, ammunition: Spear, damage: 516, requirements: DEX 78, STR 56.
This thing used to be attached to a ship.
On the ground in open chest.
Shield, damage reduction: 100%, requirements: STR 65, CON 49.
Protection - exacly what a shield is there for.
Underground, in the side room of Skyands Dungeon near Betara.
Location of Guardian Shield
Heavy Weapon, damage: 616, Ammunition: Rockets, requirements: STR 83, DEX 83.
A man can cause a lot of suffering with a little determination. And a rocket launcher.
Underground, in the last room of Skyands Dungeon near DELTARA, on upper level.