ELEX II Map - Magalan South West Part 7/9
South West Magalan Map for ELEX II (7/9)

ELEX II World Map (7/9) South West part of Magalan with locations of Teleporters, Missions, Companions, Trainers, Teachers, Merchants, Traders, Legendary & Unique Weapons, Glasses, Safe Codes and Map Pieces, ELEX II Maps & Walkthrough.
South West Magalan Map for ELEX II (7/9)
POI Mission Starter
Trainers / Teachers
Legendary Weapons
Map Pieces
Other NPCs
STR +1
DEX +1
INT +1
CON +1
CUN +1
+500 EXP
+1 Attr.
+1 Skill
Open Chest
Easy Chest
Medium Chest
Difficult Chest
Key Required
Mission Items
Special Items
Ore Veins
Significant places in the game world are numbered on the map. Each number on the map has its equivalent in the description below the map. The number can mean a specific point in the game, as well as an area or building. The sequence of numbers shows suggested order of visiting locations.
Location for "Eliminate The Troll"
Astrid Ranged Combat, Survival, Trophies Trainer
Talk to Astrid about Troll for "Eliminate The Troll", she will not help you, but she will show you a location in a nearby pond as a Troll's lair.
Astrid buys Leather and Heavy Leather for best price.
Wounded Forest Troll near Astrid's House in the pond, for "Eliminate The Troll".
Every Troll, even a wounded one, is a difficult opponent. You can postpone the completion of this mission until you become stronger. Either way, attack him from a distance and watch out for rocks thrown by him, dodge.
A Gluttonous Monster part of "Eliminate The Troll".
A Gluttonous Monster Mission Walkthrough
The Wounded troll will no longer cause any problems.
For "Eliminate the pursuer" / "Tilas' Apprentice".
Sid is also looking for Tilas' Apprentice, talk to him.
💬 "What if it did?"
💬 "What did Marvin ..."
💬 "What's so bad about that?"
💬 "I don't like ..." Caja likes that.
💬 "About Marvin ..."
💬 "I won't let ..." Caja likes that.
Destruction Decreased
💬 "How much will it cost ..." Caja likes that.
Destruction Decreased Greatly
💬 "Do you have a dead wish?"
Eliminate The Pursuer part of "Tilas' Apprentice".
Eliminate The Pursuer Mission Walkthrough
I met a Berserker named Marwin. He says an Outlaw's chasing him. He won't leave his hiding place until the Outlaw's been dealt with.
For "Kill the Biters!" / "Tilas' Apprentice".
You see Marwin fighting with Biters, kill the monsters so as not to hurt Marwin.
Marwin talk to him.
Marwin is lost Tilas' Apprentice.
Go to his camp nearby and talk to him.
💬 "You want me to come?" Caja likes that.
Destruction Decreased
Kill The Biters! part of "Tilas' Apprentice".
Kill The Biters! Mission Walkthrough
Marwin the Berserker is fighting some bitters. I should help before they eat him.
Marwin will return to The Fort on his own and you will return to Tilas.
For "Unique Trophies" / "The Weapon Of An Artist"
Old Prickleback kill 2 for mission.
Dense Bones x2
For "Unique Trophies" / "The Weapon Of An Artist"
Old Critter kill 2 for mission.
Acid Poison Sac x2
Ahran talk to him.
Broken Trap
The young Berserker Ahran is working on developing monster traps but so far can't get them to work. He needs help killing the monsters that have gathered around the malfunctioning traps.
The Magalan world of ELEX II has a network of 47 teleporters. You have to activate each of the teleporters before you can use it. To activate a teleporter, you must find him and reach him on foot. Then you will be able to fast travel between any two activated teleports. Solving Map Pieces Puzzle will give you location of all Teleporters. Teleporters Location Map
There are 7 potential companions in ELEX 2: Crony U4, Caja, Nasty, Fox, Falk, Nyra and Bully. Companions are friendly NPCs that you can meet on your journey through the world of ELEX II and join your party. Companions in Elex 2.
There are no Companions to be recruited in South West Magalan.
There are several types Trainers / Teachers in ELEX II, they are located mainly in faction settlements and in the Bastion. Trainers Location Map
Berserker, Protection Trainer / Teacher
Gunsmithing, Mining Trainer / Teacher
Build Weapons, Gemstone Socket, Create Ammunition, Build Grenades, Mining.
Social Trainer / Teacher
Haggler, Cheaplearning.
Melee Combat, Heavy Weapons Trainer / Teacher
Melee Weapons, Melee Weapons Specialist, Backstab, Grenades, Heavy Weapons, Heavy Weapons Specialist.
Locks, Thievery, Hacking, Empathy Trainer / Teacher
He is not there initially, he can appear during the "Baxter's Propaganda" mission. If you choose the Berserkers over the Claws later in game, you will lost him.
Melee Combat, Heavy Weapons, Health, Stamina, Survival Trainer / Teacher
Health, Metabolism, Chemistry Trainer / Teacher
Strong Potions, Good Eater, Extra Hitpoints, Health Regeneration, Chemistry.
Protection, Stamina, Gunsmithing Trainer / Teacher
Armor, Resist All, Stamina, Stamina Regeneration, Build Weapons, Gemstone Socket, Create Ammunition, Build Grenades.
Ranged Combat, Survival, Trophies Trainer / Teacher
Ranged Weapons, Ranged Weapons Specialist, Energy Master, Powder Master, Projectile Master, Sixth Sense, Lone Wolf, Animal Trophies.
Merchants & Traders are like shops where you can buy and sell weapons, armor and equipment. Merchants are located mainly in faction settlements and in the Bastion. Not all potential trader NPCs will want to trade with you when you first meet them. Many of the Traders will require you to complete a mission. There are also traveling traders located outside the cities. Merchants Location Map
There are no Merchants in South West Magalan.
In the world of ELEX II, you can find or obtain 29 special, unique or legendary weapons that are significantly better than the commonly available ones. Legendary & Unique Weapons
One-handed Weapon, damage: 87 (Fire), sockets: 3, requirements: STR 58, CON 39.
When the need for true hero was at its greatest, a simple peasant forged this masterpiece and brought salvation.
In a booth with a control room on medium levels.
Energy Weapon, ammunition: Energy Cells, damage: 222, requirements: DEX 84, INT 61.
Let there be light every time you pull the trigger.
On the roof of Converter.
One-handed Weapon, damage: 258 (Lighting), sockets: 3, requirements: STR 82, DEX 63.
Cuts through bone and sinew as if they were straw.
Underground, in the last room of Skyands Dungeon near Epsilara, on upper level.
Two-handed Weapon, damage: 86, sockets: 3, requirements: STR 63, CON 32.
Hack straight through your enemy.
Inside, Great Axe is standing next to the pillar.
The world of Elex II offers you a variety of glasses to suit any occasion and offer a variety of extra skills. You just need to find them. Glasses Location
I can see living things better with these glasses.
It shows monsters on the radar.
In a destroyed chest on the ground among other items
Safes require a 4 digit code to be opened.
Code: 2057. Inside hut.
Code: 8472. Near pillar, inside base.
Code: 3457. Inside house.
Code: 7153.
Code: 2847.
Code: 3708. In a booth with a control room on medium levels.
Code: 3871. Inside shuck, above ground.
Code: 4017. Inside house, on first floor.
Code: 9864.
Code: 6905.
Old Safe, Code: 4725. For Mission
Code: 9310.
Code: 6214. Upstairs.
There are 16 Map Pieces scattered around the Magalan world in ELEX II. If you find all the map fragments and put them together, you will learn the safe's location and the safe code. The cache contains a device that shows the location of all Teleporters in Magalan. Map Pieces Location Map
Inside the bridge pillar.
Location of Map Piece 01 in ELEX 2
Inside on the bed..
Location of Map Piece 02 in ELEX 2