ELEX II Traders Location Map
Map for ELEX II with location of Merchants

ELEX II Map with location of Traders & Merchants in Magalan, ELEX II Maps & Walkthrough.
Map for ELEX II with location of Merchants
Merchants & Traders are like shops where you can buy and sell weapons, armor and equipment. Merchants are located mainly in faction settlements and in the Bastion.
Not all potential trader NPCs will want to trade with you when you first meet them. Many of the Traders will require you to complete a mission.
There are also traveling traders located outside the cities.
Merchant / Trader
Recipes & Blueprint, Lockpicks, Jet Pack, Materials, One-Handes Weapons, Armor, Potions, Ammunition, Plants.
Location: [008] - After "A Commander For The New Troops" Smith will move to Bastion.
Merchant / Trader
Lockpicks, Ammunition, Armor, Recipes & Blueprint, Bastion Decor, Potions, Fuel, Materials
After you done missions "Handyman Wanted".
Merchant / Trader
Food, Potions, Ammunition, Recipes & Blueprint, Trophies
Merchant / Trader
Food, Recipes & Blueprint
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Modifiers, Materials, Recipes & Blueprint, Fuel
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Junk
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Ammunition, Fuel
Merchant / Trader
Recipes & Blueprint, Food
Merchant / Trader
Recipes & Blueprint, Potions
Merchant / Trader
Merchant / Trader
Merchant / Trader
Armor, Weapons, Fuel
Merchant / Trader
Potions, Food, Materials, Plants, Recipes & Blueprint.
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Armor, Tool/Key, Recipes & Blueprint, Fuel.
Merchant / Trader
Food, Recipes & Blueprint
Merchant / Trader
Armor, Ammunition, Weapons, Fuel, Potions
Merchant / Trader - From time to time, a Traveling Merchant passes through the gate of Fort.
Recipes & Blueprint, Armor, Ammunition, Weapons, Materials, Potions
Merchant / Trader
Armor, Fuel, Elex, Junk
Merchant / Trader - After Tengis Trade Permit
One Handed, Two Handed, Ammunition, Junk
Merchant / Trader
Armor, Food, Fuel
Merchant / Trader
After Mission.
Stims, Elex
Merchant / Trader
Food, Potions
Merchant / Trader
Armor, Recipes & Blueprint, Ammunition, Fuel
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Junk
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Ammunition
Merchant / Trader
Amulet, Materials, Gems, Recipes & Blueprint, Fuel, Ammunition
Merchant / Trader
Armor, Recipes & Blueprint, Potions, Fuel x2
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Junk
Merchant / Trader
Merchant / Trader
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Armor
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Junk
Merchant / Trader
Materials, other
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Ammunition, Lockpicks, Junk
Merchant / Trader
Ammunition, Potions
Merchant / Trader
Ammunition, Elex, Fuel
Merchant / Trader
Food, Potions
Merchant / Trader
Armor, Materials, Crystals, Gems, Fuel, Junk
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Ammunition, Sunglasses, Fuel, Elex
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Crystals, Recipes & Blueprint, Potions, Elex, Fuel
Merchant / Trader
Weapons, Ammunition, Junk
Merchant / Trader
Elex, Dark Elex, Recipes & Blueprint, Potions - you need permission.