Mission Description
Mission Type: Tavar Mission
Mission Name: Confront Raik
Mission Giver: Curtis
Mission Start: In 027 at SC Magalan Map
Mission Walkthrough
"Raik's Enforcer won't be causing any more problems. Now I have to deal with Raik."
Part of "Incompetent Workers" / "Raik's Solution" / "Duel With Curtis".
During "Raik's Solution", Raik put thug Curtis on you, you beat him, now its time to find Raik again.
Raik is near. Go talk to him.
💬 "I newer wanna see you again."

Destruction Decreased
+200 EXP
(The End)
Mission Name | Giver | Map | Loc | Walkthrough |
6 Thorhilds's Cultivators | Thorhild | SC | 021 | Walkthrough |
6.1 Tools for the Cultivators | Thorhild | SC | 021 | Walkthrough |
6.1.1 Iron for Tools | Lasse | SC | 024 | Walkthrough |
6.2 Incompetent Workers | Thorhild | SC | 021 | Walkthrough |
6.2.1 Raik's Solution | Raik | SC | 027 | Walkthrough | Duel with Curtis | Curtis | SC | 027 | Walkthrough | Confront Raik | Curtis | SC | 027 | Walkthrough |
Check other Missions in ELEX II on ELEX 2 Missions.
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